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con't... (message board 91)

Name:   Sailorjohn
Address:    USA
Date:   30 July 2009


Boy you are so DEE DEE DEE to make this statement.

"President Obama is a friend of the poor people in the world. You can see his policies in America are for pro- poor Americans who suffered under the management of the same corrupt white Americans. If not for President Obama, America today will become a third world country. Imagine if more than half of Americans do not have money. At least here in the Philippines, we can eat Kamote. President Obama saved the American economy which is already back to normal and even growing. The stupid Republican white Americans kept on criticizing and even are praying that President Obama fails his presidency just because he is not a white American President"

First, the American economy is NOT, repeat NOT back on track and it is not growing. The unemployment rate is still going up. People are still getting laid off and the housing market down right sucks.

YOU my friend need to stop smoking whatever it is as it just makes you more stupid when you post. King Obama is trying his best and time will tell if HE is making a difference for the good of America.

For you to try to make a few off the wall remarks about our political system with regards to the Republicans again shows me and others you have no clue on what you are talking about. If YOU and those for whom voted for the King have put all your money on him, lets see in 18 or so months how HE has done. I would bet that you will come broke and pennyless.

Mark my words. If the economy has not improved, the unemployment rate is still high, there are no new jobs out there, the housing market does not rebound, more problems with banking, I would bet that during the mid-term elections, the people (both Demos and Republicans) will pull out from under the King his supporters in Congress and the House and bring back more Republicans.

I can tell you this Sankay, take a look at the "Peanut President" the people voted for in the mid 70's. He wanted to make change and all HE did was screw up America even more. The King will be the next DEMO who fails to fix the problems in America. All the King is is a Used Car Saleman that can talk a good story.

Lastly, Republicans are not just WHITE. Get a clue Sankay before you open your mouth and someone sticks their foot in it. Your comment seemed racist to me in that YOU think that ALL Republicans are white.

To date, the King has done NOTHING to turn the problems in America around. NOTHING. He has for sure spent money that my great great grand children will be paying for. The markets daily show NO improvements on Wall Street. Even if they gain a few points, the King opens his mouth and the dow again falls backwards. If you think HE has done something to change America, please provide a specific example and provide actual facts, not word of mouth.

Lastly, in your thinking that the King will tell GMA that her Gov't is a mess, corrupt, and so on and so on. That my be true, but I can tell you that I think he, the King will not increase any monies to the Philippines until the "People" vote in a clean Gov't. I for one will never see a clean Gov't in the Philippines.

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Name:   Sailorjohn
Address:   USA
Date:   30 July 2009

Domingo de Ramos

I do not agree with your thinking and I am sure those older Filipinos who actually lived during the Japanese occupation would agree with you. I would say by this type of thinking on your part, you are young and fail to listen to your elders who actually lived in those times under Japanese rule.

WHO may I ask in your opinion made these "corrupt politicians and those families"?

Please don't sit there and tell me that the Americans are the ones that FORCED each and every Filipino at every election since WWII to vote these people into power.

Here is a great example of an attitude that is killing the Philippines.

"Right now, under the American influence, these endangered species have grow, and flourished instead, and monopolized everything to themselves from running the government to selection of beautiful ladies in our community. I just hope they all limit their greed to getting choice government positions, but getting the beautiful ladies for themselves is unbearable. Hohoho!!!"

YOU my friend have the power to make change. You and every FIlipino who is old enough to VOTE has the power to make change. But sadly there are NO true CLEAN Filipinos who will work for the people and the Philippines that will NOT take any graft, gifts, etc. It is this attitude that needs to be changed.

STOP pointing the finger and take a look into the mirror. WHO is to blame?

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Name:   Langyaw
Date:   07-30-09

I agree to what Sailorjohn was trying to emphasize. Blaming the US, Japan, Spain, etc. will just put more wrinkles to our face. Past is past. Let us now move on and leave the horrors in the past bury. We cannot deny what happened to our fellow Filipinos who struggled to live the 'normal' lives years ago, yes, that's history, but please let us move on and make positive changes for a better country. We are still hoping that things will change…through our own efforts.

It's heartbreaking to see families including infants in hunger while government officials lavish on food, hotel and leisure activities while in conventions, seminars to the expense of people's money. Is there CONSCIENCE in their heads? One good example is Mila Tan who is EXTREMELY CORRUPT. Can anyone post what good she has done to the people of Samar? When Sharee Tan, her daughter, was delivering a speech in one of her campaigns/meeting de avance for Congressional post, she mentioned about the other party talking about her boobjob. She was saying her boobs are 'orig'. What has got it do with the Congress? That topic is very unethical and very unprofessional to tell the whole barangay, whoever made her speech is stupid.

I know there are more qualified and honest people who could represent the people of Samar, but are reluctant to join politics because it is swarmed by corrupt government officials. What we all need is a brave, honest and a person with mission and action to clean the Provincial capitol down to the barangay. Salamat po.

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Name:   Sailorjohn
Address:   USA
Date:   29 July 2009


I can understand your frustrations with Sankay and his non-stop anger and hatred towards the US and Americans. You should maybe take the time and go to the discussion section and take a look at the posts he and Agidaw post.

I will say this, I can not agree with nor disagree with anyone that has anger in them from something that has happened in their lives. For example, if a drunk driver killed a family member, then I can understand their anger. But the attitudes of these two (Sankay and Agidaw alias AW AW), it just never ends. There are a few Pinoys on here from both the Philippines and US that stand up to these two winners.

It's this type of attitude(s) that are killing the youth of the Philippines IMHO. It is killing the Philippines from advancing and catching up to the rest of Asia. When we try to explain this to them, they just don't get the point nor do they understand. They (Sankay and AW AW) continue to refuse to change for the better. If they just used maybe 50% of their energy that is used for this anger to be positive, how many things could be better.

What really is sad IMHO (in my humble opinion) is that this attitude is being passed onto their own children. This attitude is then passed onto their children. It NEVER ENDS. The cycle of anger continues and I for one DO NOT see it ever ending. A good example could be for those Americans who had so much hatred towards the Japanese during and after WWII. As those years went by, more and more of these Americans started to change their attitudes when they met their former enemy and talked about the war. Time heals all wounds as they say.

I have said this before and I will keep saying it until some day someone will wakes up and say, that's a good plan. It is time for the poor Filipinos to take a stand and stand up for what they believe in and the desires and wants for their families and their country. If they really want a Gov't for the people that will actually work to help the people, with NO GRAFT, GREED, then it is time to actually use their vote for the right people. STOP taking the money each and every election and vote with your mind rather then throwing your vote away.

I understand the reasons why the poor take the money for their vote. I understand that family must come first and a lousy 500php can feed them for maybe a week or so. The way I see it is this. YOU can not have it both ways. You can not take the money and waste your vote, then turn around and bitch about who is in the LGO, the Governor, or the President for failing to take care of the people of the Philippines.

Graft and greed is killing the Philippines and is making life harder each and everyday for the people of the Philippines. If the people continue to take the money, then it will NEVER change. Stop taking the money and see how fast these GRAFTERS and RICH change or leave the Philippines.

Now for those that can see here, I did not mention the US nor Americans in this posting until now. These two winners keep saying that it is the US and Americans fault for the problems of the Philippines today. It is time for them and ALL Filipinos to take a look in the mirror and ask themselves one question. WHAT CAN I DO TODAY TO MAKE THE PHILIPPINES A BETTER PLACE FOR ME AND MY FAMILY?

In closing, some might get the impression I am just some Kano who sits back in the good old US and talks out of his rear end. Yes I am in the US, but I am not talking out of my rear end. I have been going to the Philippines since 1976 when Marcos was in power. I have been to Samar, Leyte many times and have seen up front the lives of the poor Filipino. I have seen how hard it is to put food on the table for large families. I see how many children drop out of school before they complete the sixth grade if that. I see children from ages 7 and above working their rear ends off to help the family. These kids DO NOT have a childhood like most kids do around the world. This to me reflects on those adult Filipinos who FAIL to do what is right for their own family and their country. This does not reflect on how the US or Americans are involved.

Both of these two winners will continue to point the finger at the US for every problem that comes up. Next it will be the fault of the US for the lack of sun, maybe it will the lack of sperm in their chickens, or that the fish have all gone away because of the dynamite fishing. WHATEVER!

To my friends in the Philippines, please stop wasting your energy on anger, put it to good use daily to make life better for your family in a positive way. Teach your children the difference of right and wrong. Make them complete school and to go onto college if all possible. This will eventually make life better for the family and over all the Philippines.

Thank you.

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Name:   Kelguy
Address:   Leyte, Philippines
Date:   28 July 2009

In response to this post:

Name: Domingo de Ramos
Address: Catarman, N. Samar
Date: July 26, 2009

I think our country today, could have been prosperous, if the Americans had not liberated us from the Japanese Occupation.

Can you please describe what would be different? (I.e. Speaking another foreign Language / Business ownership that was 100 percent Japanese. etc. Emperor of Japan / Maoist style justice et al)

All our endangered species of corrupt politicians and families could have been extinct now, due to "Hara Kiri" mandatory practice of committing suicide encouraged by the Japanese for corrupt officials.

And for all of those that did not resign all of their self and human rights even if they were just honest citizens they more than likely would have faced a fate similar to the "Bataan Death March."

Right now, under the American influence, these endangered species have grow, and flourished instead, and monopolized everything to themselves from running the government to selection of beautiful ladies in our community.

I take it you have not studied the protectional Constitutions of the Philippines:



There are links to all 5 of them.

1935: http://www.chanrobles.com/1935constitutionofthephilippines.htm

1943: http://www.chanrobles.com/1943constitutionofthephilippines.html

And I note this passage

Section 1. All agricultural timber, and mineral lands of the public domain, waters, minerals, coal, petroleum, and other mineral oils, all forces of potential energy and other natural resources of the Philippines belong to the State, and their disposition, exploitation, development, or utilization shall be limited to citizens of the Philippines or to corporations or associations at least sixty per centum of the capital of which is owned by such citizens, subject to any existing right, grant, lease, or concession at the time of the inauguration of the Government established under this Constitution. Natural resources, with the exception of public agricultural land, shall not be alienated, and no license, concession, or lease for the exploitation, development, or utilization of any of the natural resources shall be granted for a period exceeding twenty-five years, renewable for another twenty-five years, except as to water rights for irrigation, water supply, fisheries, or industrial uses other than the development of water power, in which cases beneficial use may be the measure and limit of the grant.

1973: http://www.chanrobles.com/1973constitutionofthephilippines.htm

The National Economy and the Patrimony of the Nation

Section 1. The National Assembly shall establish a National Economic and Development Authority, to be headed by the Prime Minister, which shall recommend to the National Assembly, after consultation with the private sector, local government units, and other appropriate public agencies, continuing, coordinated, and fully integrated social and economic plans and programs.

Section 2. The State shall regulate or prohibit private monopolies when the public interest so requires. No combinations in restraint of trade or unfair competition shall be allowed.

Section 3. The National Assembly shall, upon recommendation of the National Economic and Development Authority, reserve to citizens of the Philippines or to corporations or associations wholly owned by such citizens, certain traditional areas of investments when the national interest so dictates.

Section 4. The National Assembly shall not, except by general law, provide for the formation, organization, or regulation of private corporations, unless such corporations are owned or controlled by the government or any subdivision or instrumentality thereof.

Section 5. No franchise, certificate, or any other form of authorization for the operation of a public utility shall be granted except to citizens of the Philippines at least sixty per centum of the capital of which is owned by such citizens, nor shall such franchise, certificate, or authorization be exclusive in character or for a longer period then fifty years. Neither shall any such franchise or right be granted except under the condition that it shall be subject to amendment, alteration, or repeal by the National Assembly when the public interest so requires. The State shall encourage equity participation in public utilities by the general public. The participation of foreign investors in the governing body of any public utility enterprise shall be limited to their proportionate share in the capital thereof.

and finally....

1987: http://www.chanrobles.com/philsupremelaw2.html

Section 2. All lands of the public domain, waters, minerals, coal, petroleum, and other mineral oils, all forces of potential energy, fisheries, forests or timber, wildlife, flora and fauna, and other natural resources are owned by the State. With the exception of agricultural lands, all other natural resources shall not be alienated. The exploration, development, and utilization of natural resources shall be under the full control and supervision of the State. The State may directly undertake such activities, or it may enter into co-production, joint venture, or production-sharing agreements with Filipino citizens, or corporations or associations at least sixty per centum of whose capital is owned by such citizens. Such agreements may be for a period not exceeding twenty-five years, renewable for not more than twenty-five years, and under such terms and conditions as may be provided by law. In cases of water rights for irrigation, water supply fisheries, or industrial uses other than the development of water power, beneficial use may be the measure and limit of the grant.

I just hope they all limit their greed to getting choice government positions, but getting the beautiful ladies for themselves is unbearable. Hohoho!!!

Please don't take this as any form of verbal / text abuse. I just disagree with your logic. I could go through all of the Constitutions and demonstrate where it is our Government, elected or appointed officials, along with the Laws that have been generated and enacted that have us in the position we are in today. As long as people are willing to vote with their wallets vs. their educated minds, the whole viscious cycle is destined to repeat. When everyone realizes our problems start and end at the ballot box, then and only then will things get better.

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Name:   Solito M. Seludo
Address:   San Pedro, Laguna 4023, Philippines
Email:   sol_sel69@yahoo.com
Date:   july28,2009


Maupay na unta it aton agian mula Kasangan ngadto ha Villa lalo na yana nga magpapatron na nman ha Villa damo it ato nga bisita sana matapos ang ating hiway para umunlad na ang ating bayan muli maupay nga patron ig kasi ko Villahanon.

It’s me Mr. Seludo Solito Mogote han Pacao.

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Name:   Edgar
Address:   Saudi Arabia
Date:   27july09

We differ in our opinions but we all love this place. Let us bury the hatchet and start anew. I know that trust when broken never heals but we must learn to trust again for our and our children's future. It will be hard, but we have to persevere. As "The good always wins". We too also can. Because, we mean good.

We know all the problems. Now, let us find the solutions. Tikangi ta daw. Pag uru-estorya daw kita hin solusyon hini nga aton mga problema.

Any suggestions?

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Name:   Sankay
Address:   Cebu City
Date:   27 July 2009

Let us give a big appreciation to Secretary Cruz, former Defense Secretary for uplifting the awareness against Martial Rule of law in our country. Because of Secretary Cruz, the Philippine Bar Association (PBA) members are in unity against martial rule of which the PBA is a powerful national organization to guard our Filipino freedom. Also, most of the AFP members are not inclined of supporting martial rule. Above all, the Filipinos have heard, watched and debated the demerits of another martial rule in our country. Those who dream of usurping the power of the Filipinos will surely fail and we can sleep tight tonight because tomorrow there will be no martial law again.

Even when we are sure that we Filipinos are diligently guarding our freedoms against another martial law. It is also another level of assurance and security that America will not support such undemocratic and un-American foreign policy of supporting another martial law in our country.

President Obama is truly a friend of the Filipino people. His political intelligence gatherers which are manned by young volunteer Americans of many races including Filipino Americans enabled President Obama to win by a big margin. Not only that he won by a landslide, he also gathered almost a billion dollars in contribution which is a historic first in American history. We have a Filipino connection to the White House and President Obama will not support Martial Law in the Philippines. It is our Filipino interest to have a second term for President Obama.

President Gloria Arroyo when she meets with President Obama she will be reminded if not scolded of the human rights violation and massive corruption in our country. Unlike the previous white American Presidents who were friends of the rich and powerful and corrupt, President Obama is a friend of the poor people in the world. You can see his policies in America are for pro- poor Americans who suffered under the management of the same corrupt white Americans. If not for President Obama, America today will become a third world country. Imagine if more than half of Americans do not have money. At least here in the Philippines, we can eat Kamote. President Obama saved the American economy which is already back to normal and even growing. The stupid Republican white Americans kept on criticizing and even are praying that President Obama fails his presidency just because he is not a white American President.

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Name:   Domingo de Ramos
Address:   Catarman, N. Samar
Date:   July 26, 2009

I think our country today, could have been prosperous, if the Americans had not liberated us from the Japanese Occupation.

All our endangered species of corrupt politicians and families could have been extinct now, due to "Hara Kiri" mandatory practice of committing suicide encouraged by the Japanese for corrupt officials.

Right now, under the American influence, these endangered species have grow, and flourished instead, and monopolized everything to themselves from running the government to selection of beautiful ladies in our community. I just hope they all limit their greed to getting choice government positions, but getting the beautiful ladies for themselves is unbearable. Hohoho!!!

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Name:   Sailorjohn
Address:   USA
Date:   26 July 2009


I hope you are true to your word "I love the American people also".

I can appreciate and understand your attitude in regards to "What I do not like is THE AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY towards our country".

In your own words, what is the American Foreign Police for the Philippines? Can you be more specific in your comments vice throwing out words. Be more specific.

Now in regards to the Americans using the Philippines TODAY to "propel it's military might in the Pacific Region". How are we doing that may I ask. Again, be more specific please.

The US does not have any more bases in the Philippines. We have some military down south at the request of YOUR own GMA to assist and train. We have yearly exercises with the Philippine military for training on both sides as agreed upon by a past President of the Philippines.

We have agreements to help and defend the Philippines when requested.

How has the American Foreign Policy abandoned the Philippines and it's people? Please explain with facts, not more off the wall comments.

As for the Filipino WWII Vets being compensated. I am some what pissed off that it took so long to get this right. But please, don't give King Obama the credit for getting this done. Give the credit to those in Congress that have been fighting for this for many many years. The King was just there at the right time.

As for this comment, which Filipino's have been beheaded and when?

"Today, Filipinos are being beheaded so that one precious American can be saved from terrorism. And still, American administrators do not know who the Filipinos are."

As for this comment, again you are going back in history to try and make a point. What happened in the past is just that, PAST history.

"If they know who we are, then we should get considerable economic aid just like what American gave during the cold war era to the following countries: Greece 1.1 billion every year, Turkey, 1 billion every year, Spain 1.2 billion every year. South Korea, at least 2 billion every year. Philippines, 400 million given to President Marcos every year. This is the amount Filipinos received until Marcos was ousted. Philippines had the largest American military presence in the world dwarfing all other American beneficiaries yet we only get 300 million."

"Today, we are not getting any but we are still drawing more blood and heads to save precious Americans."

Facts please, only the facts. Where and when is blood being wasted for an American? Please inform us of the What, Where, and When this is happening.

Now if by chance you will bring up the 10 Filipinos who died in the helo crash last week in Afgan, I do believe they were there illegally by avoiding the rules and policy set up by your own Gov't.

I think you bring up some good information to discuss, but you fail to provide actual facts to back up those comments.

If you are truely upset with THE AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY, then maybe it is time for the Filipino to actually vote for someone who may be able to gain the ear of the King Obama vice taking the payoffs for their vote each election.

YOU only get what YOU vote for and if that is a person who steals, lies, covers up, is a "grafter", and the list goes on, then YOU and the people of the Philippines will continue to live in a country that is not advancing compared to other Asian Countries.

In closing, as I have said before, I have more love of the Philippines then my own country. I love the culture and its people. But I do have a problem with those very few who try to put forth false lies, statements, etc. to gain support of those poor Filipinos who do not have an education. To get them to hate the US and Americans so they can prolong the fight and problems with in the Philippines.

In my travels in Samar and Leyte, I have never seen any or heard any hatered towards me out right nor did I see any actions of the same sort. I know that Filipinos for the most part would not openly share their hatred towards me to my face. They may whisper their hatered to those close to them, but face to face.

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Name:   Retiree
Address:   Northern California
Date:   July 26, 2009

Just like Bill W, I'm fed up with this guy Sangkay's non-stop whining and hatred towards America. And he comes up with the notion that the Philippines has done more for America than the latter has for our country? I wonder where he got this idea as I don't seem to understand this equation. Bill W maybe right - just send Guinsankayan to a remote island and let him whine and play the blame game all he wants.

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Name:   Agidaw
Date:   07/25/09

Kahit anong klasing govierno ang ating itayo, its what we are, we blame others, instead of looking on what is the real problem. Parang isang familya yan na nagloloko ang ama, pag uwi niya siya pa ang galit, at kung ang ina nagloloko ring kawawang anak walang knibukasan. Kundi biktima siya ng ama at ina. Wag ka pag may kapit bhay na nagmalasakit yon ang sisihin, kasi naki alam. Bahal na po kayo sa analogy ko sa espeling hindi ho ako nakapag aral mangmang lang po ako. Kaya akala ko pag lupa ng govierno puede akong tumira, sa ilalim ng tulay sa bangketa, sa tabi ng mga government building. Kasi po akala ko ako ang govierno o may karapatan ako. O bahala na kayong dumugong. Sana makatulong tayo. If you have money start a business, make sure hindi sari sari store. Sa iabang bansa o lugar they protect the business interest of their people so that they can survive, dito sa atin bahala ka democrasya ito. No democracy should be with responsibility. Hasta la vista baby.

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Name:   Pantaleon Ayong
Date:   07/25/09

So many nationalist who love our country, we hate US intervention, we welcome Chinese products and help, we send OFW to give our country dollars, and help stabilized our economy.

Ito an akon nihihikit an nga solusyon han aton bungto. Right we always blame others instead of ourselves. First education, we want our children to be neat and clean, yet most of our schools specially the public schools have no restrooms and wash rooms. What kind of engineers we have, yet we are proud to build the structures in the middle east. wow. ngayon ibig ibenta ang ating lupa sa foreign investor o ibininta na. Anong klasing development are we doing. Akala ko ang ating escuelahan tulad ng UP, Ateneo, La Salle, UST, FEU, Adamason, San Beda, St. Paul, St Scholastica and many other good schools, will help our country develop. Mabute pa sa ilalim ng tulay o recto madaling maka graduate name it you have it. Labas agad sa pinas.

We see the problems but we are blind, we have suma cum laude, yet we can't give solution to our problem of our country. Dapat kasi. ang tanong what is the solution for our country, and what is right for our country. Hindi kung sino ang tama. We fail mesirable sa ethical standard as a government employee and as people. Ako ibig kung tumulong sa ating bansa, kahit clerk lang ako at driver. I can see the problem, government pudding, 15 30, and projects na ninanakawan instead of finishing it. Sa ating mga bahay, ibig natin puro libre o give away. Yan an mentality ng welfare state. How about let us help its other, let us start to build our own business, corp. coops. Or how about develop our own barangay, towns, and province. Evaluate every projects in our locality especially water system, agriculture, and small scale industry, tourism AND FAITH IN GOD. PRAY AND WORK. Priest can help guide the family they are spiritual adviser. They won't take advantage of women, of your contribution to the church. They will help assist the locality together with your mayor and politician build our country. Amen.

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Name:   Tonyboy Morales
Date:   24 Jul 2009

On Bill W's suggestion for Sankay to leave Samar and live somewhere else:

I think the easiest thing to do when facing a problem is to escape from it. To some people, facing one's problem head on is like committing a suicide. Well, it is hard to face the problem if the problem is your face says the popular cliche'.

The suggestion of Bill (not Clinton) and W (not Bush) for Sankay to leave his native land and seek his fortune somewhere else is worth scrutinizing. I wish not to pass judgment on people leaving their homeland to try their luck somewhere else. In fact, I consider them courageous enough to leave their families and their comfort zones to places oftentimes hostile to the mere color of their skins or to the fact that they are foreigners in a land far from home. In fact, the Philippine economy is floating amidst the economic challenges of our times is not due to the brilliance of our leaders but the consistent and faithful dollar remittances of OFWs scattered in all corners of the world. Some say that the filipinos in diaspora are the saving grace of our nation, I agree.

What I do not agree with the suggestion of Bill W that leaving Samar is the absolute solution or the only solution to the numerous problems besetting Sankay. Leaving Samar will never solve the problems of Samar nor of Sankay. The reason why we have allowed Mila Tan, a person who does not even know how to speak Waray to govern our land, is partly because able and bright Samarnons have found their comfort zones somewhere else leaving behind in Samar those who could easily accept Mila's dole outs as mannas from heaven. Many samarnons have totally lost hope for their homeland. They have simply abandoned their dreams for their beloved Samar. There are so many samarnons living their dreams somewhere else because Samar's field is not a conducive place to dream big dreams or to realize youthful dreams.

To me, forcing Sankay to go on an exile is not only tacky on the part of Bill W who is I believe living his dream in the land of Walt Disney in Florida, USA where "you could wish upon a star and where someday your dreams will come true." Just because the atmosphere in Samar is unbearable does not mean that it is time to abandon the place so vultures and hyenas could devour it. I still think that there are Samarnons who are still trying to stoke the fire of their dreams for a progressive and beautiful Samar.

In the same manner, just because Bill W doesn't like Barack Obama as president of the US that he can now pack his things and go to Australia or Canada. Bill W, you are lucky to be in a land of plenty and opportunity but please do not impose you myopic view of things on other people. Also, please accept the reality that the policies of Bush 43 did not sit well not only with Americans, as shown in the massive defeat of the McCain-Palin team, but with the entire world, as shown in the lack of international support for the Iraq war. The recent collapse of Wall Street only shows that the US economy is not that invincible. The buzz word is no longer imperialism but interdependence of big and small nations. And, I'd like to think that Obama was not elected by "welfare recipients" alone. George W. Bush actually did so good a job to have him elected president. If not for GW, Obama could just be a lowly senator from Illinois.

So, in closing, I'd like to think that Bill W is just lamenting the loss of the Republicans even in his home state of Florida but his leave and live somewhere else advice is not only unfair to Sankay but also simply irresponsible.

If he insists that Sankay leave Samar, I would insist that he leave the US for the same reasons that he articulated against Sankay.

Another episode of the langaw and carabao analogy, bow.

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Name:   Sailorjohn
Address:   USA
Date:  21 July 2009

Thank you to the following for adding some input from those that don't agree with those that continue with the hatred towards Americans or the US.

Thank you Lagataw, Taga-Sulug, and Kumpadre Kulas for your comments.

I know that there is a bigger percentage of Filipinos who like Americans compared to those that don't.

For me as I said, I am so tired of the hatered and finger pointing. Sometimes it takes a real man to take a look in the mirror to see where the real problem is. Taking the easy way out by pointing a finger at someone else is too easy for them.

I am not proud of some of the things that have been done in history by America, but this is still my country and I will continue to love it and support it. The same holds true with those Filipinos who love their country no matter what happened in the past.

I wonder if these Filipinos who continue to spread their hatered for anything American will ever change. I see it has a virus that is worse then the H1N1 as it just continues to kill the youth in the Philippines with all this hate. It kills their motivation to succeed in life to make themselves better.

Until this virus is killed, nothing will ever change for the youth of today in the Philippines.

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Name:   Sankay
Address:   Cebu City
Date:   20 July 2009

To all who are American Lovers

I am happy for you and so as myself, I love the American people also. What I do not like is THE AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY towards our country. The Filipino people and our own territory have helped the Americans in times of American crisis from WWII to the present war on terror. Filipinos have died, bleed and beheaded for the benefit of the Americans people. Our territory has and is being used by American to propel is military might here in the pacific region even today.

But American foreign policy administrators abandoned the Philippines and the Filipino people. Only until now under President Obama our Filipino American WWII veterans have been compensated which is exactly 63 years late. Many white American senators who benefited from the Filipino contribution to American, did not even know where the Philippines is and who the Filipinos are; so time after times these senators voted against benefits for the Filipinos.

Today, Filipinos are being beheaded so that one precious American can be saved from terrorism. And still, American administrators do not know who the Filipinos are. If they know who we are, then we should get considerable economic aid just like what American gave during the cold war era to the following countries: Greece 1.1 billion every year, Turkey, 1 billion every year, Spain 1.2 billion every year. South Korea, at least 2 billion every year. Philippines, 400 million given to President Marcos every year. This is the amount Filipinos received until Marcos was ousted. Philippines had the largest American military presence in the world dwarfing all other American beneficiaries yet we only get 300 million.

Today, we are not getting any but we are still drawing more blood and heads to save precious Americans.

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Name:   kelguy
Address:   Leyte, Philippines
Date:  20 July 2009

I have in the past refrained from joining the message board. This is my debut post. Having said that and been in and around Region 8 since 1977 I have observed a great deal of what exactly takes place within the Region. Let me just say that repeatedly what I see is that our government has repeatedly not been working for us. We see it in poor infrastructure and roads. Insurgent attacks on the AFP and PNP. The out right theft of government resources. Poor education with very high drop out rates. Elections that are not determined by the will of the people, but by the amount of pesos one can get for their vote. Or should I say take for voting. People will sell their moral and political souls for a mere P20 for a kagawad vote. It shows up in the form of the non availability of P20, P50, and P100 bills at the Banks each and every election! These topics are just a drop in the bucket that make up or paint our current day environment.

Personally I do see a few good things like roads that are finally after 30 plus years that are getting fixed. Also the Rural Electrification Program. Additionally the farm to market roads. CARP on the other hand has failed miserably and many of those that are claiming land can not back up their claims via something as simple as a tax declaration. I am a land owner and have gone through the headaches of those claims all of which were false and proven as such. The experience of getting a legal land title that involved 9 courts (payola), DENR LAMP PMO (more payola) still leaves me with less than honorable thoughts about those in government and the court system. Then there is a simple case of qualified theft that happened 22 Jan 2008 that has yet to see resolution in the court system now because I refuse to pay the Judge or the Lawyers to move the case along.

We can look back to the days of Kokoy and his 35 percent kotong on EVERY DPWH project yet the family is still holding the Mayoral seat in Tacloban and a COngressional seat in Leyte. They have spent millions of pesos on Market buildings, a new passenger terminal with rent able stalls that are far above the norm as far as rental costs and the Tacloban Dome that is so small that it can never make money if a high cost performance is at the site due to the small size of the Dome.

Then there is the issue of Tacloban becoming an HUC at the 30 million peso promotional expense last December 18, 2008. Now business and property owners are crying the blues because their taxes and permit fees went up. Of course Tacloban City government points the finger to the Regional Government when it comes to finances but due to them being an HUC the no longer qualify for that funding.

Again the list could go on and on but the bottom line is until people stop voting with their mere token pesos for those votes we are destined to stay in the colonial/feudal environment for what could be decades more. People know what the issues are and to this day tolerate incompetence at all levels of government. The real solution is a purging of the unscrupulous dynasties with people that will really represents the people vs. work for 3 years to pay back what they owe in IOUs from the last election.

We even have 2 governments in Samar... a revolutionary one above the law and our so called elected or appointed government which at the moment seems to have many members that are also above the law. The time to wake up and fix this mess that is wearing upon us is NOW. The real question is, are most of us ready to implement that fix?

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Name:   Tonyboy Morales
Date:   07/19/09

I got this from www.countrystudies.us/philippines:

Economic Relations with the United States

If the inauguration of the Commonwealth of the Philippines in November 1935 marked the high point of Philippine-United States relations, the actual achievement of independence was in many ways a disillusioning anticlimax. Economic relations remained the most salient issue. The Philippine economy remained highly dependent on United States markets--more dependent, according to United States high commissioner Paul McNutt, than any single state was dependent on the rest of the country. Thus a severance of special relations at independence was unthinkable, and large landowners, particularly those with hectarage in sugar, campaigned for an extension to free trade. The Philippine Trade Act, passed by the United States Congress in 1946 and commonly known as the Bell Act, stipulated that free trade be continued until 1954; thereafter, tariffs would be increased 5 percent annually until full amounts were reached in 1974. Quotas were established for Philippine products both for free trade and tariff periods. At the same time, there would be no restrictions on the entry of United States products to the Philippines, nor would there be Philippine import duties. The Philippine peso was tied at a fixed rate to the United States dollar.

The most controversial provision of the Bell Act was the "parity" clause that granted United States citizens equal economic rights with Filipinos, for example, in the exploitation of natural resources. If parity privileges of individuals or corporations were infringed upon, the president of the United States had the authority to revoke any aspect of the trade agreement. Payment of war damages amounting to US$620 million, as stipulated in the Philippine Rehabilitation Act of 1946, was made contingent on Philippine acceptance of the parity clause.

The Bell Act was approved by the Philippine legislature on July 2, two days before independence. The parity clause, however, required an amendment relating to the 1935 constitution's thirteenth article, which reserved the exploitation of natural resources for Filipinos. This amendment could be obtained only with the approval of three-quarters of the members of the House and Senate and a plebiscite. The denial of seats in the House to six members of the leftist Democratic Alliance and three Nacionalistas on grounds of fraud and violent campaign tactics during the April 1946 election enabled Roxas to gain legislative approval on September 18. The definition of three-quarters became an issue because three-quarters of the sitting members, not the full House and Senate, had approved the amendment, but the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the administration's interpretation.

In March 1947, a plebiscite on the amendment was held; only 40 percent of the electorate participated, but the majority of those approved the amendment. The Bell Act, particularly the parity clause, was seen by critics as an inexcusable surrender of national sovereignty. The pressure of the sugar barons, particularly those of Roxas's home region of the western Visayan Islands, and other landowner interests, however, was irresistible. In 1955 a revised United States-Philippine Trade Agreement (the Laurel-Langley Agreement) was negotiated. This treaty abolished the United States authority to control the exchange rate of the peso, made parity privileges reciprocal, extended the sugar quota, and extended the time period for the reduction of other quotas and for the progressive application of tariffs on Philippine goods exported to the United States.

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Name:   Bill W.
Address:   Florida, USA
Date:   07/18/2009

I paste and post a comment from SANKAY: "the never- ending American –influence over our Filipino administration is fueling the fire causing more misery and denial of human rights and freedoms. American influence was and still is a nightmare for the Filipinos."

Hey Sankay. You sound just like one of our left wing Bush bashing welfare recipients. Always blaming and pointing your finger at others and never taking responsibility for your own dilemma. What's wrong Sankay? No one here in good old USA sending a fat western union check to you every month. It was the people with attitudes like Sankay that voted Obama as the new president in the USA. People, like him, that think the government should take care of him. If you’re so unhappy Sankay, why don't you leave and live somewhere else.

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Name:   Daphne
Address:   San Andres, Catbalogan, Samar
Date:   July 18, 2009

To all Catbaloganons especially the tax payers,

I know the business sectors of Catbalogan is trying to comply with the Bureau of Internal Revenue...saludo po ako sa RDO officer sa dedication niya towards strict compliance on taxpayers he really sounds like an ideal government employee whom dedicated his life and career sa pagsisilbi sa bayan...Pero sir mayda ka nangangalimtan...HUMILITY because you are doing public service and you are not supposed to make things personal…you deal with taxpayers with sarcasm, sarcastic ba?? you utter a lot of bad words towards anybody whom you feel tax evader tsk ...tsk thats paranoid...others who want to comply would rather stay back and later na lang kasi katakot...you cant' even smile back to anyone who enters your office grabeeee...para lang ba tumaas ang collection under your leadership...well and good para sa bayan ang ginagawa mo...but treat people who come into your office as human beings hindi para ipamukha sa mga taong ito na mga tax evators sila bakit are you really sure??

This is also reminder to others who are in public service...kindly remind yourselves that you are serving the public and you should treat them as humans ...don't act as if you own the agency. I know there are so many rather most of business owners as well as ordinary clerk who came to you who have experienced your attitude...mga buotan gudla an mga Catbaloganon's because they just ignore it but they are really hurt...me am not from here but my hubby is pure Catbaloganon unfortunately sir magkababayan tayo...goodluck na lang po sa next assignment nu.

Am not taking these personally now, like what I've said before I praise your dedication in tax collection...what I condemn is your attitude why are you doing these to ordinary taxpayers...ibahin nu naman strategy nu…even a smile could brighten someone who comes into your office at mas ganahan mag bayad ng tax and magcomply gud...walang personalan.

So much for these...for the last time…speak to people with HUMILITY...you'll never know whats next...bangin makatiming ka hin maungay ha imo...GOD BLESS YOU ANYWAY.

Thank you so much...Catbaloganons since I came here and get to know more of your traditions and cultures I found it here as the best place to settle for good...fresh sea foods accessible hubs and fine places to dine in...the charm of every person I met...the same I way fell for my hubby...miss you...take care of yourself there in Canada.

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Name:   Kumpadre Kulas
Address:   Formerly from Barugo, Leyte
Email:   kulasxxx@aol.com
Date:   July 17, 2009

Just responding to the folks who were badmouthing America.

Well, there's really very little that people from other nation can do to sway America's policy toward their country. See, communities, from the very beginning of the world were ruled by the most powerful individual or tribe - militarily, financially, morally-powerful, to subjugate other tribes or individuals. Subjects may rise over time, but no one knows when it may happen. This is the century of America ... 1000 year-rule and counting. China may overtake in 100 - 200 years, maybe never.

The Philippines, in pre-Marcos time ... the Macapagal, Garcia, Magsaysay era, was the most progressive in Asia. You never heard of Taiwan, S. Korea, Singapore .. these countries were in the backwaters. Then the actor- turned President succeeded in kicking out the bases, which was the second largest employer, behind the gov't. Corruption still persists to this day.

I don't understand: why do people elect individuals who are popularly corrupt, who are criminals, who were indicted, led a coupe d'etat, to gov't offices.

Filipino mentalities haven't evolved. Stagnant. Look at the theme in the movies-same from over 50 years ago...gay characters, yaya's as sidekicks, copycats, non-original whatsoever....

...To Be Continued....

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