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An invitation to a formal debate

September 9, 2010

I would like to invite non-Catholics to a formal debate on Facebook on a topic of their choice using only the Bible as proof.  We can have this on “Discussions” of my Facebook account or anywhere there’s a considerable number of people looking.

There are plenty of forums on Facebook where Catholics and “Protestants” discuss doctrine, but most of them invariably become unfinished business when “Protestants” suddenly stop responding to points raised by Catholics.  I don’t know why, but this is fairly common.  Only through a formal debate, in my opinion, could a discussion be seen to its logical conclusion.

My debate partner and I could follow the following format: Opening Statement period (2,000 words each).  First Rebuttal period (2,000 words each).  Second Rebuttal period (2,000 words each).  Cross Examination - each side asks 5 questions alternately one after the other (responses limited to 1,000 words each).  Closing Statement period (2,000 words each).

I’d much prefer the following topics: papal infallibility; the Immaculate Conception; the Holy Eucharist; the primacy of Peter; the Church being hierarchical; Sola Scriptura; Sola Fidei; eternal security; or idolatry, but I’d be open to suggestions.  Or, we can have specific passages, e.g., “Romans 3:28 clearly supports “faith alone”; “John 3:16 clearly supports eternal security.”

Baptists of every kind, Evangelicals of every type, Reformed Evangelicals of every hue, Lutherans, Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah’s Witnesses – it doesn’t matter, I’m okay with any.

My debate partner doesn’t even have to introduce himself.  He can have an assumed name, a profile picture of anything but himself, and we could start immediately.  It seems that non-Catholic churches frown on their members joining debates, I don’t know why.  But nobody could stifle, in my opinion, the right of their members to the truth, which, again in my opinion, could come only from an intelligent study of the subject, a study that could be tremendously aided by a healthy discussion with another from the opposite side.

Another advantage is that we could do this on our free time, in the comfort of our homes, with our notes and/or buddies nearby – I don’t mind debating with someone who has a battery of friends to assist him.  I also don’t mind my debate partner doing cut and paste – I will be doing much the same.

This is not an ego trip.  It’s just that so many “Protestants” have the horribly wrong concept of Catholicism – Catholics worship our Lady; Catholics have placed a lot of things into their beliefs that are not only absent from the Bible but, in fact, contradict the Bible, etc. – that I think Protestants have to be informed as to what, really, is the Catholic faith.  The same goes for Catholics, many of whom are woefully ignorant of their Catholic faith making them easy targets for conversion by “Protestant” proselytizers.

Anyone interested could get in touch with me at