TUCP asks its
representative to return bonus
October 10, 2013
Trade Union Congress of the Philippines had asked its representative
to the Social Security System, Commissioner Dr. Marianita Mendoza to
do the right thing by returning the bonus given to her as soon as
possible, TUCP spokesman Alan Tanjusay announced today.
In April this year, Social
Security System officials sought the TUCP and other groups in
convincing 12 million members to accept an increased SSS monthly
premium payment from 10.4% to 11% starting January next year.
The TUCP gave its support to
the plan because it will indeed help improve the life span of the SSS
fund. TUCP also gave its support because it will raise the membership
benefits, a 10% across-the-board increase in pension rate among
retirees, improve active members’ access to claims, and run after
delinquent employers who failed to remit employees’ contribution.
The TUCP also gave its
support to proposed increase provided that more workers can be
covered, collection rate should be improved, make operations more
efficient and transparent, investments must not only yield but also be
safe, and keep SSS salaries and benefits reasonable, not excessive.
The giving of such bonuses,
however, was not discussed in any of the consultation process.
The TUCP maintains that
while the giving of performance bonus may be legally justifiable by
the performance incentives system set by the Governance Commission for
Government-owned and controlled corporation (GCG), it deems the giving
of monetary incentive at this time as inappropriate.