Abusing religion
1, 2010
WE are already
familiar with the problem of secularization. That’s when God is set
aside not only in society – as in business and politics – but also in
one’s personal life. This is the anomaly besetting many developed
Western countries that are entering what is known as post-Christian or
post-religion era.
That means religion is
already considered as passé and obsolete. Any mention of God is likely
met with a laugh, a derision if not an open hostility. In these
places, men are convinced there’s no other source of light, wisdom and
guidance than their own selves, their own ideas and devices.
Under this category,
we can cite isms like atheism, agnosticism, relativism, skepticism,
deism, etc.
But another anomaly
can also be found in the other end, precisely happening in places
known for religious zeal. Our country falls largely under this
classification. Here, religion tends to be abused and exploited. In
the end, religion is used to deform, emasculate and even kill religion
This happens when
religion is detached from a living relationship with God, with his
Church, his doctrine and sacraments, and personal struggle. It is
driven more by one’s ideas and efforts. Faith becomes mere
philosophizing and theologizing, full of form without substance.
Spiritual life freezes
into mere external appearances, reduced to a lifeless set of pietistic
practices. Sanctity deteriorates into sanctimony. Hypocrisy,
calculation, pretension, treachery abound. There’s bigotry instead of
broad-mindedness, rigidity and intolerance instead of respect for
freedom and variety.
This irregularity has
many faces. To mention a few, we can cite religious fanaticism and
bitter zeal, fundamentalism, clericalism, superstitious beliefs and
practices, simony or commercialization of sacred things, pietism and
quietism, fideism and a string of other heresies.
I suppose we can cite
our Lord’s own experience at the hands of those who crucified him as
the extreme form of religious abuse. Imagine, they were convinced they
were doing it out of a keen sense of religious duty itself.
Our Lord himself said:
“The hour comes when whoever kills you will think that he does a
service to God.” (Jn 16,2) This is the ultimate in religious abuse.
One can readily
suspect religion is abused when all those calls for goodness and
holiness are full of sound and fury and bombast, but lacking in
charity, patience, mercy, humility, meekness, etc. It drips with
self-righteousness, ever eager to flaunt itself and have its authority
There is clear bias
and prejudice in the understanding and application of the doctrine.
Unfair and discriminatory selectiveness marks the study and practice
of the faith.
A holistic approach to
religion and freedom of consciences are often compromised in the
pursuit of holiness. There’s an absence of balance and openness. Even
the elementary norms of naturalness are violated.
Of course, religion
will always involve a specific way of life, marked even by a special
charism. But it’s a uniqueness that does not annul religion’s
universal and common end, but rather enriches it in an original way.
In abuse of religion,
coercion is subtly made and can lead to brainwashing and to
manipulative isolation of people from others. People are made to do
religious practices without fully understanding them.
They do these
practices more out of fear than of love, more for some ulterior
motives than out of a sincere desire to know, love and serve God and
The virtues are
pursued mechanically, not organically in the sense that they are
vitally motivated by charity as they ought to be. Sincerity, for
example, can be understood as simply telling the truth, the whole
truth, but without any mention about charity, prudence and discretion.
Truth is divorced from charity.
When religion is
abused, prayer turns into a soliloquy rather than a loving dialogue
with God. Love for sacrifice does not spring from the spirit, but is
merely a put-on.
When religion is
abused, priesthood is less an office for a total holocaust of
self-giving, and more an occasion for privileges. The scandals that
black-eyed the Church these past years involving some clerics arise
from this disorder.
We need to be wary of
these tendencies and possibilities that are open to all of us. We can
even fall into them without noticing it, since the decline to
religious abuse can mimic the process of osmosis.
We have to ask our
Lady to teach us how to truly deal with God without being deluded by
the wily ways of religious abuse. Like her, we need to be always
simple and humble to be able to stick to what is authentic religion.