Construction of Slope Protection along Biliran Circumferential
Road, K1029+800-K1029+900, K1030+050-K1030+100,
K1030+150-K1030+300, K1036+100-K1036+390 under contract with MAC
Builders with a contract cost of P41,782,330.92. As of June 30,
2016, it has an accomplishment of 40% with -20% slippage. Other
than the slope protection structure, concrete paving of widened
shoulders and construction of concrete canal are included in the
project. This section of the road is prone to landslide, hence
prioritized for slope protection. |
Biliran DEO posts
77.06% of the 2016 infrastructure projects
July 5, 2016
DPWH-Biliran District Engineering Office (BDEO), is still in full
swing in the implementation of its FY 2016 Infrastructure Projects. As
of June 30, 2016, out of 66 lined-up projects of BDEO, 53 projects
were already completed while 9 projects are on-going which includes
road widening, flood control, multi-purpose building, water supply
projects, multi-purpose pavement, concrete pathway and many others.
District Engineer, David P.
Adongay Jr. revealed that there are still 4 projects which are not yet
started under the 2016 Regular Infrastructure Projects. These are the
repair of Biliran Bridge (B00057BR) along Leyte-Biiliran Road, Repair
of Bilwang Bridge (B00058BR) along Biliran Circumferential Road,
Repair of Looc Bridge (B00035BR) along Biliran Circumferential Road
and Repair of Cabibihan Bridge (B00027BR) along Biliran
Circumferential Road. Engr. Adongay said that the remaining projects
were already Bid Out and with Notice to Proceed.
To date, the district has an
overall actual accomplishment of 77.06% with a negative slippage of
4.91%. The negative slippage came about because of the slight delay in
the project implementation of Construction of Slope protection along
Biliran Circumferential Road. Nevertheless, the overall accomplishment
is still high considering the onset of rainy days.
This is in consensus with
the policy of the Department to implement the right project with the
right cost determined through competitive and transparent public
bidding with the right quality in accordance with international
standards delivered at the right time through close monitoring of
project implementation carried out by the right people who are
competent and uphold the values of professionalism, integrity,
excellence, public service and teamwork.
With all these projects,
indeed Biliran DEO is lucky enough to be able to uphold the goals and
policies of the Department under the leadership of District Engineer
David P. Adongay, Jr, DPA on its commitment to selfless public service
through proper implementation of the district’s projects.