Army troops return to

September 22, 2013
CAMP LUKBAN, Catbalogan City
Samar – One company of soldiers deployed for nine (9) months in Cebu
arrive in Catbalogan City via a Philippine Navy transport ship on
September 18, 2013 at Pier 2.
Captain Rex A. Carranzo, Commanding Officer of Bravo Company, 34th
Infantry Battalion, led his troops in disembarking from the Navy ship
and in marching off to the eagerly waiting families, friends and
comrades in a welcome ceremony held in their honor at Pier 2,
Catbalogan City, Samar.
The welcoming party was led by Brigadier General Virgilio M. Espineli,
Assistant Division Commander of 8th Infantry Division.
The said troops will initially undergo one (1) week of refresher
seminar anchored on human rights and Bayanihan team activity prior to
their redeployment to Northern Samar. This seminar will prepare them
in the community services that they will provide to the people of
Northern Samar upon redeployment.
BGen Espineli said, “I urge you to continue doing your share of tasks
and continue in rendering your services to the people of Northern
Samar once you will return to your battalion.”
Brigadier General Jet B. Velarmino AFP, Commander of 8th Infantry
Division in his message to the returning troops said, “I commend all
of you for your laudable accomplishments in helping maintain the peace
and sustain the growth and development in Cebu. Now that you have
returned, I expect the same dedication and commitment to service from
all of you to contribute to winning the peace and sustainable
development in Northern Samar where you will be redeployed to.”