All is set for 5th
National Skimboarding Competition in Tanauan, Leyte
By Philippine Information Agency (PIA 8)
22, 2008
– All is set for the 5th National Skimboarding Open Competition at
the Skimboarding Capital, Tanauan, Leyte, which is being sponsored by
the local government of Tanauan, the Provincial Government of Leyte
thru Governor Carlos Jericho Petilla and Victoria's Skimboard, Mayor
Roque A. Tiu informed.
Mayor Tiu said that
the Open Competition is scheduled to be held on December 27-30 at the
Bantay Dagat Area, in Barangay Sto. Niño in Tanauan. He clarified that
the holding of the Competition in December was though of, because it
is believed that there are better waves in December and so the
skimriders will enjoy the competition better.
It would be recalled
that Skimboarding Competitions has been usually conducted on Easter
Sunday, Mayor Tiu said, when there are many beachcombers visiting the
shores of Tanauan. However, since last year, the National Skimboarding
Competition has been held in December, after Christmas and right
before New Year.
Mayor Tiu said that
the participants for this season's competition are being limited to
make the competition easier and more manageable.
Mayor Tiu added that
skimriders from Luzon have signified their intention to join the
competition. In fact, several of them e-mailed PIA 8 after reading the
news in the PIA website and they were referred to the LGU by PIA.
This is a welcome
development, Mayor Tiu said, because in the past, the local
participants were all from the Visayas and Mindanao areas.
Mayor Tiu informed
that the 5th National Skimboarding Competition will formally kick-off
on December 27 but the nightly activities at the Site will start on
December 20 as the local government decided to hold the annual
Kaadlawan Festival there.
The Opening Program
will be held on December 27, at
1:00 o’clock in the afternoon, Mayor Tiu added.
Mayor Tiu said that
the National Skimboarding Competition is the town's contribution to
President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo's thrust of making the Central
Philippines Super Region as the Tourism Capital of the Philippines.
The public is invited
to participate or witness the event which is becoming a
tourist-attracting activity in the Region.
The 5th National
Skimboarding Open Competition will be supervised by the Philippine
Skim Association and the Tanauan Pasaka Jaycees.
Basey Manpower
Training Center produces 53 graduates
By Philippine Information Agency (PIA 8)
22, 2008
– After three months of operation, the Basey Manpower Training
Center has produced 53 graduates in its Building Wiring Installation
and Plumbing courses.
The thirty six
trainees for the Building Wiring Installation and seventeen trainees
for Plumbing graduated on December 12, 2008, after completing all the
necessary requirements for the said courses, Ms. Bonevie M. Rovino,
Basey Information Assistant disclosed.
Mr. Balbino Estorninos,
the municipal and training center administrator said that all the 53
trainees passed the Assessment Test administered by the Technical
Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) –
Samar personnel.
The trainees will be
deployed to partner agencies to be identified by their trainers for
their On-the-Job Training, Mr. Estorninos said.
Aside from the 53
graduates, another set of trainees, particularly in the Welding and
Carpentry courses, are scheduled to graduate on December 31, 2008, Mr.
Estorninos intimated.
The Basey Manpower and
Training Center was initiated by Mayor Didi Estorninos, in cooperation
with TESDA-Samar.
The Project aims to
reduce the out-of-school-youth, juvenile delinquents and unemployment
in the municipality.
The Basey Manpower and
Training Center is now accepting new enrollees for House Building
Wiring, Welding, Plumbing and Carpentry courses, Mr. Estorninos added.
Basey is a
municipality in the province of Samar, Philippines, which used to be
the mother town of Tacloban City. Basay is said to be the Leyte's
capital during the American period.
The town's name is
pronounced "basay", not "basey. This mispronunciation was propagated
by American soldiers in the early days of the American colonial
period. There is no "ey" sound in Waray. Basay is from the Waray word
"mabaysay," meaning beautiful. It is the current record holder of the
world's longest mat ("banig"), which is presented in the Guinness Book
of World Records.
For supporting health programs
Samar PHO awards
recognition to LGUs led by Talalora and Pagsanghan
December 22,
– Samar Provincial Health Office gave out awards to leading Local
Government Units for their support to the health programs of the
national and provincial governments.
On December 11, 2008,
the municipalities of Pagsanghan and Talalora led the LGUs that were
given recognition.
The programs
implemented were reviewed based on accomplishments that have yet to be
validated, the indicators were then mapped out and compared to the
national standard.
Once accomplishments
reached 70% the points were considered to have reached the national
level, thus, giving recognition to the efforts of the LGUs.
Indicators included
proportion of births attended by skilled health workers, exclusive
breastfeeding, full immunization, contraceptive prevalence rate. Other
indicators include Vitamin A coverage, TB detection rate, Filariasis
mass treatment, household with access to safe water, households with
access to sanitary toilets and blood collection.
It appears from the
report that Pagsanghan passed the national standards for four
indicators namely; exclusive breastfeeding, access to safe water,
filariasis mass treatment and TB detection rate.
As regards Talalora,
it also passed four indicators namely a malnutrition rate of only
13.4%; Vitamin A supplementation, exclusive breastfeeding and
filariasis mass treatment.
Most LGUs passed one
or two of the 11 indicators; while no LGU passed on the indicators on
proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel,
contraceptive rate and only one passed the full immunization.
In an interview, Ms.
Felecita Borata Chief of the Technical Services, expressed that so
much is still wanting when it comes to health practices of Samareños
coupled with the absence of health officers.
In an earlier
interview, PHO Chief Rudolf Mabulay said that the province can not
attract physicians who choose to practice in the cities. The good
doctor said that the LGU province and municipalities need committed
health workers who do not look at the profession in terms of income
but in terms of fulfillment.
Tacloban is now a
Highly Urbanized City
By Philippine Information Agency (PIA 8)
19, 2008
– Tacloban is now a Highly Urbanized City. The people of Tacloban
have spoken. They are for Tacloban’s conversion from a component city
to highly urbanized city.
On Thursday night,
City Elections Officer Susan Collamar proclaimed Tacloban as already a
Highly Urbanized City following her announcement of the official
result of the plebiscite held on December 18 in the City of
In an interview with
Atty. Collamar, she said that the Yes to HUC garnered about 36,352
votes while the NO to HUC got over 21,419 votes. So as of Thursday
night, Tacloban City is already a highly urbanized city, she added.
Atty. Collamar said
that she has already sent the Department of Interior and Local
Government a copy of the results of the plebiscite, so the DILG has
been informed already.
The voters turn-out,
about 57 percent, is encouraging, Atty. Collamar said. No untoward
incidents were recorded in the generally peaceful and orderly conduct
of the plebiscite, she added.
There were complaints
about their names not included in the voters list and the precincts
were still closed, but these are common problems during the conduct of
any elections, Atty Collamar said.
Meanwhile, DILG Region
8 Assistant Regional Director Atty. Aida Laruda said that the City
DILG has already written the Regional Office informing about the
result of the just-concluded plebiscite. The Regional Office in turn
will communicate the matter to the DILG Central Office.
President Arroyo
earlier, on October 4, 2008, proclaimed that
has met all the qualifications of a Highly Urbanized City by virtue of
Proclamation No. 1637 entitled Conversion of Tacloban City into a
Highly Urbanized City.
The ultimate
decision, however, was laid in the hands of the voters, whether they
want Tacloban City to be converted into a highly urbanized city or
not. Last Thursday, they made their decision and it was for the
EDC breaks ground for
Kananga’s first techvoc institute
By Philippine Information Agency (PIA 8)
19, 2008
– Premier geothermal company, the Energy Development Corporation,
true to its commitment to pursuing sustainable CSR-educational
programs, held the ground-breaking ceremony for the Kananga-EDC
Institute of Technology on December 5, 2008 with the audacious goal of
training world-class nation builders.

premier technical and vocational institute will soon rise in the
former airstrip of Energy Development Corporation (EDC) in
barangays Hiluctugan and Rizal in Kananga. EDC and the LGU of
Kananga together with Technical Education and Skills Development
Authority (TESDA) held the groundbreaking ceremony and
capsule-laying with (L-R): EDC Pres. & CEO Paul A. Aquino, Leyte
SB Member Godfrey Capanas, Kananga Vice-Mayor Macario Lumangtad,
Kananga Mayor Elmer S. Codilla, Kananga Councilor Nenito Sanchez,
EDC Drilling Vice President Mario Taguines and EDC Community
Partnerships Manager for Leyte Emil Argoncillo. |
The groundbreaking
and capsule-laying ceremony was attended by the off EDC President and
CEO Paul A. Aquino, Kananga Mayor Elmer S. Codilla and representatives
of TESDA. They were joined by Leyte SB Member Godfrey Capanas, Kananga
Vice-Mayor Macario Lumangtad, Kananga Councilor Nenito Sanchez, EDC
Drilling Vice President Mario Taguines and EDC Community Partnerships
Manager for Leyte Emil Argoncillo.
Mr. Dave Devilles,
Corporate Communications Officer, said that the project is intended as
a world-class post-secondary technical- vocational training center
with hardware and software components for three (3) major technical
sectors, namely Construction, Metals & Engineering and
Tourism/Health/Social services.
With technical
assistance to be provided by Technical Education and Skills
Development Authority (TESDA) through a Memorandum of Agreement, this
is expected to develop into five (5) sectors with the addition of
Automotive and Electronics components, in three years.
A foundation to be
called “Kananga-EDC Educational Foundation” will be set up on a 50-50%
(at the start) ownership basis between Kananga LGU and EDC.
Composition of the foundation will include four members of Kananga LGU
and another four members from EDC as incorporators/trustees. The
Treasurer will be the EDC’s Leyte Resident Manager.
The foundation will
run the institute which will be known as “Kananga-EDC Institute of
Technology”. It is envisioned that EDC will provide the hardware
components of the project. The foundation will pay for all operating
expenses and software at the start. Thereafter, it is expected that
the graduates will repay back the training center through a “study now
pay later” scheme. Hardware components including the land will be
leased to the foundation at P1.00 per year.
“The Kananga-EDC
Institute of Technology is our second project that will address the
employment needs of the host community where we operate. The Institute
is a fitting follow-through to our Schools for Excellence Project
which aims to provide quality basic education. And like SFE, the
Institute will also adopt the multi-partnership approach to make it
sustainable. We laud Mayor Eming Codilla for having the same vision.
The Kananga LGU has approached EDC to help develop their manpower
skills to address unemployment of Kananga residents due to lack of
skills,” EDC Pres. & CEO Paul Aquino said.
For his part, Mayor
Elmer Codilla said that he recognized the important role of EDC in
improving the socio-economic situation of Kananga.
The mayor acknowledged the receptiveness of EDC in building a
vocational training center as this would benefit qualified indigent
youth of Kananga.
The Institute will help them become gainfully employed and become
productive members of the community, Mayor Codilla said.
Maasin squatters avail
assistance from city government
December 19,
Leyte – At least forty beneficiaries who settle on untitled land
availed the assistance from the city government, Maasin City Mayor
Maloney Samaco disclosed during his regular program aired over radio
station DyDM on Thursday, December 18.
The city government
saw the need of these beneficiaries identified who paid monthly
rentals to the lot they used, “instead of paying monthly rental to the
owner, they will now pay their charges to the city hall for P10.00 per
day for 10 years,” Hon. Samaco said in his “Maasin City in Action”
program. "After 10 years of payment the lot will now belong to them,"
he added.
Maasin City will be
the one to purchase the lot at P800.00 per square meter at around
1,600 sq. meters in total area to the Zialcita family, the lot owner.
The beneficiaries will be allocated 40 sq. meters each.
It was learned that
the documents are now on process to avail the lot and the city
government aimed to acquire it by year 2009.
In addition, the
identified recipients will be given additional livelihood to be able
to settle their monthly accounts to the city government through the
Self Employment Assistance – Kaunalaran (SEA-K) program of the
Mayor Samaco mentioned
the livelihood assistance such as the acquisition of trisikad known as
“potpot”, food processing, curtain making, among others.
There were three
choices of barangays that the city government selected namely
Barangays Mambajao, Asuncion and Combado which have many indigents and
Combado came out to be the best choice since it is where the lot is
situated and the owner also preferred the same.
Flooding in region 8
leaves 10 dead
By Philippine Information Agency (PIA 8)
17, 2008
– About 10 persons died due to the recent flooding in Region 8, the
Regional Disaster Coordinating Council 8 reported late afternoon of
December 12, 2008.
The fatalities were
identified as Jeoffrey Cobreros of Barangay General Lucban, Bobon,
Northern Samar; Paterno Abendaño of Sitio Tarugan, Catarman, Northern
Samar; Alfredo Mijares, Sr., 67, Barangay Bayha, Lope de Vega,
Northern Samar; Danilo Mahinay, Barangay Roxas, Mondragon, Northern
Samar; and Joy Zaidy of Barangay Roxas, Mondragon, Northern Samar.
The other fatalities
were identified as Enrico Laoreno, 63 of Barangay Tambangan, Palapag,
Northern Samar; Regan Singson Tasan, Jr., 3 years old of Sitio Camarin,
Lamanoc, Merida, Leyte; Jose Rosco, 16, of Barangay 1, Poblacion,
Jipapad, Eastern Samar; Baby Girl Oros, newly born, of Barangay San
Roque, Jipapad, Eastern Samar; and Christine Magtul-is, 9 and a half,
of Jipapad, Eastern Samar.
The number of injured
person was reported as 8 which is broken down to 2 in Jipapad; 4 in
Maslog; and another 2 in Oras.
Around 26,073 families
or 143,309 family members were affected because of the flooding. About
316 houses were totally damaged which rendered 316 families homeless.
OCD Director Angel D.
Gaviola who is the executive officer of the Regional Disaster
Coordinating Council of Region 8 informed that 26,073 barangays in 15
municipalities of Eastern and Northern Samar provinces were affected
by the flooding on December 8 due to continuous heavy rains in the
The National Disaster
Coordinating Council provided 500 sacks of rice to
Northern Samar
while another 350 sacks of rice were sent to Eastern Samar as relief
assistance to the affected municipalities, Director Gaviola, informed.
RDCC 8 thru the
Department of Health 8 is closely monitoring the reported diarrhea
cases in the municipality of Oras, Eastern Samar.
The Regional Disaster
Coordinating Council continues to monitor the effect of the flooding
until it gets hold of the total damages to life, property, agriculture
and infrastructure.
DTI Samar cites
Charito’s Delights, Mom’s grocery as Outstanding MSMEs
December 17,
– The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI–Samar) awarded Charito’s
Delights, makers of traditional Samar delicacies and Mom’s Grocery as
Outstanding (Micro-Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME)s in Samar.

Bermejo of Charito’s Delights received an award from DTI-8 OIC
director Desiderio Belas for being a regional nominee to the
search for Outstanding National MSME Award. Also in photo at left
is PA for Eastern Visayas Cynthia Nierras. |
Charito’s Delights
also garnered the regional nomination to the national awards as an
outstanding MSME. Their certificate was signed by DTI Secretary Peter
The awarding rites
coincided with the First MSME Congress held on Friday, at the Cocina de
Cabral, Catbalogan City, attended by the whole DTI family with OIC
Regional Director Desiderio Belas and former Regional Director now the
Presidential Assistant for Eastern Visayas Cynthia Nierras.
In an interview, Emma
Bermejo, owner of Charito’s said that the business was started by her
mom Charito in 1989. The store offers sweets like hopia de pili,
curioso (cookies), ube candies, salvarro and other eatables ideal for
“pasalubong” and presents for balikbayans.
Bermejo claims that
DTI has helped her in the marketing especially during Trade Fairs both
in Cebu and Manila. In the latest Bahandi Trade Fair, it was Charito’s
which was the top grosser among Samar's exhibitors.
She added with pride
that when Robinson’s opens in
City, Charito’s Delights will be given a stall.
Meanwhile, Mom’s
Grocery owner Mrs. Minda Bolastig was happy that her grocery was given
recognition. She said she does not think of any award when she offers
her services but admits she is a hands-on manager and checks her store
from time to time.
She said she also
complies with all legal registrations and obligations to the city and
national government. She also makes sure that customers are always
satisfied with their purchases and accepts ‘returned’ goods with no
questions asked.
Both Charito’s and
Mom’s employ some young people from Catbalogan and environs.
Charito’s Delights
is located at San Roques Street, while Mom’s Grocery can be found at
the back of MetroBank.
RDC8 cites Best
Members’ Websites
By Philippine Information Agency (PIA 8)
17, 2008
– The Search for the Best RDC Members’ Websites 2008 is finally
over. The winners in the three categories were announced and were
cited during the Regional Development Council meeting on December 12
at Calbayog City.
RDC 8 Chairman and
Calbayog City Mayor Mel Senen Sarmiento congratulated and awarded the
citations to Philhealth Region 8, the Best RDC Website for Regional
Line Agencies; the Province of Southern Leyte as the Best Local
Government Unit Member Website; and Eastern Samar Social Development
Organization, Inc. as the only Private Sector Representative Member
with a Website.
The Search for the
Best RDC Website is aimed at sustaining the gains of the Regional
Development Council’s EV Online Project which was conceptualized to
make way for sharing of information about the Region in the world-wide
Another objective of
the Search is to upgrade the status of the websites to world class
quality and to encourage the RDC members to aim for the best in their
NEDA Director
Buenaventura Go-soco Jr., RDC 8 Vice-Chair, informed that with the
implementation of the EV Online Project in 2007, 38 RDC members'
websites have been developed and 46 websites are now being hosted by
Although the websites
were developed by a single web designer, the idea and concept of the
website design came from the suggestion of the RDC/SecCom members. EV
Online made suggestions on what data to put in their respective
websites but several agencies provided data which were not included in
the list.
The best websites
conform with the criteria for world class quality websites, Director
Go-soco informed. The Best RDC Websites got the highest point from a
given set of criteria which includes functionality, design, content,
originality, professionalism and effectiveness.
The Committee on
Selection or Awards was composed of representatives from the Leyte
Chamber of Commerce and Industry, a representative from Student
Councils and a Computer Science/ Information Technology Student.
It was noted that
there are local government unit members and Regional Line Agency
members that have good websites but which were not developed by EV
Dolores town declares
25 upstream barangays under state of calamity
By Philippine Information Agency (PIA 8)
15, 2008
– The Local Government of Dolores in
Eastern Samar has passed a resolution declaring the 25 upstream
barangays of the municipality under state of calamity due to the
occurrence of floods triggered by heavy rains on December 6, 7 and 8
that caused heavy damage to agriculture and infrastructure.
The resolution which
was passed in order that the local government can make use of the 5%
calamity fund was approved by Vice Mayor Lucito Oraya who was then the
acting mayor.
Official report coming
from the local government of Dolores showed that the total damage
incurred by the municipality due to the flooding amounted to
The summary report
which was signed by Vice Mayor Oraya showed that the total families
affected numbered 4,369. The number of houses totally destroyed is
seven while the number of houses partially damaged runs to 2,369.
The detailed report
stated the damage to agriculture and infrastructure in the 25 upstream
Mayor Emiliana
Villacarillo said that the damage to agriculture was pegged at
P3,878,777, broken down to damage to livestock, rice, rootcrops and
vegetable. The damage to rice alone was more than P2 Million. It was
noted that 8 carabaos perished because of the flooding.
The damages to
infrastructure included totally washed out waiting sheds and
riverlandings in several barangays; scouring of River and Flood
control projects; pipeline damage to water systems; washed out farm to
market roads; and partially damaged school buildings, health centers
and daycare centers.
Damage to
infrastructure was placed at P9,350,000., Engineer Judith P. Oraya,
the municipal engineer, reported.
The 25 upstream
barangays which were affected by flooding are Dampigan, Bonghon, Sto.
Niño, Tan-awan, Libertad, San Isidro, Aroganga, Caglao-an, San Roque,
Sta. Cruz, Demingpi-an, Cagtabon, Magsaysay, Magombong, Buenavista,
Cabago-an and Gap-ang.
Also affected were
the upstream barangays of Jicotol, Osmeña, Hinolaso, Rizal, San
Pascual, San Vicente, Villahermosa and Del Pilar.
DBM issues guidelines
for granting of performance bonus to state workers
By Philippine Information Agency (PIA 8)
15, 2008
MANILA, Philippines –
Budget Secretary Rolando G. Andaya Jr., has issued on December 11,
2008 Budget Circular No. 2008-5 to implement Administrative Order No.
250 signed by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on December 10, 2008.
Pursuant to AO No.
250, all personnel of the Government are entitled to receive a
one-time reward of a maximum of Ten Thousand Pesos each as performance
bonus, in recognition of their commendable effort in attaining
efficiency in government operations, despite the economic difficulties
which may arise as a result of the global financial crisis.
Secretary Andaya said
that all permanent, temporary, casual or contractual personnel of
national government agencies including government owned and controlled
corporations and government financial institutions whose salaries are
charged against their Personal Services allocation and who are still
in service as of November 30, 2008, are entitled to receive the
performance bonus.
The Performance Bonus
will not be granted to personnel of NGAs, GOCCs and GFIs who have
already received extra cash gift or additional benefit in Fiscal Year
2008 over and above the year-end benefit authorized under RA 6686, as
amended by RA 8441 as implemented by Budget Circular No. 2005-6 dated
October 28, 2005.
The DBM shall release,
the amount of P7,000 per employee of NGAs not belonging to the
Constitutional Offices/Fiscal Autonomy Group, chargeable against the
unreleased appropriations under the Fiscal Year 2008 budget which was
pooled by DBM for the purpose.
The remaining
Performance Bonus requirements of P3,000 per employee of NGAS shall be
charged against their respective savings in allotment. In the event
that the agency savings is insufficient to cover in full the remaining
P3,000 per employee, DBM said, that payment thereof shall be subject
to the amount available as savings provided that a uniform amount
shall be given to all employees.
The total requirements
of P10,000 per employee of NGAs belonging to the CFAG like congress,
CSC, Judiciary, COA, Comelec, CHR and Ombudsman, shall be charged
against the available savings in allotment. In the event that the CFAG
does not have sufficient savings to cover in full the P10,000 per
employee, payment thereof shall be subject to the amount available as
savings provided that a uniform amount shall be given to all
For GOCCs and GFI, the
amount needed shall be charged against their respective corporate
Those who are not
entitled to receive the Performance Bonus are government personnel who
are absent without leave; those who have been hired not as part of the
organic manpower of agencies but as consultant or experts; student
laborers; apprentices; laborers of contracted projects; those whose
remuneration are not taken from the budgetary allocation for Personal
Services; those who are formally charged with administrative cases as
well as criminal cases which relate to acts or omissions in connection
with their official duties and functions and found guilty, except when
the penalty is a mere reprimand.
The performance bonus
of government personnel detailed with another government agency or
special projects, shall be drawn from their respective mother agency.
In the case of those paid from project funds, the Performance Bonus
shall be drawn from the same source where they draw their salaries.
The performance bonus
of government personnel employed on a part-time basis shall be
pro-rated corresponding to the services rendered.
For personnel who
transferred from one agency to another, their performance bonus shall
be granted by their new office.
personnel who have received any unauthorized extra cash gift or
additional benefit or allowance prior to the issuance of the Circular
shall refund any excess of the amount herein authorized or shall be
entitled to the difference if they receive less than P10,000.
PCA to coconut lumber
cutters: Beware!
December 15,
– The Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) through their
Samar field office sternly warned illegal cutters of coconut
lumber as monitoring has been intensified due to the declining coconut
On December 9, 2008,
two barangay folks from Barangay Tenani, Paranas, Samar while riding
in a PUJ with some 650 board foot of coconut lumber were intercepted
by no less than the Catbalogan City PNP Chief Ramil Ramirez.
The coconut lumber
worth P5,000 were confiscated.
The owners identified
as Maria Rodina and Elmer Igdalino admitted that they did not have the
proper documents or permit to transport and even cut them. They
alleged that they did try to secure permit from PCA but the authorized
office did not have receipts yet.
All they wanted was
for their kids to be able to attend the Christmas parties, so they
tried to chainsaw the tree which they claimed were being swept away by
the overflowing Olot River. They denied cutting the trees and claimed
there were still many of them which were eroded and are being swept by
the running water.
Laureano Verdeflor
from PCA denied their accusation that PCA does not have receipts,
Verdeflor said that most cutter would secure permit even if the
cutting has been done. He added that the folks do the ‘shortcut’ in
getting easy money.
The PUJ used was
impounded for sometime but released when the driver executed an oath
of undertaking that they had no involvement in the cutting of the
coconut trees.
The two Tenani folks
received a mouthful of lecture from both PNP and PCA and were sternly
warned that if ever they repeat the same offense, violation of
Republic Act 8048 also known as Coconut Preservation Act of 1995, they
will be meted the full fore of the law.
PCA warned the public
sternly to abide by the rules or face penalties or even imprisonment.
Verdeflor reminded
those who wish to cut trees to get the necessary application for
permit to cut trees, Tax Declaration of the Land where the coconut is
located, Deed of Undertaking, certification from the Barangay Chairman
or the President of a small Cococnut Farmers Organization, the same
will also be published for 15 days and the Coconut Development Officer
(CDO) inspection report
As to the allegations
of the duo that the coconut trees were just swept to them by the
strong water current, Verdeflor said that a coconut tree can only be
cut if the it poses danger to life and property, if it has been
damaged by the typhoon, it is unproductive and through a land
conversion. Otherwise, all coconut trees should be preserved according
to Republic Act 8048, concluded Verdeflor.
Former Gov. Lerias
confirms having received fertilizer fund
December 15,
Leyte – Former Gov. Rosette Lerias spoke over radio station DYDM on
Friday and acknowledged having received the now controversial
fertilizer fund for the province of Southern Leyte.
Around past two
o’clock in the afternoon of December 12, the former Governor told
anchorman Jade Nombrado that the fund was listed in her name being the
chief executive then but the assistance really benefited the various
farmers of the province.
She, however,
clarified getting only P 3,260,000 out of the allocated amount of P
5,000,000 adding that this was before the election of 2004.
“The purchase request
and the purchase order were paid after the elections,” Lerias said,
stressing that the order was made direct to Philphos.
She said that some
agriculture officials were with her when the fertilizers were
distributed to farmers.
As a result of the
fertilizer assistance the province rose to hit the number one spot in
rice production per hectare nationwide from 2004 to 2007, Lerias said,
citing reports from the regional office of the Department of
Agriculture, where the province yielded 7 tons per hectare on average
and got a star mark for this performance.
She said she had
voluntarily submitted pertinent information on the fertilizer fund use
in the province to the Senate, the Lower House, and the Bishops
through the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) for
them to be appraised on how it was utilized.
Both the Senate and
the Lower House have been engaged in their separate, ongoing probes on
the alleged misuse of the fertilizer appropriation under then DA
Undersecretary Jocelyn “Joc-Joc” Bolante. |