Filipino rights
workers file complaints on violent demolitions and arbitrary detention
before the UN, ask support of int’l community for Palparan’s arrest

By Philippine UPR WATCH
14, 2012
GENEVA, Switzerland
– The Philippine UPR Watch, an ecumenical delegation of Philippine
human rights organizations and advocates that engages in the Universal
Periodic Review (UPR) process of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC),
capped the delegation’s activities in Geneva, Switzerland by filing
complaints before the offices of UN Special Rapporteur on Adequate
Housing Raquel Rolnik and Working Group on Arbitrary Detention Chair
Malick Sow on the continuous rights violations under Philippine Pres.
Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III.
In behalf of
Demolition Watch Network, a group of urban poor leaders and advocates
for rights to decent housing and livelihood, the group lamented the
“intensified violent evictions of residents in urban poor communities
in the Philippines and the continuing violations on the right to
adequate housing and other human rights.”
“Under the new
administration of President Aquino, Demolition Watch Network
documented more than 50 incidents of violent eviction of homes in
Metro-Manila alone, from 19 communities and affecting more than 16,000
families. Thousands of families were left homeless and jobless,
millions worth of livelihood and properties were destroyed and many
children stopped schooling and were traumatized,” said Nardy Sabino,
secretary general of the Promotion for Church People’s Response and
convener of Phil. UPR Watch.
Sabino further cited
the recent cases of violent evictions in Brgy. Corazon de Jesus, San
Juan City and communities along the Phil. National Railway Site, where
hundreds of police personnel and demolition teams were deployed to
violently disperse and illegally arrest residents and supporters
asserting their right to tenure in the areas where they live.
“These evictions are
being conducted to pave the way for so-called development projects,
but these only resulted to increase the number of poor Filipinos who
are forced to live on the streets and become homeless. They live in
makeshift tents, as small as animal cages, with no water and
electricity. They endured cold nights, typhoons; heavy rains and
floods in their tents. They have nowhere to go. Worst of all, every
now and then, the government forces have no mercy and forcibly evict
them from their tents instead of giving them decent housing and help
them in restoring their lives,” he added.
Sr. Stella Matutina
OSB of Panalipdan Mindanao meanwhile said along with violent
demolitions and violation on the rights to decent and adequate
housing, there are continuous occurrences of arbitrary arrests and
detention of individuals and activists.
The group filed
complaints on the cases of artist Ericson Acosta and film student
Maricon Montajes before the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention,
among the 347 political prisoners (as of December 31, 2011) who were
arrested and are currently detained under Aquino’s watch.
“Despite its denial of
the existence of political prisoners in the country, the Aquino
administration can never hide the fact that political prisoners
continue to be violated for each day they remain inside jail under his
administration. Criminalization of alleged political offenses, a
widespread practice to hide the political nature of the illegal
arrests and trumped-up cases filed against these individuals and
activists, remains a salient feature of Aquino’s counter-insurgency
policy Oplan Bayanihan,” Matutina said.
The mission likewise
conducted several activities to call for the support of the
international community to press the Aquino government to step up its
efforts for the immediate arrest of Ret. Maj. Gen. Jovito Palparan Jr.
“It has been three
months since the warrant of arrest was issued against Palparan and as
he remains scot-free, he continues to insult the victims by remaining
at-large. Palparan, by evading arrest, also mocks and makes a fool of
the P-Noy government,” said Cristina Palabay, spokesperson of
Karapatan. The delegation also distributed and showed Wanted: Palparan
posters during their activities in the 19th session of the UN Human
Rights Council.
Sabino, Matutina and
Palabay were joined in the Philippine UPR Watch delegation by Atty.
Edre Olalia of the NUPL and the International Association of
Democratic Lawyers (IADL); and, Maribel Mapanao of the Campaign for
Human Rights in the Philippines (CHRP) - Switzerland.
The group met and
briefed various foreign diplomatic missions and international NGOs
based in Geneva as well as representatives of UN human rights special
procedures and the Filipino migrant community on the state of human
rights in the Philippines. The Philippines will be subjected to the
second cycle of the UPR this May 28 to June 3, 2012.