RDC-8 endorses Samar
Island Tourism Master Development Plan

Media Relations Center
February 24, 2012
Regional Development Council (RDC-8) formally approved the endorsement
during its latest Execom Meeting the newly drafted Samar Island
Tourism Master Development Plan to guide stakeholders in making the
island an alternative tourist destination by 2016.
Department of Trade
and Industry (DTI-8) Regional Director Cynthia Nierras, who presented
the newly formulated plan in place of DOT-8 Dir. Karina Rosa Tiopes
during the Execom Meeting, said the plan provides a framework and
direction for tourism development is the three provinces of
“This master plan has
been drafted to harness tourism potentials, protect national
resources, conserve cultural heritage and develop community-based
tourism project,”
Dir. Nierras also
presented to the body that the plan, which was drafted by the Samar
tourism stakeholders and consultancy firm Berkman International, also
lists major infrastructure projects to support tourism promotion.
These include completion of a circumferential road, upgrading of the
national highway, opening of access roads to tourist spots,
construction of diversion roads, and airport upgrading.
According to Dir.
Nierras, among the areas considered in the master development plan
include the identification of strategic tourism development areas,
marketing component, physical infrastructure development, social
analysis, gender considerations.
Site validation was
conducted in identified attractions to find out what types of
development that is appropriate for each attraction. The aspirations
of the local people in Samar Island were also documented and were
considered as basis for introducing tourism development.
Samar Island, which is
home to eco-tourism adventure, cultural and heritage sites, and rich
marine life, is identified as an emerging tourism destination.
Earlier, tourism
stakeholders in three Samar provinces identified 18 destinations that
will be prioritized in the master plan, aiming to make the country’s
third largest island as tourist haven by 2016.
Samar Island also has
the largest cave and most amazing adventure tourists since last year,
according to the Samar Island Natural Park.
Among the known
destinations in the island are the Sohoton Natural Bridge National
Park in Basey, Calbiga Caves in Calbiga, the network of waterfalls in
Calbayog City, all in Samar; the Biri Protected Seascapes in Biri; the
San Antonio Beaches in San Antonio, both in Northern Samar; the
Borongan-Llorente forest canopy in Borongan Samar; and surfing on
Calicoan Island, Guiuan, both in Eastern Samar.
The tourism department
is hoping that local government officials will not just set aside the
plan for tourism, an industry eyed by stakeholders that would address
poverty in Samar once developed.