Hope amid despair

April 24, 201
Jose, Tacloban City – “I fight ….and I am fighting for my three
young children…. that my children may not have to die so young…because
of hunger.”
Bonifacio `boning’ Mabag, a
45 yrs old tricycle driver and a father, who lost 5 of his young
children, and whose home was destroyed by typhoon Yolanda.
Mabag, was standing among
the twisted wreckage of his home as he was interviewed, reliving the
terror they felt while 30ft water and strong winds of 387 kph
obliterated their neighborhoods and Mabag described how he and his
wife and children took refuge.
“I and my wife were inside
our house and holding our children”, Mabag recalled.
“We thought we’d die ….GI
sheets and debris started slamming on us.” Mabag said.
Five of Mabag’s children
died, as they couldn’t get hold anymore the strong winds and current
of water as they try to hold on to the floating logs.
“I lost consciousness…. I
tried to look for my wife and children….but I know they are just here
somewhere,” fighting back tears, Mabag told Samar News.com.
His 38-year-old housewife,
Lorna, was then nine months pregnant when the typhoon occurred.
He exclaimed with joy as he
spotted his wife and his two children after two days of searching
along San Jose area, a coastal village in Tacloban City.
“I thought God just answered
one prayer to let me be OK but he answered both of them,” he said,
before being led away from the debris with his wife.
Mabag spoke of his
desperations as he tried to round up his family after the typhoon hit
and his relief when he realized they (his wife and 2 children) were
“Our hearts are broken for
the parents that are wondering about the state of other children that
have been hit, I know that there are families wondering where their
loved ones are”, Mabag said.
Family’s death is one of
many tragic stories to emerge from devastation of typhoon Yolanda. It
was one of many heartbreaking stories that emerged in the hours after
a deadly storm surge ripped through the city of Tacloban with
incredible tales of survival.
Rescuers were looking under
every single piece of debris for the missing.
More than five months now
after the onslaught of typhoon Yolanda in the city, Mabag is
determined to fight and he continues to hold on in faith that God is
going to take him through this.
He went back pedaling
tricycle (pedicab) for transporting goods and people as his means of
“I fight ….and I am fighting
for my three young children…. that my children may not have to die so
young…because of hunger.” Mabag said.
“So many times our problems
cause us to think that God has forgotten us. It is hard to understand
that the Source of our strength and our Provider in all things is
already with us. When a situation seems hopeless, it is difficult to
not grow weary and lose strength….. through the storm, we have the
peace of knowing that `all is well’ and we keep our eyes on our
Savior.” Mabag stressed.