First-ever RH Bill
Forum: LIKE!

31, 2012
the Senate today, January 31 deliberates Senate Bill No 2865 more
popularly known as The Reproductive Health (RH) Bill Act sponsored by
Senator Pia Cayetano as it was included as the final item (Agenda VI,
Item 3), an equally important initiative to shed light on this
controversial legislation has been conducted yesterday (January 30) at
one of the premiere university in Samar Province, the Samar State
University (SSU), formerly known as the Samar State Polytechnic
University (SSPC) in Catbalogan City.
More than 400 students
attended the First Reproductive Health Bill Forum at SSU Audio Visual
Room that afternoon, which initiative was organized and facilitated by
the College of Nursing. Students from different colleges such as the
College of Education, College of Fisheries and Marine Sciences,
College of Industrial Technology and others gave their "Like" and
"Dislike" rating on the different topics and issues discussed by the
speakers patterned from the popular social networking Facebook.
Taking the Government
Side or in support of Reproductive Health Bill, Ms. Lady Nancy
Lisondra, a Registered Nurse representing the Family Planning
Organization of the Philippines (FPOP) discussed the salient points
about Reproductive Health with stress on the Medical and Bioethical
side of the issue since majority of the audience were Nursing
Students. Taking the Opposition Side of the issue, Mr. Herminigildo "Hermie"
Sanchez from the Couples for Christ (CFC) discussed on the moral and
social side of the legislation.
After the two speakers
gave their thoughts and expertise, the open forum started with the
questioning from the audience, which majority were addressed to Ms.
Lisondra covering issues on the carcinogenic-effect of contraceptives,
the mandatory age-appropriate sexuality education, the most debate
issue on abortion among others. The forum ended with much enthusiasm
when Ms. Lisondra gave a short impromptu and informal Disensitization
Workshop addressing the taboo-ness of Adolescent Reproductive Health
most importantly because it is essential to human beings especially to
young people.
The activity was
supported by WARAYA or Waray-Waray Youth Advocates, the leading youth
organization in Samar that advocates for Adolescent Sexual and
Reproductive Health and Rights (ASRHR).