From martial law to Ninoy
Aquino: hamletting and forced evacuation remain
Law-style military operations drive away rural folks from their homes
- Karapatan

September 13, 2012
QUEZON CITY – Karapatan today held a picket at the Times St. residence
of Noynoy Aquino to call the attention of the government on the
“Martial Law-style military operations especially in the rural areas
and on the plight of the evacuees such as those from the Bondoc
Peninsula in Quezon Province who left their homes because of these
Karapatan secretary general, Cristina Palabay said, “There are now
eight military battalions in Bondoc Peninsula, something that has
never happened before, even during the time of martial law.” Karapatan
has documented several cases of threats and harassment against
residents in the area, including those who are members of farmers’
The protest action coincided with the birthday of the late Ferdinand
Marcos, whose reign was marked by tyranny and terror that resulted to
countless human rights violations. “With evacuations going on in many
parts of the country such as in the Caraga region, in Bukidnon, and in
Bondoc Peninsula, we believe that the Marcos era never left us after
martial law. The essential elements of Marcos’ hamletting and forced
evacuation happened during Cory Aquino’s time and the succeeding
presidents after her; and it is still happening now,” Palabay added.
THE PHILIPPINES, a document that traced the human rights violations
during martial law, Palabay said that “reading through the text that
described the hamletting and forced evacuation during the martial law
years is like listening to the woes of the people in the rural areas
who are currently displaced because of military operations in rural
communities. Nothing changed.”
“*By sowing fear through threats and by manifest violence, residents
were made to feel that they had no other recourse but to evacuate and
seek refuge in other areas... Mass evacuations...were triggered by
harassment and intimidation of the residents by the military;
intensified military operations like bombings and strafings; clashes
between the guerrillas and government troops; and violent incidents
like massacres or 'salvagings'.*
Palabay added that, “it is also significant to note that as in the
martial law days, intense military operations are meant to drive
people away from their lands. It preceded the entry of transnational
corporations and agribusiness plantations or government projects such
as dams. These days, military operations are similarly linked with the
entry or expansion of mining operations by foreign big business as in
the case of the Caraga region, the dams in Bukidnon, transformation of
hacienda’s into agri-business in Bondoc Peninsula, and other projects
related to Aquino’s Public-Private Partnership.”
Karapatan said that the Armed Forces of the Philippines, through the
U.S.-guided Oplan Bayanihan, attempts to sow terror in the communities
that range from harassment and intimidation to strafing and bombings
“that are no different from the Marcos era.”
Karapatan called for the immediate pullout of the military troops from
the communities and an end to Oplan Bayanihan.