and Catbalogan City LGU conduct joint medical mission

January 25, 2015
– Some 856 villagers of Barangay San Andres, Catbalogan City benefited
in the joint medical mission conducted by Gandara, Samar-based 43rd
Infantry Battalion (43IB), UNTV, Kamanggagawa Foundation Incorporated
(KFI), and Catbalogan City LGU on January 25, 2015.
Barangay San Andres is
located in a mountainous area and is around four km from the City
proper. Based on the report of Lt. Col. Seigfred Tubalado, the
commanding officer of 43IB, of the 856 beneficiaries, 242 adults and
262 children were provided with free medical services and medicines,
while 148 were given free dental services, mostly on tooth extraction.
206 villagers were also
provided with free ophthalmology and optometry consultation where they
were also given eye glasses. In addition, 81 villagers were also able
to avail of free haircut by Army barbers.
A film showing was also
conducted, to the delight of around 150 children who enjoyed watching
children films. The medical mission was conducted with two civilian
medical doctors and one military doctor; one civilian ophthalmologist;
one military dentist and seven nurses, one of which is from the Army.
Some of the stakeholder
leaders that attended supervised the activity were: Hon Domingo Jabien,
Barangay Chairman of San Andres; Ms Nilda Aroza, CSWDO of Catbalogan
City; Ms Annabele Daca, Head Teacher of San Andres Elementary School;
Mr Roland Antonio of KFI; Ms Jen Gaquit of UNTV; and Lt. Col. Tubalado.
The joint medical mission
was lauded by Maj. Gen. Jet B. Velarmino AFP, the Commander of 8th
Infantry Division. Commenting in the incident, he said, “I am
delighted by the unity of effort among the key peace stakeholders in
providing basic services to our countrymen in the far-flung areas like barangay San Andres. This activity depicts beauty of the “Bayanihan”
spirit if it is practice among us”.
“Encourage everyone to
spearhead similar activities for our countrymen who have less in life.
With more activities such as this, I foresee more peaceful communities
in the countryside, as creating solutions, instead of creating
problems will be the focus of everyone’s effort”, Velarmino added.