Greenpeace calls on
Philippine government to scrap all plans for nuclear power
March 16, 2011
Greenpeace today called on the administration of President Benigno
“Noynoy” Aquino III to abandon all nuclear power plans, including
those currently included the Philippine Energy Plan and the Energy
Reform Agenda, and instead focus on achieving long term sustainable
progress through safe and reliable renewable energy and energy
efficiency technologies.
The environmental
organization also challenged legislators, particularly those who have
just this week reversed their pro-nuclear stance, to author a bill
that would declare the Philippines a nuclear energy-free zone.
“Our thoughts remain
with the Japanese people, who in the aftermath of the earthquake and
tsunami are now faced with a dreadful situation, where instead of
being able to plough all resources into rescue and relief efforts, the
government is dealing with a crisis caused by the inherent and
inescapable risks of nuclear power,” said Amalie Obusan, Climate and
Energy Campaigner of Greenpeace Southeast Asia.
“It is unfortunate
that Philippine nuclear proponents need a tragedy such as the one
unfolding in Japan, for them to reflect on their dangerous
propositions. But they should go beyond merely statements that they
are reconsidering their position on nuclear energy, or are putting a
moratorium on their nuclear proposals. Nuclear power should be
removed from the country’s current and future energy plans: it should
be deleted from the energy agenda, and there should be legislation to
block all future nuclear proposals,” she added.
Nuclear proponents in
the Philippines have been trying to promote the technology with claims
that nuclear power is ‘safe,’ and that it is a ‘cheap’ source of
electricity. But the statements from the nuclear lobby are more
rhetoric than reality. Nuclear power has been proven to be an
economic and environmental disaster around the world, aside from
threatening peace and stability, and shrouding communities residing
near nuclear power plants and waste sites under constant fear of
Japan, which has 54
nuclear reactors (11 of which have been shut down since the quake),
still has one of the highest costs of electricity in
Asia. France, which operates 58 reactors that provide 83% of the
country’s electricity needs, is the largest nuclear energy user, but
looking at its economic development for the last 40 years with
comparable countries that have made very different energy choices
reveal that no competitive advantage can be attributed to nuclear
In the Philippines,
the lack of a nuclear safety framework, which include legal and
governmental infrastructure, radioactive emergency response and
management systems, protocols on radioactive materials transport and
nuclear waste management, and accident liabilities, are questions that
nuclear advocates have never addressed.