of Slope Protection along Biliran Circumferential Road is
on-going with 62% accomplishment as of January 31, 2017. Other
than the slope protection structure, concrete paving of widened
shoulders and construction of concrete canal are included in the
project. The above road section is prone to landslide hence
slope protection structure is recommended to prevent recurrence
of landslide which happened during the onslaught of typhoon
Henry on July 20, 2014 that caused closure of the road. |
DPWH-Biliran DEO
fastracks on-going FY 2016 high impact projects
Press Release
February 15, 2017
NAVAL, Biliran –
Above P40M remaining FY 2016 projects implemented by the Department of
Public Works and Highways (DPWH) - Biliran District Engineering Office
is being fast-tracked for completion until first quarter of 2017. As
of January 31, 2017, Biliran DEO reports 63 projects completed with
three projects on-going with an accomplishment of 92.64%.
The District has been
allotted P683.745M under FY 2016 DPWH Infrastructure Program. Out of
the allotted amount, P135M was implemented by DPWH Regional Office 8
which involves the Rehabilitation of a section of Maripipi
Circumferential Road, while 66 projects are implemented by Biliran DEO.
Some District Offices
including Biliran DEO has only been allowed to implement projects
below P50M, projects above of the said amount are
undertaken/implemented by the DPWH Regional Office.
Adongay reported that two
projects of the largest amount allotted to Biliran DEO is still
ongoing which is the P45M slope protection project along Biliran
Circumferential Road (BCR) and P43M construction of Biliran diversion
road with an accomplishment of 62% and 58%, respectively as of January
31, 2017.
According to Adongay, the
Construction of Slope Protection along Biliran Circumferential Road
encountered some problems caused by lapses of the contractor and
unfavorable weather conditions that hinders the contractor to smoothly
perform the project implementation.
Meanwhile, the Construction
of Biliran Diversion Road was hindered to proceed with the embankment
activities due to continuous heavy rains. Furthermore, one of the
landowners affected by the road opening refused to sign “Permit to
Enter” for the reason that the amount offered per current market value
of his parcel of land is below of what he is expected. The landowner
is asking for P2,000 per sq.m. of his land that is affected by the
Road-Right-Of-Way (RROW), however, the current market value of an
agricultural land is P21.45 only.
The office is on the process
of negotiations with the concerned land owner with regards to the
value of the affected parcel of land.
The completion of the
diversion road project will serve the traveling public coming from
Tacloban City, Ormoc City, Baybay City and from other neighboring
municipalities going to the northern and eastern part of Biliran
Province and vice versa in a much safer and faster transport of goods
and services and at a reduced travel time. The population to be served
by the road ranges from 120,000 to 135,000, 7 Municipalities and 50
Another FY 2016 project
eyeing for completion is the on-going P8.7M replacement of permanent
weak bridge-Banlas bridge along Maripipi Circumferential Road.
Adongay revealed that the
delay was attributed due to unavailability of sand and gravel
aggregates in Maripipi Island. Adongay explained that hauling it by
barge with the quantity required is impractical and will only entail
higher cost. Hence, the contractor suggested to have the delivery
together with the delivery of the sand and gravel for the concreting
of Maripipi Circumferential Road.
Adongay said that the
contractors of each projects were advised to render over time work
24/7 to complete the projects on the target date.