New DILG-8 regional
director lauds support of Southern Leyte officials

DILG Director. Dr. Pedro A. Noval Jr. (center) who assumed
office recently as DILG-8 Regional Director, lauded Mayor
Shirlita Chong and the sangguniang bayan of Liloan, Southern
Leyte, for their support to key DILG programs. Heeding DILG’s
call, the LGU has committed to revoke implementation of illegal
pass-through fees of passengers going to the ferry terminal
effective January 2012. Joining Dir. Noval at the front are
(l-r) Mayor Chong, Provincial Director Johnny Badocdoc and MLGOO
Dennis Padolina. (Photo by PD Johnny M. Badocdoc) |
10, 2011
new DILG-8 Regional Director, Dr. Pedro A. Noval, Jr., CESO III,
lauded local officials in Southern Leyte for their strong support and
open-mindedness towards DILG programs shown during his three
consecutive visits to Southern Leyte over the past two weeks.
Dir. Noval, who
visited Southern Leyte on October 28, November 3-4, and November 9,
2011 cited the LGUs’ positive response to policies being implemented
by the department, particularly those on transparency and suspension
of imposition and collection of illegal pass-through fees.
In his meeting with 15
municipal mayors during the recent LMP Meeting in Tomas Oppus,
Director Noval exhorted municipalities to help in making DILG Region 8
number 1 in the country. Meanwhile, DILG Provincial Director Juan
Badocdoc, who escorted RD Noval, encouraged LCEs to make their
respective LGUs compliant with the Full Disclosure Policy and to vie
for the Seal of Good Housekeeping to be eligible for the Performance
Challenge Fund.
RD Noval visited the
towns of Panaon Island as well as Libagon, Bontoc, and Tomas Oppus to
talk with local officials on LGU compliance with DILG MCs 2009-76,
2011-122, and 2011-151 re suspension of LGU imposition and collection
of illegal fees and taxes on passing-through vehicles.
Director Noval’s
two-hour discussion with Mayor Shirlita Chong and the Sangguniang
Bayan of Liloan on the Local Government Code’s provisions produced
positive results, with the municipality committing to suspend
collection of pass-through fees at the municipal road leading to the
ferry terminal effective January 2012. Meanwhile, the municipality of
Libagon already suspended the collection of fees since October 17,
2011 upon the LCE’s issuance of Executive Order No. 17, s. 2011. The
rest of the visited towns do not impose such illegal fees and charges.
Local officials in the
province have been delighted with the visit of the Regional Director
who in turn promised to make frequent visits to the LGU-clientele as
part of his pursuit in championing LGUs towards better and more
productive operations.
Director Noval also
plans to visit other provinces in the region in order to further
familiarize himself with concerns of local officials and field
operational matters.