DPWH Samar I
coordinates with DepEd heads

October 26, 2015
Department of Public Works and Highways for this year undertakes a
coordination meeting with the Department of Education’s
principals/school heads from both Calbayog City Division and Samar
Division, held at Samar First District Engineering Office’s conference
hall, San Policarpo, Calbayog City, on October 20, 2015.
District Engineer Virgilio
C. Eduarte presides over the meeting. He welcomes the visitors from
different schools of Calbayog City and Samar Division. The conference
is attended by almost thirty (30) school heads and visitors. The said
coordination meeting has the purpose of pursuing the smooth
implementation of the School Building Projects for CY 2015.
In answer to the queries and
clarifications raised by the DepEd representatives/school heads, DE
Eduarte and the technical employees make a comprehensive explanation
in accordance to their concerns. In the end part of the meeting, both
parties agree to cooperate with each other and assure that
responsibilities of each office be performed to ascertain SB Projects
are constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications.