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Northern Samar inaugurates the Catubig dam in Las Navas

June 8, 2010

CATARMAN, Northern Samar  –  The Provincial Government of Northern Samar inaugurated the Catubig Dam  with a blessing and ceremonial opening of the main gate of this dam and the right main canal of the first six kilometers on Saturday June 5, 2010  at Brgy. San Isidro, Las Navas, Northern Samar.

In his opening remarks, Las Navas Mayor Hon. Arlito Tan said 61 years ago, Las Navas was very rich in natural resources, abundant in forests/timber, wildlife, flora and fauna, surrounded by vast tracks of land planted with coconuts and abaca, and ricefields.  Because of these riches, in 1967 up to 1987, the San Jose Timber Corporation, a commercial logging concessionaire, explored and exploited our forests for 20 years resulted to extinction of wildlife and worst of all its direct effects were flooding since 1980s up to 2007 that posted millions of pesos of damages.

“But today, we are grateful and fortunate that the Japanese government through the Japan International Cooperating Agency (JICA) came to us not to exploit our natural resources but for a development undertaking. The construction of this Dam, as projected, I suppose, would develop 3,000 hectares potential benefits/irrigable areas”, the mayor said.

He further stressed, that if the dam and the irrigation canals will be fully operational, rice production will greatly increase, and this project, in effect, will reduce, if not, eliminate hunger and poverty  not only to Las Navasnon but also to Catubignons as well.

Japan’s Chief of Mission Minister Motohiko Kato who graced the occasion also said that the inauguration of Catubig Dam under the Help for Catubig Agricultural Advancement Program (HCAAP), reaffirms Japan’s continuous support as a top donor to the Philippines’ nation building efforts along the lines of the Philippine Government’s Medium Term Development and Investment Plan.

Likewise he said, Japan’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) to Northern Samar through HCAAP covers a comprehensive range of cooperation from infrastructure development, enhancing farmers’ livelihood, increasing agricultural productivity as well as improving health and sanitation conditions of the people in the rural communities.

JICA Senior Representative Kazuhiko Ueno also said that over the years, you might have observed some improvements in terms of infrastructure and services, which were completed through the assistance of the project. Noteworthy to mention are the roads and ferry landings including the Catubig-Las Navas Bridge.  Also, through HCAAP, we were able to construct several water supply and toilet facilities, intensify the promotion of agricultural technology, and help control the spread of schistosomiasis.

He also congratulated Governor Raul A. Daza, NIA, and Hanjin for the completion of the Catubig Dam. Though it is a major achievement to celebrate, much work still remains in order to ensure that we will be able to irrigate the design area. Hence, he sought the cooperation of the project implementers to continue to work together for the improvement of the lives of people in Northern Samar.

On the other hand, NIA Deputy Administrator for Engineering and Operations Mr. Antonio Galvez said that the most important structure of this project is being inaugurated to show to the public that HCAAP Irrigation and Drainage Component still exist and has an accomplishment. The realization  of the main objective of this project will be partially meet next planting season especially the area covered by the Pinipisakan Irrigator’s  Association, its final completion is near to come. The completion of Catubig Right Main Canal (CRMC) entire length (21 km) and the laterals which will irrigate the entire right portion of the Catubig Valley will follow later this year.

“We are not going to deny that the progress of construction on this project is not as fast as you were expecting, this was due to the local weather condition that is quite extreme being near the Pacific Ocean, not to mention the kind of terrain we have and the absence of access road. All of these are contributory factors why our working conditions are not normal, hence, greatly affecting physical accomplishment. But we are still working the best that we can, with the contractor Hanjin “, Galvez said.

The Catubig Dam is only one of the three dams to be constructed by this project. It is the biggest that can supply irrigation water to about 3,000 hectares. The other one is the Hagbay Dam, the construction will be started in the next few weeks, as a matter of fact, the contractor for Hagbay Area had already mobilized their equipment and now ready in completion with their access road from Bulao to the Dam Site of Hagbay Area. The construction for the Bulao Area will also be started soon. The Bulao Dam which was started by Hanjin will then be completed by another contractor. So by December 2012, we are confident that this project will be finally completed and irrigation water will be flowing to a 5,550 hectares area to help our farmers increase their income in Catubig and Las Navas and the province as well, he stressed.

Governor Raul A. Daza in his inaugural address said that he was very thankful to the Japanese government led by Deputy of Mission Minister Motohiko Kato and his collegues, the 1st Secretary of the Embassy of Japan Mr. Tekehiko Sakata, the Senior Representative of JICA  Kazuhiko Ueno , the project officer of JICA Mr. Ervin F. Mella,   the Sanyo President  Norohiko Kono, NIA Deputy Administrator  Antonio Galvez, NIA Regional Director Engr. Amadeo Montejo and NEDA Region 8 Representative Engr. Ernesto Octaviano, and to the others who are here in their capacity as a fellow government workers.

“I would like to ask your indulgence by putting out the brief history of the component  of the project. This project was conceived and proposed in 1990. I was then the Deputy Pro Tempore and the number two (2) man in the House of Representatives as the Congressman of the 1st district of Northern Samar. This project was submitted to NEDA and funded by JICA in one of its trances. I knew that the key to alleviate poverty would be to develop our rice lands. Like any other Filipinos the main staple is rice. The rehabilitation of the rice industry of the province which is the Catubig Valley would help the living condition of the people” he added.

It took 11 years of distinction in the bureaucracy of the Philippines and the Japanese government. It was a humble coincidence that I was elected as the governor of the province in 2001 when the project started in 2002. I look forward with the signing of the contract which I worked hard. But I change my mind to sign the loan agreement, instead allow my predecessor with my full consent and knowledge.  This project was beyond politics because I believe the key to investing poverty is though their stomach, the governor said.

The project components are irrigation and drainage, rural infrastructure improvement, schistosomiasis control, agricultural support services and institutional development.

With the completion of the project, the province will no longer spend millions of pesos just to buy rice from other parts of the country since we will be able to produce our own rice and our farmers will directly benefit and economic development will spur the area.  (PIA Northern Samar)