San Jorge no. 1 most
wanted person arrested
By RPCRD, Police Regional Office 8
15, 2012
Palo, Leyte – A man charged for Murder and listed as rank number 1
Most Wanted Person in the municipality of San Jorge, Samar finally
arrested by authorities.
On February 13, 2012
joint elements of San Jorge Municipal Police Station led by PSI Eric
Leuterio and 52nd IB Philippine Army, CAA led by SSg Jose Panghari
arrested and identified the suspect as Lobriquito Borden Paragatos,
Jr., 50 years old, farmer and a resident of said place.
The Warrant of Arrest
was issued by Honorable Judge Feliciano Aguilar of RTC Branch 41,
Gandara, Samar for the crime of Murder with no bail recommended.
Upon, apprehension,
the team recovered a long bladed weapon locally known as “sundang” and
a high powered homemade long firearm which was strategically placed
near the window fronting the door of the suspect’s house.
Arrested person is now
temporarily detained at San Jorge MPS for proper disposition prior
turn-over to the court concerned.
Another wanted person
was arrested by the elements of Hernani Municipal Police Station and
Mc Arthur MPS led by PInsp Mamerto Camarillo Conopio, chief of police
of Hernani MPS on February 12, 2012.