Former rebels
received financial and goods assistance under the local social
integration program

By 63rd Infantry
Battalion, 8ID PA
July 25, 2012
CATARMAN, Northern Samar
– In line with the Local Social Integration Program under the
Provincial Ordinance No. 5 and 8 and Executive Order No. 06 of the
Provincial Government of Northern Samar through the effort of Governor
Paul A Daza and in collaboration with the different government
agencies together with the 803rd Infantry Brigade and 63rd Infantry
(Innovator) Battalion spearheaded the awarding of Financial Assistance
to the former rebels in the province of Northern Samar.
The awarding ceremony was
held at the Provincial Social Welfare and Development Office on July
18, 2012 which was attended by Ms. Carmen H Mejia, PSWD Officer of
Northern Samar, DILG Provincial Director Valentine Bajet, Rev. Fr.
Fred I Placa, Pastoral Director of the Diocese of Catarman, PSupt.
Owen Andarino of NSPPO, Provincial Treasurer Allan Valencia, Mario G.
Lacurom, 803rd Deputy Brigade Commander and LTC. Dante R. Barotilla,
Commanding Officer of 63rd Infantry (Innovator) Battalion.
The awarding of the
immediate assistance in the form of check was given to Jeddy Mejos
Morado, Terista Quilicol and Abner Cantong, who surrendered to 63rdIB
last January and May of this year, and two (2) others from the 1st
District of the Province, who surrendered at 20 IB in Lope De Vega.
The purpose of said
distribution of financial assistance is to give chance to former
rebels to rejoin the mainstream of society and to provide a peaceful
avenue, to help eradicate the armed rebel organizations in the
province and to address their legal, economic and psycho-social needs
and create opportunities for a change to be a productive citizens in
the country, and their transition to peaceful civilian life.
The beneficiaries expressed
their deepest gratitude especially from this unit, for facilitating
their surrender to the folds of the law and for assisting them to be
beneficiaries of the said program that will help them to be a
productive citizen particularly in the 2nd District of the Province of
Northern Samar.
Leyte guv appeals
for LMWD expansion project
By Provincial Media
Relations Center
July 25, 2012
Carlos Jericho Petilla calls for a fruition to the pipeline expansion
project of the Leyte Metropolitan Water District to provide efficient
and continuous water supply to consumers in the city area.
This the governor called
after the project’s entry into the city area of the project’s pipe
installation faced yet another stall, despite efforts made by the LMWD,
city councilors and other government agency.
Gov. Petilla said the water
consuming public have to understand that the present pipes and the
water system as a whole that provide service to LMWD consumers in the
city area, were designed in the 70’s for consumers of 5,000 families.
“Just imagine that. These
pipes are now serving more or less 30,000 families, which is way above
its original number it is supposed to sufficiently serve. It would not
take a genius to put two and two together, and figure out that these
pipes cannot anymore work for these number of consumers. They need to
be replaced,” Gov. Petilla said in an interview.
He likewise assured that the
problem is not that there is lack of water supply, rather, the ‘pipes
are just too small to carry out the volume of water that would
sufficiently supply the increasing number of consumers.’
The governor called on the
consumers in Tacloban and other people concerned to give way to this
expansion project as it is one which is designed to answer the water
problems of the city. The more or less 34 kilometers pipe that run
from Tingib in Pastrana to the city proper would solely benefit the
city water consumers.
“This is exclusively for
them so I really do not see the reason why they are delaying the
project,” Gov. Petilla said,
Meanwhile, he mentioned the
project to have been waiting in the offing, following an assurance
before by the city government of Tacloban, at the height of the highly
urbanized city (HUC) campaign in 2007, that they would soon provide a
water system for the people of Tacloban.
However, five years after
the “promise of a new water system turned out to be just a study”,
thus, LMWD’s expansion project is now pushing through, says the
“We don’t see any other
plausible solution. We really need new pipelines. No matter who sits
as governor, if they can’t address that, this problem will continue.
So, we appeal, let those pipes through,’ Gov. Petilla said.
free wiring to a Calbiga school
By PIA Samar and AVHA H.
July 25, 2012
II Electric Cooperative (SAMELCO II) installed free electrical wiring
and electric meter connection to Barangay San Mauricio Elementary
School in Calbiga, Samar on July 17, 2012.
The school is one of the
recipients of “Hatag Kahayag” project, a light a school activity of
The activity was assisted by
the officers of the school’s parents-teachers association led by its
president Lito Labalan together with the barangay council’s education
committee Chairperson, Kagawad Angeles Pacayra.
SAMELCO II has started to
implement the “Hatag Kahayag” in 2011 in Barangay Pangpang Primary
School in Villareal, Samar as the first beneficiary.
SAMELCO II supports the
development of the quality of life of Samarnons through education,
facilitated by a conducive learning environment- a well lighted
According to Marilyn Tan,
the teacher in-charge of the school, they can now use modern
audio-visual devices such as television and DVD players to complement
their conventional teaching methods.
Tan expressed her gratitude
to SAMELCO II for the benefits that “Hatag Kahayag” brought to their
140 students.
She said that with the
availability of electricity in their school, teachers can now turn on
fluorescent lamps to improve the lighting condition of their
Barangay San Mauricio is an
upland Barangay in Calbiga, Samar, three kilometers away from the town
proper. The place is also accessible by boat through the Calbiga
Ochoa: We need
stronger laws to defeat terrorism
Press Release
July 25, 2012
The Aquino Administration wants Congress to amend the Human Security
Act of 2007 to further strengthen government efforts in fighting and
defeating terrorism.
Speaking to participants of the 7th ASEAN-Japan Counter-Terrorism
Dialogue in Cebu City on Wednesday, Executive Secretary Paquito N.
Ochoa Jr. said a proposed bill seeking changes to the anti-terror law
is one of the key measures the Executive Branch has asked lawmakers to
prioritize, as part of its global commitment to counter terrorism.
“The goal of these amendments is to strengthen the law so that it can
be used as a tool by law enforcement agencies to thwart terrorism,”
the Executive Secretary said.
While the capability of terror organizations has waned and the number
of militants has decreased, the world must keep its vigilance because
the threats of terrorism remain and are very real, Ochoa said.
As part of the Administration’s ongoing contribution to the global
response to these threats, the Executive Secretary told participants
that President Benigno S. Aquino III has signed last week two laws –
An Act to Further Strengthen the Anti-Money Law and the Terrorism
Financing Prevention and Suppression Act of 2012 – to boost domestic
capability in identifying and preventing financial transactions
related to illegal activities and those that undermine global
To complement these initiatives, he said, the government has put in
place a three-pronged strategy to combat terrorism within the
Philippine borders which is aligned with the frameworks adopted in
other countries. These steps are:
• Effective law enforcement by strengthening the regulatory regimes
for firearms and explosives and financing terrorism, and the arrest
and neutralization of the human tools or perpetrators behind terrorist
• Stronger institutional mechanisms and enhanced capabilities of law
enforcement agencies and security agencies, and active participation
in international cooperation against terrorism; and
• De-radicalization or counter-radicalization of the intent to commit
terror acts by addressing poverty and poor education, which are
considered roots of the problem.
“In these initiatives, you are guaranteed of the support of our
President who recognizes the importance of addressing the threat of
terrorism and is aware that a holistic approach to the problem will
produce positive results,” Ochoa said.
At the same time, the Executive Secretary lauded Japan and ASEAN
member-states for taking the lead in organizing the dialogue on
counter-terrorism to put forward the implementation of joint projects
in transport security, border control and immigration, maritime
security, public involvement in countering terrorism, and capacity
building on legal affairs.
“Without a doubt, all of the nation-states here possess the political
will to defeat terrorism; all of us want to secure borders and ensure
the safety of our people,” Ochoa said.
“What is necessary is improved counter terrorism capacity, and this is
where efforts like this dialogue is crucial.”
VP Binay’s PDAF for
scholarships, medicine, relief goods and centers for elderly in 4th to
6th class towns
By OVP Media
July 25, 2012
Vice President Jejomar C. Binay funded through his Priority
Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) the construction or repair of
senior citizens’ centers, scholarships, health services and assistance
to indigent or displaced families in calamity prone areas in 4th to
6th class municipalities.
Reporting on his
accomplishments for the last two years as Vice President, Binay also
said the Office of the Vice President (OVP) is set to sign memorandum
of agreements with various national government agencies and local
government units who will be recipients and implementors of his PDAF
projects for 2012 to guarantee “greater transparency and
accountability” in the use of the funds.
Congress provides P200
million in PDAF to the Office of the Vice President (OVP). This year,
the DBM included the amount in the regular budget of the OVP.
The Vice President has
already expanded the scholarship grant-in-aid program to poor but
deserving students. Previously available only to students of State
Colleges and Universities (SCUs), the scholarship grants are now also
offered to students of select private schools.
The choice of projects and
beneficiaries are consistent with the Vice President's advocacies, and
aligned with the national government’s budget priorities and the
Ten-Point Legacy Agenda of President Benigno Aquino III.
These are AMA Computer
University/ACLAC/ABE, St. Jude College & Medical Center, Manila
Central University, Manila Business College and University of Batangas.
The OVP has also partnered
with the Technical Skills Development Authority (TESDA), the
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) and local government units (LGUs)
to provide technical non-formal education training.
In 2011, the Vice President
signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Commission on Higher
Education (CHED) and representatives of SCUs in the country to provide
a P9,000-annual educational assistance to 10 scholars for each of the
109 SCUs nationwide.
“We will give priority to
those who will be enrolling in agriculture, education, commerce
(entrepreneurship), engineering, and information technology,” he said.
For School Year 2012-2013,
the OVP earmarked P18 million from the first tranche of its PDAF to
offer 2,200 scholarship grants to SCUs, including 20 slots for
undergraduate students of the University of the Philippines (UP).
For SY2011-2012, 960
freshmen from SCUs and 30 from private institutions availed themselves
of the program. The UP Diliman also listed two scholars from the
School of Urban and Regional Planning, and five from the College of
Meanwhile, P150 million or
75 percent of the 2011 PDAF was earmarked for the construction and
repair of 300 senior citizen centers nationwide. For the first tranche
of his 2012 PDAF, the OVP also set aside P50 million for the same
The centers serve as venues
for assemblies, recreational and sports activities and medical
missions for the elderly.
“Our elderly links us to our
past and serves as our guide towards the future. We should thank them
for their valuable contributions to our country,” Binay said.
Last year, the OVP earmarked
P10 million to provide emergency and immediate relief assistance to
indigent families affected by typhoons and other calamities.
Since becoming Vice
President, Binay personally led relief operations in some areas,
particularly in Bulacan after typhoon Pedring. He was also one of the
first national official to provide assistance in Iligan and Cagayan de
Oro, both of which were severely affected by typhoon Sendong.
For the first tranche of
2012, the OVP also allocated P10 million for relief operations as well
as other social services, including the provision of school supplies
and burial assistance.
The OVP also held medical
missions in and provided medicines and medical equipment to 4th to 6th
class municipalities in the country. P30 million was used for this
purpose in 2011 and P12 million for the first tranche of 2012.
PCID supports the
passage of the RH Bill in ARMM
Press Release
July 24, 2012
QUEZON CITY – The Regional
Legislative Assembly (RLA) in the ARMM held a consultative meeting on
the RH Bill on July 18 at the Alnor Hotel and Convention Center in
Cotabato City. The meeting was attended by representatives from
sectors such as business, religious, women, youth, and media.
The Philippine Center for
Islam and Democracy (PCID) supports the passage of the RH Bill in the
Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) in line with its work
promoting maternal and child health in the region known to be the most
dangerous to pregnant women and infants.
PCID and the Magbassa Kita
Foundation (MKFI) have organized the Noorus Salam (Light of Peace),
the first national network of Muslim women religious (aleemat and
ustadzas) and civil society leaders, working to capacitate women in
peace and development efforts.
PCID believes the RH Bill
will address the crucial and difficult role of marginalized women in
ARMM as they contend with not only raising a family in poverty, amid
uncertain conditions brought about by continuous conflict in the
Most importantly, the bill
is a direct response to the Tanzim al-Usra – the official ruling (fatwah)
on reproductive health and family planning – released by the Assembly
of Darul-Iftah of the Philippines in 2003 supporting birth spacing,
delaying pregnancy, and use of safe and legal contraceptives with
ultimate goal of promoting the health and welfare of the family, in
particular; and the society, in general.
PCID lauds the efforts and
courage of RLA assistant majority floor leader Irene P. Tillah and
Samira Gutoc-Tomawis (sectoral representative for women), as well as
the Assemblymen for coming up with a piece of legislation that would
address the largely neglected needs of women in the ARMM, the region
being the most dangerous to childbearing women and to babies.
The passage of the RH Bill
will have an immense impact on the current situation of women in ARMM
in many ways, among others:
It will make reproductive
health care services more accessible for women in the region who can
hardly afford health care especially when the regional government will
be mandated to provide such services.
Abortion, while remaining
illegal and punishable by law, would not be a hindrance for women to
avail of post-abortion care to be provided for by government in a
“humane, non judgmental, and compassionate manner.”
The region will benefit from
additional hospitals and improvement of existing facilities to
accommodate emergency obstetric and neonatal care as called for in the
Bill providing at least one hospital per 500,000 inhabitants.
The integration of
responsible parenthood and family planning in anti-poverty programs
will mean more government support.
PCID is one with the
proponents in pushing for the passage of the RH Bill as the RLA
prepares for deliberations.
VP Binay – Delfin
Lee no Ping Lacson; urges PNP, NBI to intensify manhunt
By OVP Media
July 24, 2012
MANILA – Saying
fugitive property developer Delfin Lee “is no Ping Lacson,” Vice
President Jejomar C. Binay on Tuesday appealed to the Philippine
National Police (PNP) and National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) to
redouble their efforts to capture Lee, who faces arrest for syndicated estafa.
The Vice President issued
the appeal after lawyer Willie Rivera, Lee’s counsel, said in a
television program that his client is still in the Philippines but is
in hiding. Lee’s lawyer also likened the case of his client to Senator
Ping Lacson, who went into hiding during the Arroyo administration.
“Delfin Lee is no Ping
Lacson. Senator Lacson was a critic of the Arroyo regime, while Lee
defrauded Pag-Ibig Fund of almost P6 billion by using fake borrowers
and fake documents and destroyed the dreams of thousand of working
Filipinos,” he said.
“I am appealing to the PNP
and NBI to double their efforts to locate and arrest Delfin Lee. Now
that we know that he is still in the country, he must be found and put
behind bars at the soonest,” Binay said.
The Vice President also
debunked the lawyer’s claim that there is no syndicated estafa against
Lee’s company Globe Asiatique, citing the January 30, 2012 resolution
of the Makati Regional Trial Court (RTC) that ordered the Home
Development Mutual Fund (HDMF or Pag-Ibig Fund) to comply with the
contract provisions on replacement buyers.
The Vice President said the
Makati case ruling did not absolve Lee from criminal liability.
“GA is just muddling the
issue. The Makati RTC ruling does not absolve Lee of syndicated estafa,”
Binay said.
He cited the Court of
Appeals (CA) decision of April 16, 2012, penned by Associate Justice
Franchito Diamante, which ruled that regardless of the final ruling on
the Makati civil case, it will not serve to extinguish the criminal
liability of Lee and his co-accused.
Binay is the Chairman of the
Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC). He is also
the Chairman of the Board of Pag-Ibig Fund.
For her part, Pag-Ibig
President and CEO Darlene Berberabe said the Makati civil case was
“separate and distinct” from the criminal case filed against Lee, his
son Dexter, and three other GA officers for syndicated estafa.
“The Makati RTC decision
expressly states that it did not delve into the issue of fraud
(pertaining to Pag-Ibig ghost borrowers and double sale),” she said.
On May 22, Judge Maria
Amifaith Fider-Reyes of the Pampanga RTC found probable cause against
Lee and his co-accused and issued corresponding warrants for their
arrest with no recommendation for bail.
Berberabe said the Makati court ruling is not yet final and is the
subject of a motion for reconsideration filed by Pag-Ibig.
“Pag-Ibig respectfully
disagrees with the decision and this we filed a motion for
reconsideration. We are confident that the decision will be
subsequently overturned,” she said.
Berberabe said Pag-Ibig
refused to accept the replacement buyers because doing so would mean
covering up the fraud committed by GA.
“GA wants Pag-Ibig to be
compelled to accept replacement buyers. Pag-Ibig did not accept the
replacement buyers because the original buyers (Pag-Ibig borrowers)
are fake. To accept such replacements would mean covering up the fraud
of GA,” she said.
15 dead on Biliran
car accident
RPCRD, Police Regional Office 8
July 23, 2012
Palo, Leyte – Caibiran Police reports of a recent
Biliran car crash that left eight (8) people injured and 15 dead after
the vehicle involved swerved to a curved road.
Responding PNP elements of
Caibiran Police Station disclosed that on July 21, 2012 at about 6:30
in the evening an Isuzu Canter elf-type truck with markings “Mary Mac”
bearing plate number GHP 109 was heading towards the municipality of
Caibiran, Biliran. Upon reaching the inclined and curve road at Sitio
Atay, Brgy. Cabibihan, Caibiran, Biliran, said vehicle lost brake,
swerved and moved off road.
Thirteen (13) persons died
instantly while ten (10) others including the driver were seriously
injured and were brought to Biliran Provincial Hospital and were later
referred to Saint Paul’s Hospital and Eastern Visayas Regional Medical
Center here in the city.
The thirteen (13) dead
victims were identified as follows: Honoria Montes Regir, Lolita
Narrido Yagon, Renato Regir Escosis, Julito Narrido Yagon, Marianito
Escala Areglo, Niel Cabulang Rosete, Anthony Cabalquinto Montiadora,
Lito Cabalquinto, Sanita Regir Rosete, Manilyn Cabulang Rosete,
Josephine Cabulang Rosete, Junalyn Cabulang Rosete and Darwin Cabulang
Injured persons were also
identified as: Carnelia Montiadora, Brgy. Chairwoman of Brgy. Villa
Caneja, Naval, Biliran; Nilo Regir Rosete; Antonio Regir Rosete; Ben
Fortuna; Raul Montiadora; Alicia Escosis; Elaine and Jerry Areglo.
While Jennifer Caliao and Rhea mae Escosis died while being treated at
Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center (EVRMC) Tacloban City.
Caibiran Police Station is
now conducting thorough investigation relative to the incident.
PSSupt Roel Balintong Acidre,
Chief, RPCRD suggests to those people behind the wheel to exercise
extreme cautions when driving to avoid unreasonable risks or road
More arrest of
wanted persons in Maasin City
By RPCRD, Police
Regional Office 8
July 23, 2012
Palo, Leyte – A 60 year old farmer wanted for
Frustrated Murder was arrested by the elements of Bato Police Station
led by PSI Margarito Salano, chief of police, on July 21, 2012 at Brgy
Baco, Leyte, Leyte.
Suspect was identified as
Pambit Po arrested by virtue of a Warrant of Arrest issued by
Honorable Crisostomo Garrido of RTC Branch 13, Carigara, Leyte.
On July 20, 2012, a certain
Felix Auditor Ordiz, 42 years old, single and a resident of Brgy.
Mambajao, Maasin City was arrested for violation of PD 1866 as amended
by RA 8294 (Illegal Possession of Firearms).
Ordiz was arrested by the
joint elements of Maasin City Police Station and RIU 8 led by PSI
Marianito Malibago, Intel Officer of Maasin City Police Station and
PO3 Sancho Orito Jr.
On the same date, at Brgy.
Pansaan, Maasin City, Southern Leyte, elements of Maasin City Police
led by PSI Marianito Malibago arrested one Joselito Ambi, of legal
age, married, jobless from said place for violation of Section 78 of
PD 705 as amended by RA 7161 issued by Honorable Ma. Daisy P.
Gonzales, Presiding Judge, RTC Branch 25, Maasin City.
Subject person was brought
to Maasin City Police Station and presented to the issuing court and
released from custody after putting up a Property Bond amounting to
Forty Thousand Pesos (P40,000).
At about 3:00 PM on July 20,
2012 at Brgy. Libertad, Maasin City, same elements of Maasin CPS
arrested one Felix Maldo, 51 years old and Jackem Isaga, 22 years old,
both residents of said place for the crime of Grave Threats issued by
Honorable Edgardo D. Leonido, Presiding Judge of Maasin City MTCC with
recommended bail of Two Thousand Pesos (P2,000) each.
Subject persons were brought
to respective police stations for proper disposition prior turn-over
to issuing court.
According to PSSupt Roel
Balintong Acidre, Chief, RPCRD believes that it is the duty of the PNP
to ensure public safety by working closely with other law enforcement
partners on the accounting of wanted persons and the service of
PhilHealth defers
premium increase for individually paying members
By Philippine Information
Agency (PIA 8)
July 22, 2012
The Philippine Health Insurance Commission has deferred the
implementation of the increase in premium contributions for
Individually Paying Members (IPMs) from July 1 to October 1, 2012.
Ms. Marimar Zabala,
PhilHealth Tacloban information officer, said this includes those
covered under the Kalusugang Segurado at Abot Kaya sa PhilHealth
Insurance (KASAPI) Program and the group enrollment scheme.
The deferment covers all
IPMs, except self-employed professionals and other IPMs whose average
gross monthly income is more than P25,000.00.
She informed that this
deferment was made in order to give the Individually Paying Members
enough time to prepare for the premium adjustment and to allow them to
fulfill their obligations to the National Health Insurance Program.
Zabala added that in order
to support members further and to ensure continuity of protection, a
lock-in mechanism has been introduced.
The lock-in is a privilege
granted to IPMs who would like to pay for their coverage until CY 2013
using the current rate of P1,200 per year, Zabala said.
IPMs interested to avail of
this option may pay P1,800 on or before September 30, 2012, valid from
3rd Quarter 2012 until 4th Quarter 2013.
Payment transactions made at
Local Health Insurance Offices may be accepted until the last working
day of September 2012, while those made in accredited collecting
institutions may be accepted until September 30, 2012. No additional
premiums will be charged during the effective coverage.
IPMs who have paid P2,100
before June 30, 2012, valid from 2rd Quarter 2012 until 4th Quarter
2013, shall remain locked-in and covered.
For further inquiries,
interested parties may visit or call the PhilHealth Offices nearest