Paglambo Project:
Promoting financial inclusion for Muslim communities
July 11, 2022
President Ferdinand
Marcos, Jr. has declared July 9 a regular holiday in observance of
Eid al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice), one of the two greatest Islam
holidays. Eid al-Adha marks the end of hajj, a key pillar of Islam
that able-bodied Muslims must undertake at least once in their
lives. This observance of an important holiday for our Muslim
brothers and sisters is good for inclusive development. Islam is
practiced by roughly five percent of Filipinos from a variety of
ethnolinguistic groups, over half of whom live in Mindanao.
Beyond the observance of
holidays, however, is a serious need for the government to address
the poverty situation in Muslim communities. The three poorest
provinces in the country are predominantly Muslim. Based on the 2018
Family Income and Expenditure Survey (FIES) of the Philippine
Statistics Authority (PSA), the poorest regions are ARMM, Region 9,
Region 8, CARAGA, and Region 12. Four of these regions are in
Mindanao, but the most impoverished is the Bangsamoro Autonomous
Region, which has a poverty incidence of 61.3 percent. This means
that three out of every five persons in the region are poor. The
situation is even worse in the provinces of Lanao del Sur, Sulu, and
Basilan, where nearly two out of every three people are poor.
Financially Excluded
According to the Bangko
Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), about 7 in 10 adult Filipinos are
financially excluded and do not have accounts, or access to
much-needed financial services. Financial exclusion affects millions
of Filipinos in the lower income class, the youth, the unemployed,
and the less educated. Financial exclusion is also prevalent among
senior citizens, migrant workers and their families, persons with
disabilities, indigenous peoples, forcibly displaced persons, and
others who are unable to get access to finance due to their
religious beliefs.
There is a religious and
cultural dimension to the issue of Muslim Filipinos’ lack of access
to financial services which could help raise their productivity and
standard of living. Sharīʿah (also spelled sharia) is the Islamic
religious law that governs the day-to-day life of Muslims. The
sharia prohibits interest charging, as this equates with usury (riba).
It forbids speculative transactions involving risks (gharar), and
avoids transactions on sinful things (haram), such as pork, alcohol
and gambling. These tenets limit Muslims’ participation in the
formal financial system.
A truly inclusive
financial system necessitates sharia-compliant financial services
for Muslims. This is problematic because there is only one Islamic
bank in the country, the Al-Amanah Islamic Investment Bank. In the
meantime, a few microfinance institutions (coops and NGOs in
Mindanao) supported by Peace and Equity Foundation; the ASA
Philippines Foundation; and the Center for Agriculture and Rural
Development (CARD) are filling in the gap, making banking, credit,
microinsurance, remittance, and other financial services available
to Muslim communities.
The Paglambo Project
The Paglambo Project is a
sharia-inspired microfinancing program that CARD started in 2018. It
resulted from a series of dialogues and learning visits between two
Ramon Magsaysay awardees: the Dompet Dhuafa, an Indonesian
non-profit organization, which won the Magsaysay Award in 2016, and
CARD MRI, which won the Magsaysay Award for Public Service in 2008.
CARD developed the Paglambo Project based on the Dompet Dhuafa’s
successful Islamic microfinance and banking scheme in Indonesia.
Starting with only two
units composed of clients from 56 Muslim families in Marawi, Lanao
del Sur and Shariff Aguak, Maguindanao, the Paglambo Project
expanded quickly. Attesting to the urgent need for financing in the
area, clients grew to more than 4,000 after only a year of
operation. As of June 2022, the Paglambo Project has 54 units in
Lanao del Sur, Maguindanao, Zamboanga City, Basilan and Tawi-Tawi.
There are now more than 76,000 clients, with a capital build-up of
more than 164 million pesos. Their average loan repayment rate is
very high, at 99.35 percent. In 2021, its unit in Kapatagan,
Maguindanao had a 100% repayment rate despite the COVID pandemic.
The success of the project
lies in its sharia-compliant financial products and services. For
instance, it has an education loan program based on Islam’s
Murabahah. The Murabahah concept allows the borrower to obtain money
from the lender to buy goods for his business. The parties agree on
the mark-up on the goods, thus, the lender gets a fixed profit based
on the agreement. This eliminates the interest system, which Islam
prohibits. A Kafalah Islamic contract was added to the existing
financing contract, since many Muslim families also needed funds for
their children’s school expenses.
Apart from designing
financial products suited to the needs of the community, all staff
are trained to observe cultural sensitivity. Courtesy calls to
Muslim elders were made to introduce the program, as well as
coordination with village leaders and local organizations.
Communication was key, as attested by the manager in Kapatagan,
whose unit clients grew because she was able to explain that the
financial products under Paglambo is halal or in accord with the
Islamic faith.
The Paglambo Project shows
that financial inclusion in Muslim areas is possible via Islamic
microfinance. The government can assist community-based
organizations that deliver sharia-compliant products by putting up
needed infrastructure to make hard-to-reach areas accessible. Apart
from providing more funds for financial services targeting the poor
and vulnerable, it could also set aside Islamic financing to help
micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) offering halal products
and services. Partnerships between public and private providers
should be encouraged, to serve more Muslim communities.
Again, Eid al-Adha Mubarak
to our Muslim brothers and sister! Wishing your families peace,
harmony, happiness, good health and prosperity!
Make war to gain
July 10, 2022
THAT is not a smart-alecky
statement. It has to be taken seriously, since in a sense it comes
from Christ himself. Note what he said in the Gospel of St. Matthew:
“Do not think that I have come to bring peace upon the earth. I have
come to bring not peace but the sword. For I have come to set a man
against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a
daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and one’s enemies will be
those of his household.” (10,34-36)
But lest we think such statement is just a capricious, if not evil
desire of Christ, he made some clarification. “Whoever loves father
or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or
daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and whoever does not take
up his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds
his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will
find it.” (10,37-39)
It’s clear that Christ wants us to make war against anything that
would prevent us from being with him. And it is only with him when
we can have our true and lasting joy and peace.
We just have to make sure though that when we wage war as suggested
by Christ, we do it not out of hatred against anybody or anything,
since God loves everyone and everything that he created. We have to
do it with the same love God has for everyone and everything. It’s
actually a war of peace and love.
We have to understand that in this life we have to make war to have
peace. And peace can only come about, at least in this life, as a
consequence of some war. Our life here on earth will always be a war
of peace. We should not be surprised by this phenomenon anymore. It
should be a given.
The war we will be waging here on earth will be a constructive war,
not destructive. It is a war to win our way toward heaven. It is a
war to make ourselves “another Christ,” a new man, stepping out of
the old man that we all are due to sin. Any obstacle along the way,
including those who are very close to us but who compete with God
for our love, should be fought and rejected.
We have to remember that we always have to contend with powerful
enemies in our spiritual life. The first one would be our own
selves, our own flesh that has been weakened by sin. There is such
thing as concupiscence, a certain attraction to evil that leads us
to have a lust of the eye, lust of the flesh and the pride of life.
Yes, our Christian life here on earth will always involve some war,
some struggle and effort, some combat. But all of this would be done
in peace and for peace. The combination may sound incredible, but
that is what Christ is showing and telling us.
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace,” he
told his disciples. “In this world you will have trouble, but take
heart! I have overcome the world.” (Jn 16,33) If by faith and
effort, we do our best to stick with Christ, we know that victory is
always assured for us. Peace is gained by making some war.
Christ’s real
presence in the Eucharist
By Fr.
June 14, 2022
WE have to make sure that
our faith in the real presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament is
always kept alive and strong. Let’s take advantage of the Solemnity
of the Most Holy Body and Blood of the Lord (Corpus Christi) to
check our faith in this most crucial truth. We know that we never do
enough in this regard, since what we have before us is truly
tremendous and overwhelming a mystery.
In the gospel of this
year’s celebration of the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, we are
presented again with that story of the multiplication of the 5
loaves of bread and 2 fish. (cfr. Lk 9,11-17) We are made to
understand that the mystery of the real presence of Christ in the
Eucharist goes far beyond what we can see and understand. We have to
go strictly by faith.
It’s when we can capture
this truth of our faith that we become Eucharistic souls. To be
Eucharistic souls means to be a real person who is both grounded and
oriented properly. Yes, we need to be Eucharistic in mind and heart,
because the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist is where we have our
most precious treasure, our everything, our light, our purification,
our salvation.
That’s where we have
Christ not only in real presence, as in the Blessed Sacrament, nor
as spiritual food, as in the Holy Communion, but primarily as our
savior who continues to offer his life on the cross for us, as in
the Holy Mass.
We need to be theological
in our thinking to capture this reality and live in accordance to it
not only from time to time, but rather all the time and everywhere,
whatever our situation is.
We have to overcome the
very common phenomenon of treating the Holy Eucharist as just a
special part of our life that we may attend to in some special
moments of the day or on Sundays and holy days of obligation only.
If we believe that God is
everything to us, then we have to believe also that Christ, the son
of God who became man, is also everything to us. That’s why he said
he is “the way, the truth and the life, no one goes to the Father
except through me.”
Now, if we believe in
Christ as everything to us, then it follows that we have to believe
in the Holy Eucharist also as everything to us, since it is the Holy
Eucharist where the whole redemptive life of Christ is summarized
and sacramentalized, that is to say, made present to us through
With the Holy Eucharist,
we become contemporaries of Christ in his most supreme act of
salvific love for us. But, alas, how many of us realize this, and
among those of us who do, how many have the skill to turn this
realization into a living reality?
We need to do a lot of
catechizing and discussion if only to air out the many possibilities
and practical considerations we can have to make the Holy Eucharist
everything to us not only in theory and aspiration, but also in
practice in our daily grind.
We therefore need to
enkindle our Eucharistic amazement and to intensify our Eucharistic
piety. In this matter, we can never overdo things. We should try our
best that our Eucharistic piety continues to grow strong and deep.
What does
Pentecost mean?
By Fr.
June 1, 2022
EVEN if Christ already
died and ascended into heaven, his presence and mission continues to
be with us, this time through the Holy Spirit. “I will not leave you
as orphans,” he said. “I will come to you.” (Jn 14,18) It is the
Holy Spirit who will make Christ present in us and who will involve
us in the continuing redemptive work of Christ.
We have to understand that
the Holy Spirit perpetuates the presence and redemptive action of
Christ all throughout time, with all the drama, vagaries, ups and
downs that we men make in our history.
It has been prophesied
that God will pour out his Spirit upon all men. The Holy Spirit is
intended for all of us. We are all meant to be filled with the Holy
Spirit. But this divine will obviously has to contend with the way
we receive and do things, and that is, that we take to this reality
in stages involving a whole range of human means of teaching,
evangelizing, etc.
We need the Holy Spirit
because only in him can we truly recognize Christ. Only in him will
we be able to have Christ in our life, to remember all his words and
even to develop them to attune them to current needs and situations.
Only in him can we see
things properly. Especially these days when truth, justice and
charity have become very slippery, and people are left confounded
and vulnerable to fall into scepticism and cynicism, we need to be
in the Holy Spirit to be able to sort things out and stay away from
the mess.
We need the Holy Spirit to
be able to read the signs of the times properly. The world is
getting very complicated, and we definitely need the Holy Spirit to
guide us. We cannot rely anymore on our politicians and other
leaders. We, including politicians and especially them, actually
always need the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit acts on
each one of us in different ways but always for the common good. St.
Cyril has this to say about how the Holy Spirit comes to us:
“The Spirit comes gently
and makes himself known by his fragrance. He is not felt as a
burden, for he is light, very light. Rays of light and knowledge
stream before him as he approaches.
“The Spirit comes with the
tenderness of a true friend and protector to save, to heal, to
teach, to counsel, to strengthen, to console. The Spirit comes to
enlighten the mind first of the one who receives him, and then,
through him, the minds of others as well.”
We have to understand that
Christ’s redemptive mission is very much an ongoing affair, and he
involves all of us actually in this business. Those words that he
addressed to his apostles, giving them their mission, can be
considered as addressed to us also. And we can carry out that
mission because of the abiding work of the Holy Spirit in us. All we
have to do is to correspond to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
We need to be familiar
with this Christian duty. We have to do apostolate, and we need to
see to it that the zeal for it is always nourished, stoked and
fanned to its most intense degree.
Yes, we are all meant to
be “another Christ” through the Holy Spirit, with the lifelong
concern for our sanctification and apostolate, taking advantage of
all the occasions and situations in life to pursue those goals!
Why it’s
difficult to believe in Christ
By Fr.
May 10, 2022
long are you going to keep us in suspense? If you are the Christ,
tell us plainly.” (Jn 10,24)
Perhaps we too can ask the same question. In spite of what we
already know about Christ, we may still be harboring doubts as to
whether Christ is really the one he presents himself to be.
I believe the simple answer is that to believe in Christ requires
the grace of God. If we just rely on our human faculties, like our
intelligence and common sense, we would actually not go very far. At
a certain point, we would start to entertain doubts about who Christ
really is.
And that is also simply because Christ, while truly a man, is first
of all divine. He is a supernatural being. In fact, he is the
Supreme Being who has no beginning and no end. While we can know him
through his words and deeds as recorded in the gospel, he will
always remain a mystery still to us. He overwhelms our capacity to
know him.
With him, what we have to do is to believe first before we can start
to understand him more deeply. With him, we need to have faith first
before the operations of our intelligence and our other faculties do
their thing.
Thus, both St. Augustine and St. Anselm enunciated the proper way to
understand and believe in Christ. “Credo ut intellegam” (I believe
that I might understand) was what they were saying. They made an
appeal to follow first our faith before we start to use our
intelligence. Or better said, we have to make our reasoning be
inspired by our faith first.
We therefore have to see to it that we develop an operative faith.
Our faith should not remain only in the theoretical, intellectual
level. It has to be a functioning one, giving shape and direction in
our thoughts and intentions, our words and deeds. In fact, it should
shape our whole life.
The ideal is that we feel it immediately. Indeed, it should be like
an instinct such that whatever we think, say or do, or whenever we
have to react to something, it is our faith that should guide us.
We have to understand that it is our faith that gives us the global
picture of things, since it is God’s gift to us, a gratuitous
sharing of what God knows about himself and about the whole of
creation. It is meant for our own good, for us to live out our true
dignity as children of God.
It is a kind of knowledge that will lead us to our eternal life. It
will make us relate everything in our earthly life, both the good
and the bad, to this ultimate goal in life which is to be in heaven
with God, a state that is supernatural. But it is a divine gift that
we need to take care of. It is like a seed that has to grow until it
becomes a big tree and bears fruit.
For this, we really need to have a living contact with Christ who is
the fullness of God’s revelation to us. He is the substance, the
content and the spirit of our faith. So, the first thing that we
have to do is to look for him always whatever we may be thinking,
saying or doing. Never mind if we do not understand him fully. We
should just follow him!
The praises of

April 30, 2022
Dietrich Von Hildebrand, a
christian philosopher, once explained that by nature women are
superior to men. They are more gentle, they are more sweet, they are
more beautiful, they have more charm etc. The only area perhaps in
which men are more right than women is that men love women while
women love men.
Such praises to women have
been sung by the wise, since philosophy has begun. Admittedly, there
are those who degrade womanhood. Nonetheless, it is interesting to
note that virtues -the paragon of moral perfection- are portrayed by
The four cardinal virtues
of Prudence, Temperance, Justice, and Fortitude are portrayed by
women. Even Severinus Boethius expresses most eloquently his
adoration to wisdom in person: Lady Philosophy.
The wise have always
adored women. And if women are indeed better, the failure to adore
them would be unwise.
After all, who else can be
mothers but women? Who else can be wives but women? Who else can be
daughters but women? Whose was the face that could launch a thousand
ships but that of a woman? Who else can have men at their fingertips
but women? Who else did God choose to be his Mother but a woman.
Edith Stein, a
Philosopher, Student of Edmund Husserl, and contemporary of
Hildebrand explained that the Woman is better. “Women,” she said,
“understand not only with the intellect but also with the heart.”
“Women naturally seek,” she continues, “to embrace what is living,
personal, integral.” Most beautifully, she explains that “To heal,
watch over, protect, nourish, and favor growth is her natural
maternal desire” because “The soul of a woman is fashioned as a
shelter in which other souls may unfold.”
It seems, therefore, to be
a great absurdity for some who pose under the guise of
pseudo-intellectualism to hiss at women who prefer to be mothers,
who prefer to be a wife, who prefer to perfect their womanhood in
such noble a state. Women, they say, must have a career, must have
glittering achievements. Women must not only be house wives, must
not only be mothers, must not be homemakers because these, they say,
degrade her womanhood. In short, to them, unless a woman is like a
man, she does not have a life worth living. This is tragic
considering how they think that to be fulfilled woman must be like a
It is interesting to note
that the same pseudo-intellectuals hold it as unquestionable and
absolute dogmatic truth that all the evils of the world are caused
by the patriarchy. They further say that all evil actions are in
substance misogyny. This they hold with religious assent and
unquestioning faith.
How can it be, as these
insist, that having a full time career, no time for family, no time
to personally raise their children be more ontologically valuable
for a woman that being a mother who raises and looks after the
children -the future citizens of the earth and of heaven-? How is
the task of raising up great men and women of virtue so demeaning
and so worthless compared to working for a company, to working for
some corporation? How can one say that being a mother and wife is so
demeaning when studies have shown that a great majority of those who
have problems in adulthood are those who did not have good family
lives as children?
How can these be demeaning
when these are the most perfect exercise of the characteristics
endowed on a woman’s soul? “Woman,” says Edith Stein “naturally
seeks to embrace that which is living, personal, and whole. To
cherish, guard, protect, nourish and advance growth is her natural,
maternal yearning.”
And that women in top
positions is not an issue here. One cannot but admire Margaret
Thatcher who stirred Britain so well, or Catherine the great who
reformed Russia, or Olga of Kiev who ruled a kingdom, or Teresa of
Avila or Catherine of Sienna who reformed the Church. But let no one
tell mothers, wives, and daughters that they do not have a life
worth living simply because they chose a more domestic life.
Thus, Edith Stein
beautifully puts it: “Each woman who lives in the light of eternity
can fulfill her vocation, no matter if it is in marriage, in a
religious order, or in a worldly profession.”
Let us keep these in our
minds in this month of May, the month of the greatest woman who ever
lived and will ever live.
Never doubt God’s
love for us
April 26, 2022
“JESUS said to Philip,
‘Where can we buy enough food for them to eat?’ He said this to test
Philip, because he himself knew what he was going to do.” (Jn 6,5-6)
With these words, we
should realize that we should never doubt God’s constant love for
us, especially when we encounter difficulties and severe trials in
our life. God allows these things to happen if only to test us, that
is, to see if we also truly love him in return, a love that is
expressed in complete trust in God’s will and ways.
Yes, we have to be clear
that there in nothing in our life, no moment or situation where God
does not test us. We have to explode the myth that consists in the
thinking that there are times when we are freed from this test. Even
in our moments of rest and recreation, we are being tested.
And that’s simply because
the only purpose of these tests is to see if we keep ourselves
always with God as we should. In this regard, let’s remember these
relevant words of Christ. “He who is not with me is against me, and
he who does not gather with me scatters.” (Mt 12,30) There is no
neutral ground in our relationship with God. We are either for him
or against him.
And being created in the
image and likeness of God, we are meant to be always with God, much
like what Christ himself said about the vine and branches. (cfr. Jn
15,5) Otherwise, we die in the sense of living a life that is not
proper to us, like the branches that are separated from the vine.
So, we cannot
overemphasize our need to do everything to always be with God. We
know very well how easily we can think and live as if we can simply
be by ourselves. Especially when life seems to be going well for us,
we easily tend to take God for granted. We usually go to him only
when we find ourselves with difficulties.
Yes, we have to understand
that God’s tests us not only in our difficulties, but also in our
good and easy moments of our life. In fact, the latter tests can be
more difficult to tackle.
It’s always good to
frequently meditate on what God has done for us, if only to enjoy
the confidence he has put in us. This is to help us repay his love
with our love. Thus, Christ told us, “Without cost you have
received. Without cost you are to give.” (Mt 10,8)
For sure, with these words
of Christ, we are strongly reminded to be generous, to give
ourselves completely to God and to others, sparing and keeping
nothing for ourselves, because God has been generous with us. He
gave nothing less than himself to us. And he wants to share what we
have with everybody else.
Thus, in Christ’s
commissioning of his disciples that should include all of us, his
believers and followers, he encourages us not to worry so much about
what to have or what to bring. “Do not take gold or silver or copper
for your belts; no sack for the journey, or a second tunic, or
sandals or walking stick. The laborer deserves his keep.” We need to
develop a keen sense of generosity and self-giving that is also a
result of detachment.
Investing to make
a difference
April 20, 2022
The annual inflation rate
in the Philippines rose to 4.0% in March from 3.0% in February. The
increase in the prices of goods is at an all-time high as Russia’s
attack on Ukraine sent oil and commodity prices soaring worldwide.
In an environment where inflation risks are high, oil prices are
surging and current macroeconomic forecasts paint a challenging
picture, there is a popular Filipino proverb or salawikain that
comes to mind:
“Kapag may itinanim, may
This gem of folk wisdom
literally translates to “if you plant, you will harvest something,”
but it actually means “your future will be the result of the effort
you put in today.” Its message is the same as that of the classic
Filipino tale, Si Langgam at Si Tipaklong, where the ant stacked up
grains in anticipation of the rainy days while the happy-go-lucky
grasshopper danced the day away. Unlike the frugal and industrious
langgam, the tipaklong suffered when the rains came.
The question now is this:
do we want to become ants or grasshoppers?
These uncertain times
demand that we prepare for the rainy days. We need to be like the
ant and allocate a portion of our present income for future needs,
like the education of our children, sickness or emergencies, and
even retirement, as there will definitely come a time that we will
grow old and can no longer work.
Aside from savings, we can
also make sound investments. While many Filipinos believe that the
only way to make money is by working for it (either by being paid
for one’s labors or by running a business), there is another way: by
making your money work for you. This entails investing your money so
that it earns more money.
Benefits and Risks
According to the Bangko
Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) 2019 financial inclusion survey, only 25%
of Filipinos have some sort of investment. An investment is an asset
purchased with the hope that it will generate income or appreciate
in the future. You invest when you buy an asset and sell it later,
when its value has increased. You also invest when you put your
money in ventures that earn interest over time. There are two key
factors: time and appreciation. When you invest, you open up
multiple income streams. You get something extra, aside from what
you earn from work or business. It allows you to meet your financial
goals faster. It also helps build wealth, because over time, you
accumulate assets that increase your net worth.
Risk, of course, is part
of investing. There is the risk of capital loss. There is also the
risk of not meeting your expected returns. Knowing that there are
risks should not stop you from looking into investment
opportunities. Instead, you should learn and find the best ways to
manage them.
for Beginners
There is a wide range of
investment opportunities available for beginners. Investment
decisions are based on one’s goals (short, medium, or long-term) or
risk appetite (conservative or aggressive). There are many options,
but a beginning investor may look into:
Investment Programs - The BSP financial inclusion survey shows that
SSS (88%) and Pag-IBIG Fund (52%) are the most common types of
investments for Filipinos. The SSS PESO Fund starts for as low as
P1,000, while the Modified Pag-IBIG II starts for as low as P500,
making them one of the cheapest investments for beginners.
• Stock Market – When you
buy stocks, you buy shares in a company, giving you the right to a
portion of the company’s value and income. Stock investments have
high income potential. They are also considered to be the riskiest,
thus, suited for aggressive investors. One needs to monitor business
developments to invest and learn when is the best time to buy and
sell stocks.
• Bonds and Mutual Funds –
The risk-averse can try investing in bonds, which are debt
obligations issued by companies. Bonds are low-risk but low-profit
investments, paying a set amount over a certain period of time.
Mutual funds are pooled from different investors and invested in
various assets by professional fund managers.
• Variable Life Insurance
- These are combined life insurance and investment products that are
ideal for first-time investors.
for Social Inclusion
The options above are
commercial investment opportunities. There is another path which a
beginning investor may consider. It is called microfinance, which is
distinguished from traditional finance because of its social
dimension. Microfinance is a form of impact investing. It caters to
the poor and marginalized sectors, making sure that those who do not
have access to banks would have access to much-needed financial
services. Aside from the financial gain, microfinance measures the
social impact of its performance.
Microfinance Institutions
(MFIs) provide loans, savings, micro-insurance and related products
to low-income groups, as well as micro, small and medium enterprises
(MSMEs). This is important, particularly in the Philippines, where 7
out of 10 adults are financially excluded. Thus, MFIs are crucial to
the BSP’ National Strategy for Financial Inclusion (NSFI), which
outlines a financial landscape with 4,450 microfinance
non-government organizations and 23 mutual benefit associations
targeting the unserved and underserved: the poor, the unemployed,
MSMEs, and the informal workers, especially those living in rural
areas and far-flung communities.
A beginning investor may
look into MFIs as an opportunity not just to earn money, but to help
others. MFIs, after all, enable income-generating activities that
help people to break out of poverty. They are regulated by the
government, with adequate safeguards imposed for the public’s
protection. Let us look at CARD MRI, for instance. This is one of
the biggest microfinance groups in the Philippines, with 7.9 million
clients and 3,391 offices nationwide. It has a loan portfolio of
P33.4 billion, with savings or capital build-up of 32.7 billion. It
has more than 76 billion in assets, with a financial
self-sufficiency ratio of 118%. CARD has maintained a loan repayment
rate of 95.73% even at the height of the COVID pandemic.
Social impact investor and
worldwide cooperative Oikocredit is also a case in point. For 46
years now, Oikocredit has been funding organizations that promote
financial inclusion, agriculture and renewable energy. It provides
loans, equity investments and capacity-building support to enable
people on low incomes in Africa, Asia, and Latin America to
sustainably improve their living standards. Oikocredit has financed
563 partners, with total outstanding capital of €845 million in
2021. Its partners served 32.2 million individuals and 770,000 SMEs.
The network bolstered agriculture by assisting 542,000 farmers; it
also provided 68,000 households with clean energy. Private and
institutional investors can invest in Oikocredit via its network of
support associations. One of the world’s largest financiers of the
microfinance sector, Oikocredit has been financing partners in the
Philippines since 1983.
Apart from the financial
returns, microfinance also offers diversification benefits that are
important in the current environment of slowing economic momentum.
You can put your money in any BSP-registered MFI and watch it make a
difference in the lives of others. CARD, for example, provides
microfinance loans for household expenses, housing, education, and
microinsurance. It helps micro-entrepreneurs by providing business
loans as small as P1,000. Just imagine the multiplier effect of your
investment on the lives of these people! Investment returns are
good, yes, but at the end of the day, it is about human beings,
about individual stories, and about families. Impact investing,
after all, is really about the transformative power of hope.
By investing to make a
difference, not only are you making your money work for you; you are
making it work to help others and to build a better world. As
businessman and author Robert Kiyosaki once said, “It’s not how much
money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it works for
you, and how many generations you keep it for.”
Do we really
believe in Christ?
April 7, 2022
IT’S a question that we
have to ask ourselves, since there are many indications that even
those who profess to believe in Christ do so more out of formality.
They do not really know him, much less, love him, because if they
do, they would be burning with desire to follow him and to bring him
to others.
In the gospel, many of the
leading Jews during Christ’s time were always skeptical of him. They
even went to the extent of doing him harm, and eventually of putting
him to death. (cfr. Jn 10,31-42) Some of the people, of course,
believed in him, due to the miracles and the splendid preaching he
did. Truly, Christ was and continues to be a sign of contradiction.
We have to understand that
with Christ, it is not enough to know him. We also have to love him.
With Christ, to know him truly is to love him also. In fact, we
cannot say we really know him unless we love him too, that is, we
become like him.
With him, these two
spiritual operations of ours merge into a unity, although they have
different directions. In knowing, the object known is in the knower.
It has an inward movement. The knower possesses the known object.
In loving, the lover is in
the beloved. It has an outward movement. It is the beloved that
possesses the lover. The lover gets identified with the beloved. The
lover becomes what he loves.
In knowing, the knower
abstracts things from his object of interest and keeps them to
himself. In loving, the lover gives himself to the beloved. In a
sense, the lover loses himself and identifies himself with the
Of course, there are many
things that we know but which we do not have to love, or even that
we should not love. We can know a lot of evils, but we should never
love them. If anything at all, our knowledge of them is just for the
sake of prudence.
But whatever good we know,
we should also love, otherwise we would fall into some anomaly of
inconsistency. In whatever is good, we should not be contented with
knowing it only. We should love it. Let’s remember what St. Paul
said in his first letter to the Corinthians in this regard:
“Knowledge puffs up, but
love builds up. If anyone imagines that he knows something, he does
not yet know as he ought to know. But if anyone loves God, he is
known by God.” (8,1-2)
And we can add that if one
is known by God, he somehow already knows everything that he ought
to know since God, who possesses him because he loves God, knows
everything. In other words, he shares in the knowledge of God.
Since Christ is for us the
highest good we can have, we should both know and love him to the
max. We should not just know him and not love him, nor should we
just love him without knowing him—or at least, trying to know him
the best way that we can, since being God, Christ has aspects that
are a mystery to us, that is, beyond our capacity to know him fully.
We can know Christ by
studying the gospels and the Church’s teachings about him. But in
order to love him, we should put this knowledge of God into
practice, converting it into our life itself, to such an extent that
we become “another Christ.”
Believe in Christ
March 31, 2022
“IF you had believed
Moses, you would have believed me, because he wrote about me. But if
you do not believe his writings, how will you believe my words?” (Jn
With these words, it’s
like Christ is begging that we believe in him, for he truly is our
savior, the very pattern of our humanity, our everything, in fact!
It’s like he is trying to identify himself to us and how we need
him. He should be the very center of our life.
We should therefore
develop the instinct of always looking for Christ, making him alive
in our life and patterning our life after his. This business of
always looking for Christ is a basic duty of ours, a grave
responsibility, in fact.
We have to understand that
without him, we would just be on our own, relying simply on our own
light and powers that, no matter how excellent, can never accomplish
our real ultimate need of our own salvation, our own perfection as a
person and as a child of God.
We need to look for Christ
so we can find him, and in finding him, we can start to love and
serve him which is what we are expected to do to be ‘another
Christ.’ This has basis on what Christ himself said: “Ask and it
will be given to you. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door
will be opened to you…” (Mt 7,7)
And finding him means that
we make Christ alive in our life. He is not just a historical
figure. Let’s remember that before he went up to heaven, he promised
the coming of the Holy Spirit who would bring to us everything that
Christ did and said. More than that, the Holy Spirit brings Christ
alive in us.
We just have to exercise
our faith to the hilt. With it we enter into a reality that goes
beyond what we simply can see and touch and understand. With it we
can feel at home even with the mysteries which, by the way, abound
in our life since we are not confined only to the sensible and
material realities. Our world includes the spiritual and the
But we also have to
realize that with Christ, it is not enough just to know him. We also
have to love him. With Christ, to know him truly is to love him
also. In fact, we cannot say we really know him unless we love him
With him, these two
spiritual operations of ours merge into a unity, although they have
different directions. In knowing, the object known is in the knower.
It has an inward movement. The knower possesses the known object.
In loving, the lover is in
the beloved. It has an outward movement. It is the beloved that
possesses the lover. The lover gets identified with the beloved. The
lover becomes what he loves.
In knowing, the knower
abstracts things from his object of interest and keeps them to
himself. In loving, the lover gives himself to the beloved. In a
sense, the lover loses himself in the beloved.
Of course, there are many
things that we know but which we do not have to love, or even that
we should not love. We can know a lot of evils, but we should never
love them. If anything at all, our knowledge of them is just for the
sake of prudence, so we can truly be with Christ and become “another
Christ” as we should be.
We stand with
TUCP supports the global
call condemning Russia’s violent and abhorrent aggression of Ukraine
March 24, 2022
The Trade Union Congress of the Philippines (TUCP), the country’s
largest labor group, stands in solidarity with our Ukrainian
brothers and sisters as well as our brothers and sisters in the
international trade union movement in calling for the global
condemnation of the abhorrent aggression of the Russian Federation
against the people of Ukraine.
TUCP also urges the Philippine Government to reiterate its position
condemning the Russian Federation’s unlawful acts of war – being
against the principles of international law and undermining the
sanctity of global peace.
“We stand with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as he calls
for the global condemnation of Russia’s actions. It has been exactly
one month since the Russian Federation invaded Ukraine, which has
resulted to the unnecessary loss of thousands of innocent lives, and
millions of homeless refugees seeking safety. This mindless war must
be stopped,” said TUCP President Raymond Mendoza.
As of the writing of this article, there has been an estimated 977
civilian casualties, 1,594 wounded, and around 3 million Ukrainian
refugees. Add to that the thousands of military casualties that
increase as the war continues.
“TUCP stands in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in the
trade union movement of Ukraine in calling for peace, reason, and
restraint. We firmly believe that the way to justice is through
peace. We cannot allow violence and aggression to dictate
international and local public policy – democracy must always
prevail,” added Mendoza.
“Moscow has claimed that the presence of its troops in Ukrainian
soil is for the purpose of defending its “independent states under
attack from Ukrainian Aggression”. But make no mistake, it is
Ukraine which is under attack. It is Ukrainians who are being
bombed. It is Ukrainians who are seeking safety in bomb shelters,
desperately praying not to be hit by missiles. It is Ukrainians who
are fleeing the country, entering foreign land homeless as
refugees,” further said Mendoza.
The actions of the Russian Federation do not reflect that of a
peacekeeping mission. These are acts of war, not only against
Ukraine but also against democracy and the very fabric of the free
“In this day and age, there is no longer room for violence and war.
This is, and should continue to be the era of truth, peace, and
freedom. We will not stand idly by as this misguided aggression
continues to trample our fellow human’s rights. And as Ukraine
continues to fight for its integrity and sovereignty, we continue to
call for justice through peace,” said the lawmaker.
In these trying times, may the spirit of brotherhood and democracy
God will always
forgive us
March 23, 2022
NEVER doubt this truth of
our Christian faith. As illustrated in that beautiful parable of the
prodigal son (cfr. Lk 15,11-32), God is always ready to forgive us,
no matter what sin we commit. All we have to do is just to go back
to him in repentance, just like what the prodigal son did.
In life, anything can
happen. We try to do what is good, but sometimes our idea of what is
good can actually be bad. We just have to remember that even in our
worst possible scenario, we can always count on God’s ever-ready
mercy as long as we decide to come home to him.
We should always
strengthen our faith in God’s mercy and compassion. Of course. We
should also try not to abuse God’s goodness, even if we know that
despite our best efforts we may end up abusing it just the same. But
whatever happens, we should come home. Just come home to our Father
God. That’s what matters in the end.
We need to strengthen our
spirit of divine filiation—that God is our father who is all
merciful and compassionate, who is all willing to do anything for us
just to get us back to him. He knows that even if he has made us to
be his image and likeness, that dignity often spoils us, and so we
get into trouble.
This truth about our
divine filiation is worth reiterating. It is what truly grounds us
to the foundation of our life and nature, giving us the meaning and
purpose of our existence. It’s a source of joy, confidence and
serenity. It tells us what our filial rights and duties are.
More importantly, it tells
us who we are and gives us an abiding sense that we are never alone,
or worse, just on our own. It fills us with the conviction that we
are children of God, that no matter what happens, God will always be
with us and for us unless we reject him.
We have to be wary of our
tendency to think that we are just on our own. That would be an
attitude that can be suggested only by the devil who will always
tell lies. Sad to say, many people are succumbing to this trick of
the devil. That’s why many now fall into some deep despair when
misfortune comes their way. They feel there’s no one else to run to
anymore. We should do everything to strengthen our spirit of divine
Let’s always remember that
God “takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that
they return from their ways and live.” (Ez 33,11) And as shown by
Christ, God does not wait for man to turn back to him. He takes the
initiative to reach out to us, sinners.
In all the miracles that
he performed, Christ was more interested in forgiving the sins of
those involved than in healing them of their infirmities and
predicaments. His love and compassion went beyond the concern for
the bodily health of those characters. He focused more on their
spiritual recovery.
We have to see to it that
in proclaiming the gospel to the others, in our effort to present
Christ to the others, we should not simply talk about the strictness
of God’s demands and expectations from us, the high standard that he
is setting for us. This will scare people more than attract them to
Christ. We should always include God’s mercy in all our preaching
and counseling.