Hope blooms on floral
arrangement training

By LAIMINH S. MABULAY, City Mayor's Office
5, 2011
For a long time now, the local floral trade has been limited to the
selling of freshly cut stems. The business is usually at its peak
season during the months of November, for the All Saint’s Day and All
Soul’s Day; and in February for the Valentine’s Day, leaving the
vendors with lean sales for the rest of the year. In order to fill
this gap, the Ornamental Producers’ Cooperative requested the Local
Government Unit (LGU) for a training so that they can diversify from
mere growing and selling of flowers to floral arranging and design.
In response to this,
the LGU’s City Cooperatives Office (CCO) conducted a Basic Training on
Floral Arrangement last May 30 until June 1, 2011. It was expected
that the training will enable the participants to repackage the
products according to a variety of occasions and depending on the
preference of their clients. Having this skill is likely to create
more demand for their business throughout the year instead of them
being solely dependent on the two aforementioned occasions.
All three sessions
were conducted in the afternoon with the first day having been
reserved for lectures mainly on the history of floral arrangement and
the different basic designs and themes, which were presented by Coop
Extension Worker Designate John Ric Tan. The potential of flower
arrangement as a business venture was discussed by Training
Coordinator Designate Merle B. Muñoz. She also talked on the
importance of having the right attitudes and values on the second day.
The participants had a
workshop on the second day, wherein they were told to apply the design
principles that they learned. They were made to create two
arrangements each for free style, funerals, weddings and Valentine’s
Day. The best among the finished designs were then selected by an
invited panel of judges, which included City Information Officer
Hannia Ayllon-Tan, Mr. Nicasio Cinco; a resource person from the
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI-Samar), and educator and
seasoned events organizer Mr. Marvin Piczon, who gave practical tips
on the latest trends in floral arranging based on his experience as an
events organizer.
The third day was
another lecture-filled day which began with topics on packaging and
pricing and marketing as discussed by DTI representative Nicasio Cinco.
Tan came back on this day to talk about proper waste disposal
management. The Ornamental Producers’ Cooperative then received
another encouragement when City Cooperatives Officer Vivencio Eslopor
relayed about the financial assistance to be given to them by both the
City Mayor Coefredo T. Uy and City Councilor Stephany Uy-Tan in the
sum of 50, 000 pesos. Eslopor facilitated the ensuing discussions on
how the money may be utilized to improve the cooperative’s business.
Being a medium for
expressing varied emotions and occasions depending on the design makes
floral arranging a perfect home-based business, and equally suitable
for the participants which consisted mainly of mothers and housewives.
This was the first training of floral arrangement that was conducted
for the benefit of the sector engaged in this business. It is hoped
that the additional technical and creative knowledge will give a much
needed boost to an industry that has remained stagnant for so long.