Karapatan signs
petition for disqualification of Abang Lingkod partylist
July 27, 2012
Karapatan today joined Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (KMP) in
filing a complaint at the Commission on Elections for the removal
and/or cancellation of registration of Abang Lingkod partylist. The
complaint was filed by Wilfredo Marbella, Deputy Secretary General of
KMP and Marie Hilao-Enriquez, Karapatan chairperson. The complaint
included a petition to deny due course and/or cancel certificate of
The complaint stated that,
“Abang Lingkod is not a party-list group of the marginalized and
underrepresented peasant/farmer sector“, because Abang Lingkod’s
objectives “do not contain anything that relates to peasant/farmer
sector and, none of its incorporator and trustees are
peasants/farmers.” On the contrary, “its nominees and leaders possess
interest in conflict and adverse to the interests of
Karapatan specifically took
note of Abang Lingkod’s standard bearer, Joseph Stephen Paduano aka
Carapali Lualhati, the national commander of the Revolutionary
Proletarian Army-Alex Boncayao Brigade (RPA-ABB). The complaint cited
that Paduano, through his group RPA-ABB, was a recipient of “funding
from the government and big landlords in Negros, hence a ground for
removal and/or cancellation of Abang Lingkod’s registration with this
Honorable Commission.”
“The government, through the
Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process, has admitted
to giving funding support to Paduano and the RPA-ABB totaling P31
million already disbursed under the Payapa at Masaganang Pamayanan (PAMANA)
program. Thus on November 2011, Representative Antonio Tinio
questioned the allocation by OPPAP of P329-million for livelihood
assistance to some 970 barangays in communities identified with
Paduano, along with Patrick
Leonard S. Lacson, Provincial Board Member of Negros Occidental were
named defendants of the complaint.
In 2001, the Mamamayan Ayaw
sa Droga (MAD) was disqualified when the Comelec and the Supreme Court
discovered that it was funded by the Philippine National Police “using
public funds.”
RPA-ABB has been involved
with numerous cases of human rights violations, specifically in Negros
Occidental and Oriental. It is widely known that RPA-ABB now functions
as a paramilitary group.
The complaint cited that “by
nominating Paduano as its standard bearer, Abang Lingkod for all
intents and purposes, ties up its supposed advocacy with him. Hence,
whatever advocacy that Paduano carries is attributed to that of Abang
Lingkod. It could be very well concluded that Paduano’s track record
of violating the rights of peasants/farmers is also reflective of the
nature, character and objectives of Abang Lingkod.”
VP Binay: Invest in
BahayBonds at P5K
By OVP Media
July 27, 2012
MANILA – For as low as
P5,000, Filipinos may now invest in BahayBonds, said Vice President
and Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council chairman
Jejomar C. Binay.
The housing czar urged
Filipinos to avail of the BahayBonds Series 2 (BB2) as a safe and
profitable investment alternative.
"This is a great way to
induce Filipinos to start saving, especially in light of the recent
Bangko Sentral survey that most heads of Filipino households do not
save," the Vice President declared.
The invitation to retail
investors followed the announced issuance of P600 million worth of BB2
classified as Residential Mortgage Backed Securities mid-August of
this year by the state-run National Home Mortgage Finance Corporation
According to Binay, who also
sits as Chairman of the NHMFC Board of Directors, the BahayBonds2
shall be the first-ever Retail Housing Asset-Backed Securities in the
Philippine market. It shall be backed up by an asset pool composed of
high quality accounts from the Corporation’s prime assets.
The BB2 targets retail
investors and are designed to be a safe, high yielding and affordable
savings instrument.
"With a 4.80% interest rate,
the bonds are higher than most interest rates on bank deposits.
Coupled with a tax-free guaranteed return, this first retail mortgage
bond would be the most attractive investment for individual investors
who want to maximize their profits," Binay said.
"This is a good venture for
overseas Filipinos, government employees, or every common Juan who do
not save because they are not enticed by the interest rates offered by
traditional institutions like banks," he added.
The BB2 offers the privilege
of free ATM-accessible savings accounts and the convenience of balance
inquiry through internet and phone banking facilities both with Land
Bank of the Philippines (LBP).
Moreover, its current market
value is readily available due to Philippine Dealing Exchange listing
and instant loan facility against latest market value.
“As a bonus, house and lot
units will be raffled for active accounts,” Binay said.
The Bangko Sentral ng
Pilipinas considered BB2 as risk free because the securitized loans
guaranteed by the Home Guaranty Corporation carry the sovereign
guaranty of the Republic of the Philippines.
The transaction is
classified into three tranches. Majority of the issues classified as
Class A Senior Notes shall be sold to retail investors, Class B Senior
Notes shall be sold to qualified institutional investors while Class C
Subordinated Notes shall be kept by NHMFC.
Binay said that this
structure provides greater assurance of safety and payment to the
retail investors.
The public offering of the
bonds was opened on July 26, 2012. Retail investors can subscribe to
BB2 through any branch of the LBP, which serves as the selling agent.
Also, in a related
statement, the Philippine Rating Services Corporation (Philratings)
announced that BahayBonds2 Securitization Issue will be getting a
conditional credit rating of PRS Aa for both the P300 million Class A
Senior Notes and the P120 million Class B Senior Notes. A conditional
credit rating of PRS Baa, on the other hand, was given to the P180
million Class C Subordinated Notes.
Obligations rated PRS Aa are
of high quality and are subject to very low credit risk while
obligations rated PRS Baa exhibit adequate protection parameters.
Samar province runs
a sequel to Samar Job Expo
By PIA-8-Samar and AVHA H.
July 27, 2012
by the success of the job fair that took place during the Independence
Day Celebration on June 12, 2012, the Samar Provincial Government will
hold another job sequel on August 8, 2012 at the Samar Covered Court,
Capitol, Catbalogan City.
Samar Governor Sharee Ann
Tan and the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), TESDA, and
other partner agencies decided to conduct another job fair entitled
“Handog Trabaho Para sa Samarnon”.
The Samar Job expo held in
June 12 drew positive feedback from the labor sector of the province.
Some eight overseas recruitment agencies brought 2,914 job orders.
Some 531 job applicants who
came from the different municipalities/cities of the province
patronized the Samar Job Expo, of this number, 51 were hired on the
spot, 16 of these were hired for overseas employment while 35 job
seekers were hired locally.
“The percentage of
employment was very low since the job seekers were not ready with
their requirements and personal documents to support their
application,” said Anita Taran, organizer of the Job Expo.
To allow more Samarnons to
find jobs, the Public Employment Service Office (PESO) will hold this
job fair to give chances to the applicants who had incomplete
requirements and documents.
“This is open to all
Samarnon job seekers,” said Maica Fulgencio from the PESO.
In an interview at PIA 8
Huruhimagraw radio program on Thursday, Fulgencio explained the
documents that the applicants need in the job fair.
Basically, recruitment
agencies require the applicants to bring biodata, 2x2 pictures,
certificate of employment, diploma or transcript of records (TOR), and
authenticated birth certificate.
She added, “This employment
facilitation strategy aimed to fast-track the meeting of jobseekers
and employers/overseas recruitment agencies in one venue at a specific
During the Job Fair, TESDA
programs and services will be showcased on the side. TESDA will give
free services like computer clinique, troubleshooting/repair of
computer hardware.
For the TESDA specialista
technopreneurs, there will be a health and wellness corner, free
taking of blood pressure and free massage.
Recent arrests of wanted
persons in EV
RPCRD, Police Regional Office 8
July 26, 2012
Leyte – PNP PRO 8 commends the sustained intelligence
build-up of PNP Stations leading to the arrests of Other Wanted
Persons here in the region and its continues information networking
with the public in reporting outlaws aligned to the nationwide
implementation of LOI “MANHUNT CHARLIE” – PNP’s campaign against
wanted persons forming part of the Ten (10) Point Action Plan of the
Chief PNP in accounting of wanted persons thru service of warrants.
On July 23, 2012, an
anonymous tip through the Maasin City Police Station led by PSInsp
Marianito P. Malibago, Intel Officer resulted to the arrest of one
Henry Laroa Arbiol, 27 years old, married, farmer and a resident of
Barangay Combado, Maasin City, Southern Leyte.
Arbiol is wanted for the
crime of violation of Section 3 of RA 9287 (Illegal Gambling) and
arrested by virtue of a Warrant of Arrest issued by Honorable Daisy
Paler Gonzales, Presiding RTC Judge of Branch 25, Bulwagan ng
Katarungan, Maasin City with recommended bail of P20,000.00.
At about 10:30 in the
evening on July 25, 2012 at Barangay Palanog, Tacloban City, elements
of Police Station 2, Tacloban City Police Office led by PSInsp
Francisco T. Calumba, Jr. arrested a certain Richard Donsa Roncales,
17 years old, single, and a resident of said place.
The 17 years old Roncales
was arrested by virtue of a Warrant of Arrest for violation of PD 1619
(Unauthorized Use/Sale to Minors of Volatile Substances) issued by
Honorable Sylvia Lamoste, Presiding MTC Judge, Branch 1, Tacloban
Another wanted person was
arrested by Allen Police Station led by PCInsp Arcilla W Andales,
chief of police, at about 3:00 o’clock in the afternoon on July 24,
Arrested persons were
identified as Rolito Fortuno Rufin, Sr., 56 years old, married, a
businessman and one Reynaldo Cascaño Pollente, 36 years old, married,
a laborer and both are residents of barangay Jubasan, Allen, Northern
The two (2) were charged for
Frustrated Murder docketed under Criminal case Number A-2711 issued by
Honorable Manuel F. Torrevillas, RTC Branch 23 Presiding Judge, Allen,
Northern Samar with recommended bail of P24,000.00.
Subject persons were brought
to their respective Police Stations for documentation and proper
According to PSSupt Roel
Balintong Acidre, Chief RPCRD stresses that these notable
accomplishment bespeaks not only of the dedication of the involved
personnel to their sworn duties, but also of the firm resolve of the
PNP organization to ensure that fugitives of the law must be arrested
so that justice will be served.
And anyone with information
on criminal acts of lawless elements is advised to please call or
visit your nearest police station for immediate action.
Group of
ex-political prisoners hit Arroyo bail
July 26, 2012
of ex-political prisoners SELDA (Samahan ng Ex-Detainees Laban sa
Detensyon at Aresto) condemned the court’s decision to grant bail to
former Pres. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.
“Pres. Aquino was right, the
Philippines is not a joke. The joke is that we allow electoral
saboteurs to be freed, while political dissenters are the ones
imprisoned,” SELDA secretary general Angelina Ipong said.
Ipong said they are not at
all confident that the Aquino government will push through with
charges against Arroyo, saying it has always been playing safe when it
comes to holding the former president accountable.
“This government has no real
sense of justice. It cannot even arrest Palparan. Worse, it cannot own
up to its own human rights record. In fact, Malacañang has to lie on
the existence of political prisoners to claim it is a defender of
human rights,” Ipong said.
The group successfully ended
the week-long fasting and hunger strike of political prisoners in the
country from July 16-23. Almost 700 political and non-political
prisoners participated in the fasting and hunger strike.
“The unabated incidence over
the last couple of years of government critics, activists, and
revolutionaries being arbitrarily arrested or abducted, tortured and
slapped with fantastic non-bailable criminal charges, attest to how
seriously such policy of political persecution has so far been put to
actual practice by the present dispensation,” Acosta said in a
SELDA has long criticized
Pres. Aquino of his blatant disregard on the plight of the political
prisoners or human rights in his SONA, saying that the government is
blatantly covering up the existence of political prisoners.
“He has the gall to tell the
nation that he is a victim of Martial Law, but repeats the same fault
of criminalizing political dissent,” said Ipong.
The blatant disregard on the
plight of political prisoners will not, however, tire them to continue
with the call for freedom.
“As long as there are
political prisoners, and the likes of Arroyo and Palparan roam freely,
we shall continue to demand for their freedom, and jail those who
wronged the people,” Ipong ended.
Mondragon’s no. 5
most wanted arrested
By RPCRD, Police Regional
Office 8
July 26, 2012
Leyte – The PNP PRO 8 leadership commends the successful
operation launched by the operatives of Mondragon Police Station
leading to the arrest of a man wanted for Murder and rank number 5 in
the list of its Most Wanted Person Municipal Level.
At about 5:00 AM on said
date, elements of Mondragon Police Station led by PInsp Aldin E.
Dugan, chief of police, arrested one Alfredo Acibar Aguilando, 55
years old, married, farmer and a resident of Barangay Bugko, Mondragon,
Northern Samar.
Aguilando was arrested by
virtue a Warrant of Arrest for the crime of Murder docketed under
Criminal case Number 4695 with no recommended bail issued by Honorable
Judge Norma Megenio Cardenas, Presiding Judge RTC Branch 19, Catarman,
Northern Samar.
Said arrested person is rank
number 5 in the list of Most Wanted Persons in the municipality of
Mondragon, Northern Samar.
Meanwhile, the Gandara and
Catbalogan Fire Department was dispatched to Tarangnan fire incident
at 1:45 in the afternoon, Tuesday, July 24, 2012.
Firefighters arrived on
scene and found fire at the residence of a farmer, a certain Loreto
Abantao Mabonga located at barangay Balugo, Tarangnan, Samar.
Firefighters quickly
extinguished the fire which lasted for about 35 minutes. And the
elements of Tarangnan Police Station led by PInsp Jonathan Contapay
also provided area security.
A faulty electrical wiring
caused the fire with estimated damage cost value of P50,000.00,
Gandara Bureau of Fire Protection discloses.
DA-8, DA central office
partner for full operationalization of EV info strategic plan
By Philippine Information
Agency (PIA 8)
July 26, 2012
The Eastern Visayas Regional Office of the Department of Agriculture
solicited technical support from the Central Office, for the operationalization
of its Information Strategic Plan.
The call was made by
Regional Technical Director Wilson A. Cerbito, Region 8’s Unified
Enterprise Geospatial Information System (UEGIS) Project Manager,
during the recent roundtable discussion among the DA 8 officials and
the officials of the Information Technology Center for Agriculture and
Fisheries (ITCAF) of the Department of Agriculture (DA)-Central
“We are very thankful to ITCAF for prioritizing Region 8 and for
extending the necessary technical expertise in the implementation of
the National Farmers Registry System (NFRS) and the Inventory System
on Agriculture and Fishery Investments (ISAFI). That is why we would
like to maximize the available inputs provided to us by the ITCAF
experts and take advantage of their presence to operationalize the
information strategic plan for Region 8,” RTD Cerbito said.
In response, Director Gary Glenn Fantastico of DA-ITCAF said he is
happy that DA-8 and DA Central Office are working together to realize
the goal of maximizing the use of information technology for a more
effective and efficient data collection, processing, analysis and
Dir. Fantastico assured the DA-8 officials that ITCAF will provide the
needed technical capabilities to realize their vision of an enhanced
information system for Eastern Visayas.
“First, we have to conduct a systems inventory to determine the system
requirement for Region 8,” Director Fantastico said.
He also revealed other information technology-generated projects that
can be adopted by DA-8 such as the online reporting system which could
help speed up the exchange of information within the organization.
RTD Cerbito informed that DA-8 officials have to meet again with the
DA Central Office ITCAF experts to finalize the proposal for the said
At present, DA-8 has already completed the physical structure of its
P1.3 million-worth UEGIS laboratory fully furnished with internet
connected computers and other hardware for a secured and systematic
embankment and processing of NFRS and ISAFI data.
“As of today, we are still working on the expansion of the internet
connection to complete the system,” RTD Cerbito informed.
The Joint DA-8 Information and Communication Technology (ICT)-Management
Information System (MIS) and UEGIS Roundtable Discussion was held on
July 19, 2012 at the Leyte Park Hotel, Tacloban City.
The UEGIS project is an effort of the Department of Agriculture
through the Information Technology Center for Agriculture and
Fisheries (DA-ITCAF) which is mandated to establish the National
Information Network (NIN).
Ultimately, it aims to establish a common spatial database
infrastructure deployed in an enterprise GIS architecture. With the
enterprise GIS as an extensive structure, it is envisioned that the
entire DA can be linked through various geospatial information and
services where users of the implementing entities can use, analyze,
manage and share spatial data in the pursuit of their mandates.
The development of the UEGIS will improve the capability of the
agriculture sector in the planning and implementation of programs and
In the meantime the focus is on the updating of the various thematic
maps through high resolution satellite imageries and establishment of
geospatial database of agricultural resources information, agri-socio
and agriculture/fisheries infrastructure and support services
organized in a GIS environment for easy retrieval, analysis and
generation of outputs.
Specifically the project has four components namely: development of
spatial database as well as the development of the National Farmers’
Registry System (NFRS) and the Inventory System of A&F Investments (ISAFI);
ground thruthing through participatory mapping using high resolution
satellite imageries; institutional and capability building of DA staff
in data generation, analysis and geospatial technology; and
formulation of an Integrated Development Plans of the agriculture
Army troops
advocate IPSP Bayanihan through cultural presentation

By 20th Infantry
Battalion, 8ID PA
July 25, 2012
Vega, Northern Samar – In an effort to promote the
current Internal Peace and Security Plan (IPSP Bayanihan) of the Armed
Forces of the Philippines, the 20th Infantry (We Lead) Battalion,
under the leadership of LTC Noel A. Vestuir GSC (INF) PA has
conceptualized a cultural presentation aimed to portray the true
spirit of Bayanihan.
The presentation is in a
form of a variety of folk, modern and cultural dance as well as the
rendition of the 8ID original song entitled “Sundalong Pilipino” being
performed by organic personnel of 20IB. The primary objective of the
presentation is to promote the current activities of Army Units in the
province in consonance with the IPSP Bayanihan in order to instill
awareness among the stakeholders in the area of operations. The
presentation also aims to generate the support of the stakeholders by
performing during town, city or barangay fiesta celebration while the
dance troupe provides entertainment to the audiences in a unique
Patterned after the
Philippine Army’s Guerilla Theater concept during the early 90’s, the
presentation of 20IB Bayanihan Dance Troupe was crafted in order to
advocate the IPSP “Bayanihan”, generate stakeholders’ support, promote
peaceful solution to the conflict in the conflict-affected areas and
showcase of the talents of our soldiers.
The 20IB Bayanihan Dance
Troupe first performed during the Miss Teen Tinambacan Pageant in
Tinambacan District, Calbayog City conducted last May 2, 2012. The
said performance has earned praises and admiration from the
organizers, spectators and the entire crowd of the audiences.
After that glaring
performance, the 20IB Bayanihan dance troupe next performed during the
annual town Fiesta celebration of Lope de Vega, Northern Samar last
May 25, 2012. The people were amazed on the cultural performance
presented by the 20IB since it is their common belief that soldiers
are only doing activities related to combat.
With that outstanding
performance, the dance troupe was again set to perform during the 47th
Founding anniversary of the province of Northern Samar held last June
17, 2012 at Catarman Freedom Park. Emotions poured out from the
spectators as they applaud the performers while they illustrate the
military endeavor of pursuing peaceful resolution of conflict through
“Bayanihan” in a genre of fabulous presentation.
The latest presentation of
the dance troupe was held last July 24, 2012 during the annual fiesta
celebration of the municipality of Allen, Northern Samar. The
performance of the dance troupe was earlier arranged by Mayor Rod
Laurean Suan where he himself has witnessed last May 2, 2012
According to LTC Vestuir,
20IB chief, “The presentation has showcased the true culture of the
Filipinos in helping each other as exemplified in the bayanihan. The
performances of the soldiers have also developed the cultural
consciousness among the Warays in the province considering that it
also featured one of the famous and original “Curacha” dance of Samar
Island. Most significantly, the performance of the 20IB Bayanihan
Dance troupe exemplifies a unique way of advocating the IPSP Bayanihan
and the Army Transformation Roadmap (ATR) while providing
entertainment to the populace in the area”, Vestuir concluded.
63rd IB spearheads
campaign for a zero waste environment through trash can donations

By 63rd Infantry Battalion,
July 25, 2012
CATUBIG, Northern Samar – In
line with the National government outreach program on the campaign of
zero waste management and to sustain the gains of the unit’s in
Community Relation activities thrust, 63rd Infantry (Innovator)
Battalion, 8th Infantry Division, Philippine Army under the able
leadership of LTC Dante R Barotilla donated more or less seventy (70)
trash cans to the different Municipal and Barangay Halls, Churches,
Hospital and Elementary and High Schools in the 2nd District of
Northern Samar particularly in the municipality of Las Navas, Catubig,
San Roque, SilvinoLubos, Pambujan and Mondragon.
Some of the recipient of the said trash cans donation are the Catubig
District Hospital, Catubig and Las Navas Catholic Church, Barangays of
Balnasan and Coroconog of San Roque, Barangays Taylor, Mc Arthur, Del
Pilar, Dapdap, Tagan-Ayan, Roxas, Geguinta and San Andres of Las Navas,
Barangay Canjumadal of Pambujan, Barangays of Cagdao and Gusaran of
Silvino Lubos and more or less fifteen (15) Secondary and Elementary
Schools in the area such as Fair Gems Academy, Opong Elementary
Schools of Catubig and others.
The recipient of the said trash cans particularly those who benefited
expressed their deepest gratitude to the Officers and Men of 63rd
Infantry (Innovator) Battalion, 8ID, PA based at Brgy. Opong, Catubig,
Northern Samar led by LTC Dante R Barotilla, Commanding Officer for
the simple yet meaningful and timely donation of trash cans extended
to them. Said trash cans will be a great help in proper segregation of
waste materials and garbages in the maintenance of the "3 R’s" reduce,
reuse and recycle, classify waste management strategies of the
LTC Barotilla said that the Officers and Men of 63rd Infantry
Battalion under his leadership will always be a partner of the
community particularly in the 2nd district of Northern Samar as their
area of operation in pursuit to a Clean and Green environment. He also
encouraged everyone to do their share in pursuit to a zero waste
community in the province.