Chief Superintendent Elmer Ragadio Soria (left), PRO8 Regional
Director with officers of Northern Samar PPO during his
inspection at Looc and Dapdap Ports in Allen, Northern Samar. |
"Undas" observance
generally peaceful, prayerful – Soria
By RPCRD, Police Regional
Office 8
November 2, 2012
KANGLEON, Palo, Leyte – “The regionwide observance of
‘undas’ or All Saints Day and All Souls Day, was generally peaceful,"
Police Regional Office 8 director Police Chief Superintendent Elmer Ragadio Soria said.
"There are no major
incidents reported during the period except in some cases wherein our
policemen confiscated bladed weapons and liquors at cemetery
entrances", Soria disclosed.
Close to 5,000 policemen
have been tasked to man Police Assistance Hubs and checkpoints aside
from conducting foot and mobile patrol that ensured the safety of
cemetery-goers while they pay their respects to their departed
relatives, as well as commuters, he added.
He credited this to the help
extended by the police's force multipliers, among them members of
different communication groups, anti-crime and other civic groups
including the Barangay Peace-keeping Action Teams (BPATs) and barangay
tanods which were mobilized to help lawmen maintain peace and order
and direct traffic.
The police official also
thanked the media for the information dissemination to the public on
the prohibition on bringing bladed weapons and liquor to cemeteries.
Soria went around personally
supervising the security efforts by his men and was impressed with the
generally peaceful atmosphere, including the smooth flow of traffic.
On Wednesday, the Regional
Director went to Allen, Northern Samar to ensure security preparations
at Looc and Dapdap ferry terminals while during the All Saints Day and
All Souls Day, he inspected established checkpoints and Police
Assistance Hubs in Catholic cemeteries in Brgys. Basper and El Reposo;
Leyte Catholic Cemetery and Superior Memorial Park in along the
Maharlika Highway in Brgy. Diit; Holy Cross Memorial Park also in Brgy.
Basper and the Chinese Cemetery, all in Tacloban City.
The Regional Director also
inspected shopping malls and motorists' assistance centers in
different parts of the city.
While lawmen focused on
security measures in cemeteries during "undas", Soria said policemen
will now be tasked to ensure the safety of the public specially those
who are leaving the region. These include employees and students who
will head back to their work and schools, respectively, after the
holiday, he said.