NMP continues to
offer Deck, Engine, SMS & other upgrading courses

Press Release
March 19, 2015
National Maritime Polytechnic (NMP), a government maritime training
and research agency located at Brgy. Cabalawan, this City, continues
to offer Deck, Engine, Safety, Medical and Security (SMS) upgrading
and Professional Development Courses to aspirants to the seafaring
industry, active seafarers, maritime trainers and assessors, and other
allied personnel in the maritime industry.
The Deck, Engine, Safety,
Medical and Security (SMS) upgrading and Professional Development
Courses regularly offered by NMP include Marine Electrical System (MES),
Radar Navigation, Radar Plotting and Use of ARPA (RNRPUARPA), Marine
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MRAC), Maritime Law for Ship
Officers (MAR LAW), STD/HIV/AIDS Prevention in the Maritime Sector (SHAPIMS),
Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the Maritime Sector (PADAMS),
and Gender Sensitivity Training for Seafarers (GSTS).
Marine Electrical System (MES)
is a five-day course wherein the trainees are expected to be able to
apply the concepts and principles of electrical systems normally
installed in ships; carry out all necessary activities in the
generation of electrical power; perform the tests required in the
operation and maintenance of electrical machines and control systems;
and appreciate the importance of marine electrical system in shipboard
Radar Navigation, Radar
Plotting and Use of ARPA (RNRPUARPA) is a nine-day upgrading course
which will enable the trainee to recognize the appropriate time when
radar should be in use, select a suitable mode and range setting for
the circumstances, set the controls for optimal performance, and be
conscious of the limitations of the equipment in detecting targets and
in terms of accuracy, to name a few. Course contents include Basic
theory and operation of marine radar system, setting up and operation
of radar in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, performing
manual radar plotting, use of radar to ensure safe navigation, use of
radar to avoid collisions or close encounters, and description and
operation of an ARPA system.
Marine Refrigeration and Air
Conditioning (MRAC) is another five-day course that provides trainee
participants with the applied knowledge and practical skills in
blueprint reading, operation, maintenance and troubleshooting
techniques of marine refrigeration and air-conditioning systems. This
also helps trainees acquire required knowledge, understanding and
proficiency in working with marine refrigeration and air-conditioning
on board ship.
Maritime Law for Ship
Officers (MAR LAW) is a five-day professional development course which
is intended for masters and ships’ officers focusing on the salient
features of maritime law with regard to their authorities, rights,
duties and responsibilities in the commercial operation of seagoing
merchant ships. Based on IMO Model Course 7.01, the course is aimed at
enhancing and broadening the seafarer-trainees’ legal knowledge and
STD/HIV/AIDS Prevention in
the Maritime Sector (SHAPIMS) is a one-day training course which deals
on the nature of STD/HIV infection/AIDS and the methods of prevention
and control, sexual behavior changes and modification, communicating
its prevention in the workplace and among seafarers, partner
notification and preventive measures. Aside from active seamen and
aspirants, seafarers’ wives, and personnel of shipping and manning
agencies are likewise encouraged to take this.
Prevention of Alcohol and
Drug Abuse in the Maritime Sector (PADAMS) is another one-day course
which covers topics on the nature and extent of alcohol and drug
problem in the maritime sector, preventive measures and policies to
address such problems, effects of alcoholic beverages in the
performance onboard ships, pertinent laws and regulations as
prescribed in Chapter VIII, Section B-VIII/2, Part 5 of the 1978 STCW
Convention, as amended.
Gender Sensitivity Training
for Seafarers (GSTS) is a four-hour course covering topics on gender
roles ascribed by the society, gender equality and equity,
rights-based approach to sexual and reproductive health, Anti-Violence
against Women and their Children Act (RA 9262), and The New Anti-Rape
Law (RA 8353). This course is offered free to paying trainees enrolled
in other courses.
To those interested in
availing the said courses, you may directly visit NMP or inquire
through the Registrar at the following contact numbers:
09771269675/09298417490. The training schedule of the said courses is
now available at NMP. You may also send your inquiries and/or
reservations to info@nmp.gov.ph or nmp.info@yahoo.com