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con't... (message board 49)

Name:    Waray Waray
Address:   Samar
Date:    June 20, 2007

The recent orgy to build a shinning city on the hill, based on my curious observation, borders on hubris, pride and prejudice. Many among us rush to turn our towns into cities like a feeding frenzy without seriously considering the equilibrium of benifits and negative aspects of cityhood. Due to hubris, few hungers for a charter change, because of pride, many rush to build a city out of a beautiful existing prosperous town, and out of prejudice, certain circles think it's imperative to live in a city that looks down on other humble towns.

A humble town has less demands on its citizenry in terms of taxes, budget gaps and other basic services a city has to shoulder. Although a city has the potential to prosper beyond possible dreams, its responsibility's enormous, staggering and overwhelming to say the less. It only takes a village to prosper, but it takes a city to decay when it reaches a state of despair due to the burden inherent in a city status.

It's the character of its citizens and honesty of its leaders to build a shinning city on the hill with highways extending from the center to the frontiers like spokes of a wheel. The city of Rome was founded on the dreams of strong leaders and compliant citizenry that must be emulated by those who strong desire to build a city.

Hubris, pride and prejudice do not a shinning city make, but they will lead to perdition, vice and criminality.

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Name:    Laila
Address:   Atlanta, GA
Date:   06.20.07

Hello Nhel. Good for you that you were in section 3... ako section 6. But anyway we're still in the same batch, right? When ka maatend alumni? Here's my fon #256-7143973. Regards!

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Name:   Sonia Lumiares
Date:   20-06-07

Hi Zandie, kanay ka nag hatag hin letter. Kay ako Cajepe liwat mayda ko relatives dida ha Tacloban. Ada hiya natrabaho ha Coca-Cola. Hi Sonia akon ngaran. An akon mother taga Calbayog pero may mga relatives ko nga mga taga Sta. Rita. Bangin kita mag patod.

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Name:   Luz Nacario Cajipe Jackson
Address:    4099 maxanne dr., Kennessaw, Georgia 30144, USA
Date:    6-20-207

Hi Sandra! how are you? Ive read your message, and sorry that I did not answer you right away. Are you the daughter of mano Nonoy Cajipe and mana Macing? Iknow you are in Tacloban working. If you are the one, did you get married? of course, he he he its been a long time since the last time we got together. Say hello to your father and mother and sister, I always see your sister in Sta. Rita. Hello also to your hubby. Miss you all. See you in Sept. ok? love ya all!!!!

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Name:    Tomas Marcial
Address:   Nijaga St., Calbayog City, Samar
Date:    May 19, 2007

Mr. Maglana ayaw kahulop san taxes kay damo an mga Samarnon nga waray babayaran, kay waray ngani trabaho. Pero kon siyudad na madudugngan an aton congressman, ngan budget para ha Samar. What is wrong with that? Ngan an balaod nadamo la an taxes kon an aton gobierno sasaguton ang mga basic needs han katawhan. We need to create jobs and businesses, to generate more funds. Ambot kon pareho kita pananaw, kon an imo pag kita san govierno pareho han red cross o mga Foundations then we are not in the same page.

An govierno nabulig ito para maprotectahan an kada tagsa nga businesses ngan kadatagsa nga katungod. Kon an aton govierno mangangawat la an officiales, may katungod an katawhan pag kuha han ira gahom through special elections, with the petition of the majority of the people. Para ha akon mabuhay an Catbalogan City, Borongan City, ngan kon mauupod an Catarman maupay kunta para magdaradamo an aton mga congressman nga mabulig o manganawat.

But I believe the tide is changing and the people are starting to wake up. Dire matitigda an pagbalhin, pero may ada na signales. If you read it wrong, you have to take few step back, ngan kitaon kon may pag babag-o. AN IYO SANGKAY NGAN BUGTO PARA HA SAMAR.

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Name:   Nhel
Address:    Virginia, USA
Date:   6/19/07

Hi Laila,

Sorry, ngayon lang ako nag check ng samar news. Thank you sa pag sagot mo ng message ko. Section 3 ako noon. Kung puedi can I have your phone # if you don't mind. Malayo pala kami sa Virginia Tech. Siguro mga 2 to 3 hours. Kumosta nalang thanks uli.

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Name:   Mr. W. A. RAY
Address:   Villareal, Samar
Date:   June 19, 2007

Mr. Felipe Maglana Jr.'s litany on the pains of cityhood is now moot. Whatever last attempt he had to ditch and discourage Catbaloganons from resoundingly voting YES to cityhood can now be remembered as a rejoinder in bad taste. While he laments tax woes and high prices of commodities as results of conversion, he fails to point out the good things that are born with cityhood.

Surprisingly, it is the first time I heard that Calbayognons venture to Catbalogan to buy construction materials, spare parts and clothing materials in bulk because they are cheap(?) in Catbalogan. Calbayognons would rather go to Cebu than suffer the inconveniences of traveling through worst highways. Besides, I never believed that Calbayognons will want to reconvert into a municipality after enjoying the status of a chartered city just to "reckon its glory days as a bungto"?

Mayor Mel Sarmiento can never redeem himself from his treacherous act of blocking the cityhood of a well-loved town in Samar (Adoy Masakit, Girlie Grimaldi, Tonyboy Morales et al.) Only Mayor Sarmiento and Mr. Maglana have expressed deep opposition to Catbalogan's bid for cityhood. What they (Mayor Sarmiento and Mr. Maglana) should do is to cranck their brains out and be creative to further increase revenues without resulting to new taxes so that more Calbayognons would appreciate their selfless efforts rather than view them as selfish adventurists. With Mel Sarmiento at the helm in Calbayog City, Catbalogan City can surpass in five years what gains Calbayog City achieved in almost five decades. Catbalogan was by no means a trading capital eversince the Jesuits founded it, Catbaloganons are intrepid traders, truly they will SURVIVE!

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Name:   Girlie Grimaldi
Address:   New York City, New York, USA
Date:  18 June 2007

Congratulations on Catbalogan's cityhood!

Though I'm half a world away, I join my fellow Catbaloganons in celebrating this historic and momentous event. Thanks to Catbalogan Mayor Coefredo "Tekwa" Uy and to the countless people who supported Catbalogan's long-overdue cityhood. Mabuhay, CATBALOGAN CITY!

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Name:   Zandie
Address:   Tacloban City, Leyte 6500
Date:   18 June 2007

Hello. Nakit an ko im e-mail ad ngan ngaran. My name is Zandra Cajife-Melo. Iba it tat spelling hit Cajife but some of my relatives amo ito it ira ka spell. Hope to hear from you.

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Name:    Ben Bong
Address:   Narra St, Barangay 10, Patag, Catbalogan City
Date:   17 Jun 2007

Today, is a historic date for Catbaloganons. This is the day that we will decide our children's future. This is date that we will be economically empowered. I just wish that we, Catbaloganons are politically matured enough to choose wisely for cityhood, because it means attraction of investments, increase employment opportunities and improvement of delivery of basic services as well as infrastructure projects to name a few.

Of course we have the price to pay to progress, but the economic advantages and consequences outweighs these. Some quarters suggest that it may raise taxes and costs of living to achieve these things and I'm afraid this is an unnecessary "evil" in a democracy to effect a higher standard of living, moreover, psychologically Catbaloganons will no longer have second thoughts to tell evryone where you came from, because in some parts of the country, if you come from Samar it connotes a negative perception of what and who you are, economically speaking.

Folks! I believe that we are not that naive not to vote for YES for Catbalogan cityhood. May I congratulate you in advance for voting YES to progress. MABUHAY KITA!!

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Name:    Rex B. Cool
Address:   New Zealand
Date:   June 16, 2007

A Samarnon that is, the Mayor of Calbayog and yet he has the guts to block an economic upbeat of Samar island?

Calbayog had been a city for a long time. What benefit did the whole of Samar get out of it? Obviously, Calbayog has not much to brag as of today since their politicians had been too busy doing other things rather than the expected duties entrusted to them by the people.

Catbalogan and Borongan is in the verge of becoming a city which implies a boast in the economic development of Samarnons either on the West, East and North. Blocking this opportunity can only be pursued by a sick person.

We are talking of the island of Samar and not the island of Calbayog. So my dear Mayor of Calbayog, give Samar a chance!

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Name:   Sonia Lumiares
Address:   Catbalogan
Date:   06-16-07

Nhel ano pala ang complete name mo, tapos anong section ka noong fourth year tayo? Hope naalala mmo pag nag intrams tayo. Hope to hear from you soon.

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Name:    Felipe B. Maglana Jr.
Address:   Calbayog City
Date:   June 15, 2007

Several hours from this posting, Catbaloganons will go to the polls to say YES to Catbalogan's cityhood. My heartfelt congratulations in advance to my fellow Samarenos. Senator Nene Pimentel will fall from his chair if we Samarenos will say yes to the plebiscite because the law that he sponsored placed very stringent criteria in the creation of new cities due to the mushrooming of so many new cities that could hardly meet the income, area and population requirement of that law passed by the senate and approved by GMA several years ago.

But we want to have another city in the island of Samar. We want to pay more taxes so that our income will raise up and we will be called a city, we want to have more population to maintain the tax input of the government but how about the area in proportion to the population requirement?

Somewhere in the good intention of the law somethings maybe are lost. The, what was called as, opposition of Mel Sarmiento to the cityhood of Catbalogan, although he is just following the strict provisions of the law, may be in the future be reckoned to have its advantages, as our old folks in Calbayog reckon the glory days of Calbayog as a bungto.

Why do Calbayognons and people living in our beautiful Samar islands and islets go to Catbalogan to buy construction materials, spare parts and clothing materials in bulk? Simple, the prices in Catbalogan are more competitive or cheaper that the price in Calbayog because its expensive daw in Calbayog. Why? Cityhood has some responsibilities and among them is to maintain the tax collection, if not to surpass the past years' collection, to maintain your city class, whether third, fourth second or first.

Totoy Rosales was unpopular in the last months of his mayorship in Calbayog as he had implemented the policies of the Bureau of Local Government Finance regarding income generation of cities, if I remember it right, which resulted in more taxes, taxes and taxes to increase the city's revenues.

Catbalogan looks nice as a city. It is far more vibrant than the new cities in Negros and Mindanao. But, like all other cities, new and old, its residents must pay the price. Higher real property taxes, higher commodity prices. . . . So what? Hi-ara kita hito... Mga maduruto gud kita! Samarenos kita! We will survive as our forefathers survived the most difficult times in our province's development.

Pax et Bonum!

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Name:    Sonia Lumiares
Address:    Catbalogan, Samar
Date:    06-15-07


Hello, nabasa ko message mo kan Laila, musta ka man, hain ka yan? kay ano nga waray ka kumadi pag attend han aton alumni? ako ngay-an hi Sonia bangin di ka nakilala. Unta mabasa mo ine nga akon message ha imo. Waiting for your reply.

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Name:    Adoy Masakit
Address:   Makati, Philippines
Date:   June 15, 2007

I was born in Gandara but grew up, studied and spent most of my boyhood in Catbalogan. I only left the place when I finished my high school and pursued a higher education and worked in Manila. And for that reason that I have developed a deeper affection (or love if you will) to this place more than my birthplace and consider myself Catbaloganon.

I can still remember the days when we were the most "proud" people of the whole Samar Island in the sense that they all looked up to us (seemed to me). Our place was basically then the center of commerce and education of the island. Our Catbaloganaon waray-waray accent is the most respected among all Samarnon - then(?).

But look at us now. Borongan, Catarman and Calbayog have long overtaken us already and our past glory seemed just a thing of the past. MANY THANKS TO ALL OUR PAST (and present) MAYORS AND TOWN OFFICIALS and the people who helped them took their seats.

Our fault. We helped and allowed them took our "pride" and glory. We don't blame them at all neither. They only did what they are supposed to do. Maybe their Mayors were more brilliant and visionary.

But all is not lost and late. We can still cope up with them and retake that which was initially ours in the "past". WE CAN START THE JOURNEY BY SAYING YES TO THE CITYHOOD OF CATBALOGAN!!!


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Name:   Bert Cabuenas
Address:   Sampaloc, Manila
Date:   June 14, 2007

Mayor Mel Senen Sarmiento pagbigyan mo na kaming mga Catbaloganon maging city ang bayan namin. Hwag 'selfish' masama yon, magagalit ang Diyos sa inyo. Tayo mga pinoy kung umuunlad ang isang tao or isang lugar dapat tutulongan pa natin. Alisin na natin ang ugaling 'talangka mentality'. Kon IRA naman para ha Calbayog cguro naman diri maiibanan an para ha ciudad niyo. 'Team Work' dapat ipairal natin para umunlad na tayo! Mabuhay an Samar! Mabuhay Philippines!

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Name:   Remille F. Cabigon
Address:    5092 Pommern Str M5, Bleidorn Housing, Ansbach, Bavaria 01522, Germany
Date:   14 June 2007

Hello. . .Does anybody know Sosimo Gaborni? If so, please tell him that I am looking for him for a while now. He was my old classmate in Sacred Heart with Pinky Bolastig as our Battalion commander of the C.A.T.

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Name:   Lilia Lavilla Bolante
Address:   6058 Cranberry Lane East, Jacksonville, Florida 32244, USA
Date:   June 13, 2007

I would like to say hello to all my classmates, Linda Obor, Ana Monsanto, Felicidad Montejo, Liela Ty, Jose Baldicano and Francisco Yu. I would love to hear from you guys.

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Name:   Laila
Address:   Georgia, USA
Date:   06/13/07

Hello Nhel... musta ka na? may i know your complete name para makahinumdum ako... and if you don't mind.. ano ka nga section han fourth year kta? musta gihap an Virginia Tech? harani ka la ngada? (hehehehe) When ka mabakasyon para mag-attend aton Alumni? Regards!

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Name:    Tonyboy Morales
Address:   Catbalogan, Samar
Date:   13 June 2007

The rabid opposition of Calbayog Mayor Mel Senen Sarmiento to Catbalogan's cityhood is an act of a selfish politician. His ramblings about the potential reduction of Calbayog's IRA while fiscally possible is not politically sound. He is earning the ire of the people of Catbalogan and others who believe that Catbalogan deserves to be crowned a city in the impoverished island of Samar.

Perhaps he is telling Catbalogan a lesson or two on how not to vote somebody from Calbayog. While his objections have merits, he should have kept his opposition within the ranks of the League of Cities. He should not be brandishing a sword in front of the Catbaloganons. He is a young politician with a colorful future ahead. Since term limits dictate that he could no longer seek the same position he is currently holding, he will come face to face with the Catbalogan electorate in the near future. When that time comes when he runs for a provincial office like governor or vice governor, he will painstakingly remember year 2007 and his mistake blocking Catbalogan's cityhood.

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Name:   Nhel
Address:   Virginia
Date:    6.12.07

Hi Laila,

Kumosta na! nabasa ko ang message mo sa samarnews tungkol sa alumni ng Samar high. Batch 85 din ako.

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Name:   Tonyboy Morales
Address:   Catbalogan, Samar
Date:   11 Jun 2007

WINNING AND WHINING. The election season is about to end and a new one is coming. Based on published reports, the barangay elections will be held this year after it has been moved several times due to financial constraints. The midterm congressional elections which was recently concluded, however, seems to have not ended yet. Winners and whiners are still up and about. The winners, whether by legitimate means or otherwise, have long celebrated their victories. The whiners on the other hand have not ceased their allegations that they have been cheated. No one accepts their failure to win the election. Unless elections remain highly questionable, there would always be "winners" and "whiners." Chair Abalos, it's time to leave a legacy of integrity and reliability.

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Name:   Rowena Rosales Svensson
Address:   Sweden
Date:    June 11, 2007

Maupay nga patron han mga kasangkayan ko nga Zumarraganhon specially to Engineer Edgar Versoza & family. Fiesta greetings from your friend in Sweden.

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Name:   Girlie Grimaldi
Address:   New York City, New York, USA
Date:   11 June 2007

Re the article "Barangays Push to Topple Groups Opposing Catbalogan Cityhood."

I cannot fathom Calbayog Mayor Sarmiento's rabid and visceral opposition to Catbalogan's cityhood. This has been his personal, ill-advised and selfish crusade for a long time. Why he's so against Catbalogan being a city is beyond me. Perhaps someone can enlighten him and open his mind to the untold benefits that Catbalogan's cityhood will bring not only to the citizens of Catbalogan but to all of Samar. I surely hope Catbaloganons vote a resounding "YES" in the coming plebiscite for Catbalogan's cityhood.

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Name:   Tonyboy Morales
Address:   Catbalogan, Samar
Date:   10 June 2007

To Mano Santi Tamidles:

Kakistocracy is what we have in the Philippines right now. Kakistocracy is a system of government run by the least qualified or most unprincipled citizens. But, there is hope! Hope springs eternal in the heart of people like you, sir, who is willing to do something for his people. God bless you and may your tribe increase!

I will also do something, how little it may be, to help alleviate the sorry state of our people. It is the small acts of each and every Filipino that will make this nation greater.

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Name:   Ojoj
Address:   Allen, Northern Samar
Date:   June 10, 2007

The "BALICUATRO COLLEGE OF ARTS AND TRADES" Allen N. Samar, the Top Performing TESDA Institution, we're inviting you to visit our new website

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Name:   Ex waray waray
Date:   10 June 2007

Have you heard a Filipina speaking in English with the Waray accent? Talagang sasakit ang tiyan mo sa katatawa....Please loose the accent or leave it behind if you're going to be speaking in another language, nakakahiya ka! ha ha...

How do Filipinos portray themselves abroad? i.e. in the U.K. SOME shouldn't have gone through the net because they're a DISGRACE. The women are worst. They create trouble with other Filipinos who are just minding their own business. Maybe they're jealous of what the other has or maybe she poses as a competition for her. It's a mentality of Filipinos that will never go away and it's very destructive. I heard one Pinay had a nervous breakdown because she had been hounded by other Filipinas. It's sickening.....they're like a pack of wolves! Maybe it's better to be on your own sometimes.

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Name:    Antonio Morales
Address:    Catbalogan, Samar
Date:   June 9, 2007

The message posted by Mr. Marvin Bustamante sparked a lively discussion on language, role of women, and other related issues. The beginning salvo of Mr. Bustamante was opposed by two women Madams Fallorin-Clark and Spillane. Mr. W.A. Ray of Villareal rubbed some salt when he countered the points of the two women. My hope is not to create more fire over the issue but rather to emphasize that both sides have raised some good points. As they say, a sliced cake how thinly cut remains to have two sides. So, an issue usually has two opposing sides and our task is to see the good points that each side brings.

From the women's point of view, the use of a foreign language, in this case English, by pinays (esp. mga babaye na waray-waray) while in the presence of their foreigner hubbies is a must to show respect for their loved ones who are not familiar with the local dialect. That point is well taken. How can you communicate with somebody who doesn't know Tagalog and Waray? But, the issue raised by Mr. Bustamante is not merely on using English in public. What he is complaining about are those trying hard, loud, and annoying pinays who want to impress the rest of the world that they know how to speak English. I've encountered their kinds in my travels here and abroad. In fact, what is more annoying is when they continue to carry a heavy accent and mispronouncing words (Dadde, git samteng por mee, place!). Got my point? As you see, when one communicates, one has to EXPRESS and not IMPRESS. To express is to communicate in a manner that is normal and respectful of other people's sensibilities. Humility is a virtue. Surely, those braggarts are not humble.

From the point of view of the gentlemen, women whether they have the fortune or the misfortune of having caucasian husbands should not allow air to puff their heads by the mere fact that they've married somebody who is not colored. The experience of Mr. Bustamante having flown with pinays who acted strange being with their white husbands is an experience he alone can speak with authority. I wasn't there when he felt that these pinays were disrespectful to other pinoys, too mayabang, and pa English-english pa even if they are speaking to another brown-skinned brother or sister. But again, English in itself is not offensive. I would even rejoice to know that somebody could speak multiple languages. In fact, the emphasis of the government to promote English as a medium of instruction in our classrooms is worthy of our support. We should learn more about other languages of the world. Spanish, French, Japanese, Chinese, Italian, etc. What is offensive, I believe, is when it is being used as a tool to brag about their lofty situation in life. There is always a wrong impression among Filipinos that when one is married to a caucasian that everything will be a bed of roses. There are also thorns in those relationships similar to any other relationship. As a suggestion to Mr. Bustamante, he should never be intimidated by somebody whose skin is paler than his'. The color of one's skin does not measure the quality of one's brain.

On the issue of women working abroad to support their husbands, that to me is a personal matter that individuals have to contend with. Remember that there is always dignity in labor and a sweat to earn one's wheat is noble even before the eyes of God. While we have this notion in the Philippines that women stays at home to take care of kids, the other side of the world values the contributions of women to the economy. In fact, economic freedom (being free from the bondage of poverty) is the springboard of all other freedoms like political freedom, freedom from violence, etc. So for these able women to work is not bad at all. What is bad is when they work using their honor, dignity, and body as capital like selling them for the highest bidder in Ermita, Japan, and over the internet.

Again, you have all raised points worth considering. Just a reminder to stick to the issues at hand and do not engage in 'argumentum ad hominem' or labelling or name-calling.

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Name:   Lucena Nuesslein
Address:    Trautmannstr 16, Memmelsdorf 96117, Germany
Date:   June 09, 2007

Kumusta ha iyo dida mga taga Talaloranhons ngatanan, ngan maupay nala nga tiarabot nga patron July 25, kumusta liwat an election dida ano hino an na magdaog, congrats to the winner and hope to have a good government for the next years to come. God bless to all of you, kumusta nala han mga relatives, best friend and my brother and family.

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Name:   Mitchelle
Address:    San Policarpo, Calbayog City 6710, Samar
Date:   June 9, 2007

Good day mga Samarnon. Si Mayor Sarmiento naawa magin city an Catbalogan kay maiibanan kuno an internal revenue allotment (IRA) san mga ciudad. May concern pa lugod san mga ciudad naiba kumpara san iya igkasi Samarnon.

An ungod gud la na kay maiibanan an IRA san ciudad sa Calbayog na kun diin gutiay nala ira bahin bahinon... GRABE AN CORRUPTION SAN KAN Mel Sarmiento Administrayon... kalolooy san Calbayognon nga nagpapauwat la...KADUKO SAN KWARTA NA NAWAWARA SAN CALBAYOG. DIRI INI PAKARAUT KAY DIRI AK POLITIKO NGAN DIRI AK NAMUMULITIKO KAY TAPOS NA AN PINILI-AY (AW PINALITAY NGAY AN BOTOS) NGAN WARAY AK POLITICAL AFFILIATION.

Didi sa Calbayog mga talawan, guin aantos la an mga malain nga binuhatan san mga politiko didi. Si Mayor Mel Maupay la magyakan pero sa buhat corruption an katugbang sa taga proyekto na bubuhaton. Mayor Mel Sarmiento…maski mo nano paniguro magasenso an Calbayog kun ada imo pangurakot...waray la guihapon kakadto-an.

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Name:   Peter
Date:   June 9, 2007

To Jason:

I fully appreciate your message concerning the "winning" of Mr. Dodoy Coquilla. In fact, I fully agree on what you said on that article. Please give alternatives as to how people will also be "educated" knowing that whether you like it or not, politicians, congressmen for that matter, receive 70 million pesos annually from our government in the guise of "pork barrel".

One member of the Phil. senate 2004-2007 did not receive his pork barrel. Reason perhaps why he won again for this term. Let's just hope that a better future lies ahead of us.

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Name:   Mr. W.A. RAY
Address:   Villareal, Samar
Date:   8 June 2007

Good Day to Marvin Bustamante. It such a shame that Mrs. Spillane and Mrs. Clark failed to perfectly read (or even accurately read) what you raised in your message re: Engliserang Pinay. If they would again read your message, I'm sure they will agree that there are still some kababayans of ours whose "small town, big town" attitude hasn't changed. What these two women (Mrs. Spillane and Clark) should do is relearn their own language to understand what you were pointing about in your message, Marvin. True enough, they have been out of the country for so long that they seem to have lost their sensitivity.

It is so sad that Mrs. Spillane and Clark have reduced your observations to mere envy, gender bias and one's inadequacy in proper social decorum. We should not be contented and complacent with what material things we have achieved in search for a good life. There is nothing better that looking back and planting your feet firmly on the ground, the same ground that has nurtured you and your dreams as Samarenos. Sad to say, even the names of these "defenders" are so foreign sounding that they leave us with a feeling that we are visiting Disneyland. Need I say more? Once in a while, read the message twice (or even thrice) and brush up your indigenous language before "violently reacting" to an otherwise innocent observation. Thanks to Mr. Gaspay and good day to you Marvin.

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Name:   Laila
Address:   Atlanta, GA, USA
Date:    06/06/07

Hello Alona M. Strand: Thank you for responding.... since April 3 pa gad la ako didi...ginmingaw ako dayon ha Samar asya nagbrowse ako samarnews... nakikichika kon hira hino na liwat an mga nagdaog nga mga politiko...

Regards to your kids and to your husband... I've seen them in Catbalogan…remember?

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Name:   Jener A. Bernabe
Address:   1062 D. Gomez St., Barrio Obrero, Tondo Mla.
Date:   june 6 2007

Hola! to all the people of Northern Samar....

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Name:   Sonia Lumiares Bacalso
Address:   Catbalogan
Date:   06-06-07

My dear Laila, musta kana, wala ka man dito sa alumni natin nag attend kami ni Archie, masaya naman kaso lang di kompleto wala ka naman di katulad nong previous na alumni natin na kompleto ang friends. Pero ok na rin masaya din naman kami nandoon sila Benedicto, marami pang iba, kilala mo si Donato San Pedro? He was there together with Maritess from Australia. Hope this coming alumni youll be her para kompleto na naman tayo. Miss u. Reply ka ha? Waiting for your reply.

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Name:    Alona Mastelero-Strand
Address:   Skarvet 29, Tyssedal 5770, Norway
Date:    06/03/07

HALLO LAILA, Kumusta? Ako waray mag-attend han aton alumni kay adi man ako harayo. Sonia nag-attend hiya lugod. Sana ano sa "host ng batch naton maka-attend kita.... kumusta pala maiha ka na ba dida? My anak ka na ba? Ako 7yrs na didi ha Norway, my 2 na anak, 1 boy 6 and girl na 4 y.o. Sarap ano pag may nakita kita nakakilala dinhi! Hope na mag-reply ka rin sa akin… here or sa email ko...

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