NGCP targets
complete line restoration before Christmas

Press Release
December 10, 2014
is fast-tracking the restoration of transmission lines and facilities
affected by Typhoon Ruby in the Visayas. We are targeting completion
of restoration activities before Christmas,” stated NGCP President and
CEO Henry Sy, Jr.
The target restoration date
was determined after NGCP completed the assessment of its affected
facilities through aerial inspection and foot patrol. To expedite
restoration, 36 line gangs – 24 from Visayas, 6 from Mindanao, 3 from
North Luzon, and 3 from South Luzon – were mobilized to ensure that
NGCP complies with the deadline set by the Department of Energy (DOE).
“We intend to restore our
backbone lines within the week. All our remaining unrestored 69-kV
lines in Leyte and Samar will be ready to transmit power to the
different distribution utilities and electric cooperatives by December
25,” explained Mr. Sy.
The system operator and
power transmission service provider, however, clarified that the
completion of restoration works will still depend on weather
conditions prevailing in the area. Adverse weather may still hamper
restoration activities and prevent them from meeting the deadline.
NGCP implemented necessary
precautions and preparations to facilitate immediate restoration work
even before the passage of Typhoon Ruby. These include ensuring the
availability of hardware materials and supplies necessary for the
repair of damages to facilities, as well as the positioning of line
crews in strategic areas.
NGCP is a privately owned
corporation in charge of operating, maintaining, and developing the
country’s power grid. It transmits high-voltage electricity through
“power superhighways” that include the interconnected system of
transmission lines, towers, substations, and related assets. The
consortium holds the 25-year concession to operate the country's power
transmission network and is comprised of Monte Oro Grid Resources
Corp., led by Henry Sy, Jr., Calaca High Power Corporation, led by
Robert Coyiuto, Jr., and the State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC) as
technical partner.