NPA camp seized,
firearms recovered by government troops in Northern Samar

By 20th Infantry Battalion,
April 13, 2013
Vega, Northern Samar – An abandoned communist terrorist’s camp was
recently discovered by government security forces at Happy Valley, San
Isidro, Northern Samar at around 10:30 in the morning today, April 13,
Lieutenant Colonel Noel A.
Vestuir, 20IB’s Commanding Officer, in his report to 803rd Brigade
Commander, Colonel Rolando Malinao, said the camp was seized by the
operating troops of 20IB led 1LT Florencio Tayo III.
The camp has fifteen (15)
bunkers that can accommodate more or less twenty (20) communist
terrorists, one (1) kitchen, one (1) comfort room, three (3) outposts
and has just been abandoned by the CTs as they evade armed engagement
with the operating troops. After thoroughly searching the area, the
troops recovered four (4) cal .38 revolvers hidden in one of the
The camp was seized after
20IB launched sustained combat operations in the area in response to
the information tipped-in by some residents in the nearby barangays of
the presence of armed men roaming in the area enforcing their Permit
to Campaign (PTC) strategy, extorting money and food stuffs from the
peace-loving people as well as political.
The recent accomplishments
by the 20IB troops against the NPAs in the area of 1st district of
Northern Samar have disrupted the impending terroristic activities
that are being hatched to be conducted by the NPA. The government
troops has dislodged them from their guerilla camps and cut-off their
supply support lines that they forcibly take from the residents in the
area. The discovery and seizure of the said camp in the area was made
possible by the information provided by local populace and is a clear
indication that the enemy revolutionary organization has already
alienated the people and the communities where they got their support
through their forced extortion activities.
LTC Vestuir, 20IB’s
Commanding Officer commended his troops for a job well done. He also
thanked the continued support of the people in the government’s
efforts of 'Winning the Peace'. “Through the timely and accurate
information tipped by the residents, our troops were able to discover
the NPA encampment, a staging place of their terroristic activities in
the area. The seizure of the said NPA encampment and the recovery of
their firearms is a big blow to the CTs considering that we have
denied them of their safe haven and sanctuary and once again proven
that the people are with us in our pursuit for peace in this part of
the country”.
Vestuir also calls for the
fleeing Communist Terrorists to lay down their arms in order to once
again live decent and normal lives along with their families.