Decisive state action key
to end torture and ill-treatment

By Asian Human Rights
Commission (AHRC)
July 25, 2012
Parliamentarians from eight Asian states and civil society
representatives, who met at Hong Kong for the first Asian
parliamentarians' meeting organised by the Asian Alliance against
Torture and Ill-treatment (AAATI), demanded firm actions from Asian
states to end torture and ill-treatment in the region.
Along with civil society
representatives, dignitaries that attended the historic meeting
include, Honourable: Mr. Eran Wickramaratne (Sri Lanka), Mr. V. T.
Balram (India), Mr. Mohammad Fazlul Azim (Bangladesh), Ms. Pushpa
Bhusal (Nepal), Ms. Abbasi Nusrat Bano and Mr. Saeed Ghani (Pakistan),
Mr. Sayed Muhammad Muliady (Indonesia), and Mr. Raymond Palatino
(Philippines). Also in attendance were human rights activists from
Burma, Thailand and Denmark.
The four-day meeting
concluded on July 24. Parliamentarians and civil society
representatives called for similar initiatives and consultations in
every country in the region to tackle the prevailing widespread
practice of torture.
The human right against torture and ill-treatment is absolute and non-derogable,
affirmed the participants. In states where laws criminalising torture
exist, these laws must be effectively put to use, and in states where
such laws are yet to be legislated, or remain under consideration,
initiatives must be fast-tracked, demanded participants.
The parliamentarians affirmed that they would take-up this issue with
their respective governments as a priority concern. Participants urged
Asian governments to ensure the creation of effective criminal justice
framework in all jurisdictions, realised through adequate
institutional reforms, without which combating entrenched torture and
ill-treatment would be impossible in the region.
The participants unequivocally affirmed that key to this is the
allocation of adequate monetary, infrastructural, and human resources
to local policing. This is essential so that policing can evolve into
a service-oriented and modern agency, able to meet the needs of the
time, rather than an institution forced to be just a uniformed organ
of the state that enforces legitimate and illegitimate state writs.
Essential, radical, reforms in policing would contribute substantially
to end the culture of corruption and impunity opined the participants.
The participants visited Hong Kong’s Independent Commission Against
Corruption (ICAC) and also spent time speaking with senior members of
the Hong Kong Bar Association. Out of the numerous insights gained
from these visits, the necessity of an independent and corruption free
judiciary, as it exists in Hong Kong, was iterated by participants.
Threats to state security are real in the region, just as they are in
the rest of the world. However, dehumanising and demonising political
opponents, and reducing spaces for public discourse on concerns of
personal liberties, augmented by arbitrary and state-sponsored
violence, is not the way ahead affirmed the participants. This
tendency – to disregard the absolute nature of human rights in the
ruse of national security – is not only dangerous but could reduce the
notion of democracy, stated participants in the course of the four-day
discussion. The rule of law, and uncompromising adherence to
democratic practices and norms, is the best instrument to fight
security threats, was the all-round affirmation.
Fundamental to open public consultations is the guarantee of freedom
of expression and opinion. Parliamentarians and civil society
representatives urged governments in the region to promote media
freedoms and end circumscribing the same by law and practice.
The legislators in Asia, together with the civil society, can generate
enough momentum to give rise to requisite popular debate against
torture, was another consensus from the historic meeting. Participants
agreed that similar gatherings should be organised again and that they
would hold such sessions in their constituencies and countries to end
torture and ill-treatment.
In the mean-time, similar discussion forums in the countries and
constituencies, in consultation with the AHRC, the RCT, and most
importantly local human rights organisations, would be organised,
stated the participants.
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), Hong Kong, and the
Rehabilitation and Research Centre for Torture Victims (RCT), Denmark
constituted the AAATI in July 2011. This four-day historic meeting of
Parliamentarians, marking the one-year anniversary of the AAATI
initiative, is another step towards the final goal of ending torture
and ill-treatment in Asia.