DENR 8 prioritizes
rehabilitation of 9 critical watershed areas in East Visayas
By Philippine Information Agency (PIA 8)
22, 2010
Department of Environment and Natural Resources will prioritize this
year, the rehabilitation of the nine critical watershed areas in
Eastern Visayas under its "From Ridges to Reefs" program.
Guesting at the
Harampang Ha PIA in connection with the month-long celebration of the
National Environment Month, Regional Executive Director Primitivo
Galinato Jr. informed that his Agency has made a roadmap of the 9
critical areas in the Region so that development and rehabilitation
works will be prioritized in the areas.
DENR has identified 9
critical watershed areas namely: the 64,209 hectares Catarman
Watershed in Northern Samar; the 84,969 hectares Dolores/Jicontol
Watershed and the 7,168 hectares Linal-an Watershed in Eastern Samar;
and the 21,699 Calbiga Watershed in Samar.
Also among the 9
critical watershed areas are the 36,939 hectares Binahaan Watershed
and the 15,719 hectares Salug Watersheds in the province of Leyte; the
11,325 hectares Hinabian Watershed and the 4,869 hectares Maasin
Watershed in Southern Leyte; and the 3,444 Almeria Watershed in the
province of Biliran.
RED Galinato said that
the critical watershed are called such because of their importance to
man. A critical watershed area is a source of potable water, water for
irrigation, production of steam, serves as eco-tourism and recreation
areas and potential source of medicine because of the presence of
economically and ecologically important fauna and flora and other
Because of their
importance to men, there is a need for immediate rehabilitation for
economic and environmental sustenance of the population depending on
these critical watersheds, RED Galinato said.
The management and
conservation of a watershed’s natural resource base and the
orientation of technological and institutional change are very
important so as to ensure the attainment and continued satisfaction of
human needs for the present and future generations.
Earlier, Regional
Technical Director Felipe Calub of the DENR Forest Management Service
pointed out that timber poaching, forest conversion to abaca
plantation, soil erosion, and flood occurrence are the primary threats
to the existing watershed areas in Region 8.
RED Galinato said that
the abuse of the watershed areas is not only due to the lack of
alternatives or options but also ignorance of the long term impact of
economic impact to the natural resource.
More information and
education campaigns to conserve watershed areas as well as the
deployment of more forest patrols to the areas and going after the
timber poachers have been suggested as solutions.
RED Galinato added
that multi-sectoral initiatives have to be sustained to insure that
the utilization and development of watersheds are undertaken in such a
manner that is economically efficient, where the benefits are
commensurate with the costs.
Together with RED
Galinato during the media interaction were MGB Director Roger de Dios,
Regional Technical Director for Land Management Service Ramon Unay,
Regional Technical Director for Ecosystems Research and Development
Service Manolito Ragub, Regional Technical Director for Protected
Areas Wildlife and Coastal Zone Management Service Ricardo Tomol and
the representative of EMB Director in the person of Engr. Reynaldo
Barra, chief of the Environmental Quality Division.
Also present were the
Provincial Environment and Natural Resource Officers in the different
province in Eastern Visayas, namely: Robin Tomulva of Leyte, Ranulfo
Arbiol of Southern Leyte, Danilo Javier of Eastern Samar, George F.
Guillermo of Samar, Herminigildo Jocson of Biliran and Fidel Adal of
Northern Samar; and Elias Aya-ay, the CENRO for Maasin City.