Soria requires
personnel to use helmet with ICC sticker

By RPCRD, Police Regional
Office 8
October 17, 2012
Leyte – PNP PRO 8 is strictly enforcing compliance for all
its personnel with the use of standard protective motorcycle helmets
while driving.
In line with the
implementation of R.A. 10054, an act mandating all motorcycle riders
to wear standard helmet gears when driving, PNP PRO 8 in coordination
with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) conducted a helmet
stick marking for free at the PRO 8 Grandstand today, October 17,
Over One Hundred Sixty Two
(165) helmets were validated and issued ICC stickers from One Hundred
Six (106) personnel by the DTI representatives.
DTI Regional Director
Cynthia Nierras stresses that helmet stick marking is free of charge.
“All you have to do is to come to our office and bring with you your
helmets for inspection/evaluation, your official receipt/certificate
of registration, and fill out the application form,” Nierras said.
Attorney Lemuel R. Montes,
OIC, DTI Consumer Welfare Division explains that under the said law,
all motorcycle drivers and back riders are required to wear at all
times standard protective motorcycle helmets while driving whether
long or short drives and in any type of road or highway.
On the other hand, sellers
and/or dealers are required to sell or offer for sale only certified
helmets that have passed through product testing and have complied
with the specifications issued by DTI and with PS or ICC marks.
Selling of uncertified helmets constitutes a violation and is a
punishable offense, says Mr. Irlando D. Tuazon, Senior Trade and
Industry Specialist.
Motor vehicle dealers are
also advised to have available standard motorcycle helmets so that in
every purchase of motorcycle unit, the customer may have the option to
buy a certified helmet from them.
Administrative sanctions of
the Act include, among others: any person caught not wearing the
standard protective motorcycle helmet shall be punished with a fine of
P1,500 for the first offense; P3,000 for the second offense; P5,000
for the 3rd offense and P10,000 plus confiscation of driver’s license
for the 4th and succeeding offenses.
DTI is very strict with the
standards because, “if any accident happens, most of the time the only
thing that can save your life is a helmet which is not substandard,
because if it is not, there is no guarantee that your head will be
protected from a fall”, PRO 8 Regional Director PCSupt Elmer Ragadio
Soria added.
The Helmet law is set to be
fully implemented on January 1, 2013.