ignites media-military partnership

June 9, 2016
Catbalogan,Samar – Recognizing the role of media in the society as
one of the pillars of democracy, the 8th Infantry (Stormtroopers)
Division, Philippine Army ignited its partnership with the media
practitioners all over the Region through fellowship and Boot Camp at
801st Brigade Headquarters, Camp Eugenio, Brgy. Fatima, Hinabangan,
Samar from June 04 to 05.
The two-day activity was
graced by Maj. Gen. Jet B. Velarmino, AFP, Commander 8ID as guest of
honor and speaker together with his wife, Mrs. Imelda D. Velarmino,
Col. Cesar M. Idio, Assistant Division Commander and other officers
and men of the Stormtroopers family who intermingled with more than
forty media practitioners.
Aside from the usual social
gathering, 8ID facilitated the boot camp that allowed the media
participants to experience a short, intensive, rigorous but fun-filled
and exciting course of training. It includes basic marksmanship,
obstacle and rope course challenge, unit run and other team-building
activities which gave the participants a taste of military life.
According to Maj. Gen.
Velarmino, the activity was an opportunity for the media and the
military to strengthen their camaraderie. He emphasized that media
should not be treated as an enemy but an ally in resolving conflict
and a partner in accomplishing the Army's mandated mission and pursuit
for genuine reform and transformation.
The 8th Infantry
Stormtroopers Division, highly acknowledge the importance of their
professionalism and their ability to show impartiality, fairness, and
responsibility as media practitioners.
“Without the media, our
earnest commitment and sincere efforts as protectors of the region to
attain a just and lasting peace will never be realized and recognized
and most of all winning the hearts and minds of the people will never
be possible," he added.