Peace and Order
Councils of 3 Samar towns declare their towns as "Peaceful and
Development Ready Municipalities"

March 26, 2014
CAMP LUKBAN, Catbalogan
City, Samar – Peace and order councils of three towns of Samar
Province declare their towns as Peaceful and Development Ready
Municipalities in a joint signing of declaration held at Marju Krishel
Hotel, Calbayog City.
The towns of Tagapul-an, Sto.
Niño and Almagro all of Samar were declared by the peace and order
councils of said municipalities headed by their town mayors as
peaceful and development ready.
The joint signing and
declaration of said towns was made possible after the towns met the
parameters stipulated under National Internal Peace and Security Plan,
namely: different threat groups failed to function as organized
insurgent movement; there is minimal threat to stability, peace and
order and development, as well as transgression of laws; no
established support system for threat groups; effort to infiltrate
unaffected areas and sectoral organizations has been prevented; and
the arouse, organize, mobilize (AOM) and Ideological, Political and
Organizational were thwarted and prevented.
These mean that rebel
activities need minimal military interventions as it can be easily
addressed by the PNP troops in said municipalities.
The declaration was attended
by Hon Kathleen S. Prudenciado, Mayor of Almagro, Samar; Hon. Lilia A.
Coñejos, Mayor of Sto. Niño, Samar; Hon.Vicente F. Limpiado Sr., Mayor
of Tagapul-an, Samar and Ms Luz D. Tacal of Samar PSWDO, representing
Hon. Sharee Ann T. Tan, Governor of Samar. It was also attended by Maj
Gen Jet B Velarmino AFP, the Commander of 8th Infantry Division, Col
Wilson B. Leyva, the Commander of 801st Brigade, Philippine Army and
Lt Col Glen C. Calambuhay, the Commanding Officer of 43rd Infantry
Battalion. While Philippine National Police was represented by Chief
Inspector Felipe R. Tan, Chief, Police Community Relation, Samar
Provincial Police Office.
The declaration of the three
towns as peaceful communities and ready for development symbolizes
that a new era of peace and progress has started in Samar Province.
That rebellion is a thing of the past and no longer the craze or fad
of the masses. This also indicates that the 8th Infantry Division is
still on the running to meet its target for the whole Samar Province
to be declared as Peaceful and Development Ready comes June 2014.
In her message, Hon Lilia A.
Conejos, Mayor of Almagro, Samar said: "There were so many violence in
my town in the past, people got killed because they do not give in to
the extortion demands of the NPA rebels. I thank the military for
helping us to move on and cleansed our town of NPA rebels and help us
realized our dream of a having a peaceful community to live on."
Maj Gen Jet B. Velarmino AFP,
the Commander of the 8th Infantry Division said: The Joint Declaration
of the municipalities of Almagro, Sto. Niño and Tagpul-an of Samar
Province as 'Peaceful and Development Ready Municipalities' shows that
the spirit of Bayanihan is strong among the Army, the Local Government
Units and other stakeholders in these municipalities."
"We are very happy to be
part of this endeavor and we can proudly say that we are moving
towards the right direction. Together, we are sending a strong message
that these municipalities believe that it is through peace and
development efforts, and not armed struggle, that we can achieve a
sustainable development and a just and lasting peace in this part of
Samar Province," he added.