A media statement on
P-Noy’s recent anti-divorce but pro-remarriage pronouncement
National Chairperson, Democratic Socialist Women of the
Philippines (DSWP)
August 26, 2010
Hearing the
President’s pronouncements on divorce made me cringe. When President
Benigno S. Aquino III stated that divorce in the Philippines is a
no-no, but in the same breath said that those who want to remarry may
just use legal separation, my initial reaction was – “Does he know
that legal separation does not allow remarriage?” The President
contradicted himself and his statement may be described as confused,
or perhaps, misguided. Unfortunately, Presidential pronouncements are
usually taken as the administration’s positions on issues and strongly
influence Congress decisions. In this case, the President’s message
is unclear.
His statement that
legal separation should be enough for couples who cannot stay together
and who want to remarry reveals wrong appreciation of existing laws.
Legal separation does not dissolve the marriage and only settles
separation of abode, and in some cases, of properties. Our work with
women from all over the country taught me that some marriages break
down, divorce or no divorce. Many times, women’s decision to get out
of relationships is due to abuse and violence they suffered for years
and could no longer bear. For these women, legal separation is not
enough even if they do not have plans of remarrying. Reports
consistently show that in this country, violence and other forms of
abuse against women are primarily committed by husbands and partners,
the very same people who vowed to love and protect them ‘till death do
they part’. We know of cases where even if legally separated, women
are unable to escape abuse from husbands because they remain “owned”
by them in marriage.
President Aquino also
said that the sanctity of marriage must be protected and I agree.
However, this should not be at the expense of women, particularly
those who are victims of abuse. Does the President really believe
that those abused should not be given another chance at life? Would
the President prefer women to suffer in silence for the sake of making
it appear that their marriages are intact even if in reality, they
have broken down? Mr. President, many women want to be free from
abusive relationships. The goal is to get their lives back. Whether
they will remarry or not is beside the point. The government, which
you lead, should make possible women’s freedom from abuse within
marriages. Legalizing divorce will help and we hope that you will side
with us on this urgent matter. We want to know if you are for or
against divorce.