RA 9700 – CARPER Law –
now one year old
15, 2010
One year has passed
since the August 7, 2009 signing into law of Republic Act No. 9700 – CARP
Extension with Reforms, or the CARPER Law, the legislation that
extends the implementation period of the government’s Comprehensive
Agrarian Reform Law (CARL, per RA 6657), for another five years, until
year 2014. RA 9700 was signed in Plaridel, Bulacan, by outgoing
President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo whose constitutional term ended on
June 30, 2010 noon
During the past one
year of RA 9700, only a few administrative orders had been drawn up to
tailor the newly defined steps and activities in strictly implementing
the extender law. Unlike in RA 6657, the extender law has entailed
the tailor-fitting of a lengthy implementing rules and regulations (IRR),
and the detailed accounting of agrarian reform beneficiaries who had
supposedly received land titles from the Department of Agrarian
Reform. Those titles are known as certificates of land ownership
award (CLOAs), issued to individuals as evidence that they have
ascended to the level of landowners with the right to exercise all the
rights and duties appurtenant to land ownership.
With the election of a
new President of the Republic of the Philippines, in the person of
former Senator Benigno Simeon Cojuangco Aquino
III – whose astounding popularity, which his person gained from
the time he was wooed to run for President until his proclamation as
duly elected President, earned for him the monicker title “P-Noy”, for
President Noynoy, Noynoy being his pet name in the Aquino family and
circles of friends and relatives – new hopes have been attached to the
changing of the agrarian landscape.
A few minutes after his first
state of the nation address (SONA) at past 12 high noon of
June 30, 2010, a few
government policy watchers and political analysts had noticed that
PNoy (I prefer to ascribe that calling to P-Noy) did not mention
agrarian reform or the Hacienda Luisita in his speech. The Hacienda,
more than one month later, would become a scene of a referendum where
more than 6,000 of its workers gave a 90 per cent high vote to express
their preference for a stock distribution option (SDO) than to opt for
ownership of part of the vast hacienda lands in Tarlac, Tarlac. PNoy
was just consistent, it seemed: He didn’t dwell on the CARP in his
SONA, and neither did he dip his fingers into the Hacienda case since
Day 1 of his presidency. PNoy was right. An hour after the referendum
results were known, plans were up to bring the compromise voting
exercise to the Supreme Court, for a final resolution of the issue,
whether it was legal. But PNoy’s non-mention of CARP didn’t mean he
was abdicating the agrarian program.
By July 1, it was already known
nationwide that this bachelor national leader who has a mind of his
own had appointed attorney Virgilio Delos Reyes as Secretary of the
Department of Agrarian Reform. Before that, he had to make sure that
the people who elected him – his masters – appreciated well that he
was seriously for the successful implementation of the agrarian
program, and the CARPER LAW, thus he took in a former Agrarian
Secretary, Florencio “Butch” Abad, as his Budget Secretary, to ensure
that the right cash budget for the agrarian program is always there so
that finally the program can be completely accomplished, as desired.
And long before he was a congressman, Noynoy already must have
understood fully well how the agrarian reform in this country should
work: He was born to a family whose vast hacienda was an agrarian
matter even before his birth, and he was beside his mother when
President Corazon Cojuangco Aquino penned the first Comprehensive
Agrarian Reform Program – Proclamation No. 131, the precursor of RA
6657, the first and only Executive fiat that expanded the coverage of
agrarian reform, to include even the limited rice and corn lands of
President Ferdinand Edralin Marcos.
RA 6657 was to be correctly
referred to as CARL, for Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law Do you
remember all these?
On July 22, 1987, Pres. Cory Aquino signed into
law her Proclamation No. 131 (Instituting A Comprehensive Agrarian
Reform Program) “which shall cover, regardless of tenurial arrangement
and commodity produced, all public and private agricultural lands as
provided in the Constitution, including whenever applicable in
accordance with law, other lands of the public domain suitable to
agriculture” (Section 1, Proc. 131).
A companion measure, Executive
Order No. 229, also signed by Pres. Cory on July 22, 1987, to provide
the mechanisms for CARP’s implementation, said in Sec. 2 thereof:
“Implementation. Land acquisition and distribution shall be
implemented as provided in this Order as to all kinds of lands under
the coverage of the program, subject to such priorities and reasonable
retention limits as the Congress may under the Constitution prescribe,
taking into account ecological, developmental, or equity
considerations, and subject to the payment of just compensation”.
RA 9700 prescribes
time lines for particular land acquisition and distribution
activities. In observing these time periods, the DAR had perforce to
define specific steps and formulate specific procedures, with
carefully studied forms to be used in the implementation of the
extended program. That has taken most of the months, weeks, and days
of the DAR personnel during the first year of the extender law.
October 15 and October
21 in year 2009 became significant dates. On Oct. 15, then DAR Sec.
Nasser C. Pangandaman penned three DAR Administrative Orders (AOs) –
02, 03 and 04 – and six days later, these Orders were published in
national newspapers of general circulation. AO 02 is a 95-page
document on the “Rules and Procedures Governing the Acquisition and
Distribution of Agricultural Lands Under Republic Act (R.A.) No. 6657,
as amended by R.A. No. 9700”. It also presents in tabular form the
series of steps and activities to be undertaken, as well as the forms
and documents required.
AO 02 was accompanied eight months later by a
2-page Memorandum Circular No. 06 which establishes “clarificatory
guidelines on the transitory provisions” of AO 02. AO 03 - “Rules and
Procedures Governing the Cancellation of Registered Certificates of
Land Ownership Awards (CLOAs), Emancipation Patents (EPs), and Other
Titles Issued Under Any Agrarian Reform Program” – consists of 11
pages. Four-page AO 04 prescribes “Rules and Regulations implementing
Section 19 of R.A. No. 9700 (Jurisdiction on and Referral of Agrarian
On Oct. 28, the
24-page AO No. 05, series of 2009, was signed by Sec. Pangandaman, and
on November 3, it was published in two newspapers. The Order defines
the “Implementing Rules and Regulations on Support Services Delivery
Under Republic Act No. 9700”.
The Presidential
Agrarian Reform Committee (PARC) Executive Committee (ExeCom) also
issued last year AO No. 01 to cover the “procedures and data
requirement in the declaration of certain provinces as ‘priority land
reform areas’ which will enable them to: (1) advance to the
acquisition and distribution of landholdings enumerated under the next
phase of implementation or (2) advance to the acquisition and
distribution of landholdings covered under phase 3-b implementation
based on the conditions cited under paragraph 9, section 5 of RA
9700”. [The PARC was given birth in Pres. Cory’s Proc. 131 “to
coordinate the implementation of the CARP and to ensure the timely and
effective delivery of the necessary support services”, with the
President of the Philippines as Chairman. As such it formulates
and/or implements the policies, rules and regulations necessary” –
like the schedule of acquisition and redistribution of specific
agrarian reform areas, and control mechanisms for evaluating the
owner’s declaration of current fair market value.
On the other hand,
the ExeCom of the PARC, also created by Proc. 131, is headed by the
DAR Secretary as Chairman and the heads of the following agencies as
members: Executive Secretary; departments of Agriculture, Environment
and Natural Resources, Finance, Public Works and Highways; and Land
Bank of the Philippines. The PARC has been built into the RA 6657 and
respected in RA 9700.]