Philippine groups
concerned over 'lagging' RE policy amid climate talks
ASEAN nations
underperforming in clean energy shift
Center for Energy,
Ecology and Development
December 2, 2018
society organizations show concern over the underperforming status
of the Philippines and other Southeast Asian nations in keeping up
with the global shift to renewable energy.
With the opening of
Conference of Parties (COP24) to the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) on Katowice, the Center for
Energy, Ecology, and Development (CEED) expressed disappointment
over the lack of significant policy support from the part of the
government to do its fair share in shifting from carbon-intensive
coal energy to more renewable energy sources such as wind and solar.
"While there has been a
global shift towards renewables this year, the Philippines and other
ASEAN countries do not seem to be onboard, considering their energy
policies and projections," said Gerry Arances, CEED Executive
Director. "If we are to abide by the targets of the Paris Climate
Agreement, global emissions must reach their highest peak in 2020,
but the recent UN Environment report indicates that this may not be
possible by 2030," he noted.
Arances cited the
International Energy Agency (IEA) report that in 2017, 70% of global
energy demand was met by oil and gas which corresponds to the 1.2%
increase in emissions in the same year. "It is alarming that two
years after the Paris Accord is when we reached a record high in
global emissions. This means that developing countries like the
Philippines and the rest of Southeast Asia can no longer use
development to opt out of doing their fair share in cutting
emissions," he emphasized.
"With 53% of its energy
needs sourced from coal, it is unfortunate that the Philippines –
the third most vulnerable country when it comes to climate disasters
– is not doing enough to cut carbon emissions," Arances continued.
"This is ten years after we passed the Renewable Energy Act of 2008,
which aimed to increase the share of renewables in our country and
decrease our dependence on imported coal," he added. "An evidence of
this lagging commitment is the implementing rules of the Renewable
Portfolio Standards which have only been released this year: a
decade after we enacted the RE Law," Arances noted.
Meanwhile, the Mindanao
Working Group for Clean, Affordable Renewable Energy (CARE), raised
concerns over the pending power supply agreements (PSAs) between
distribution utilities and generation companies which lock in the
power grids in the Philippines to relying on coal for at least two
decades more.
"Not only will this go
against the drive to increase renewable energy in our power mix, it
will also ensure that we keep paying to operate coal-fired power
plants way after they have become cheaper than renewable energy
sources," said Mr. Clint Pacana, co-convenor for the Mindanao
Working Group. "Such agreements only to serve to secure the return
of investments for coal companies, at the expense of fair
competition among market players and consumers," Pacana added.
Pacana cited the
experience of Mindanao, where "prices shot up after an influx of
coal projects." "Under the guise of responding to growing power
demand, several coal projects were constructed without proper
planning and consideration, which resulted in a number of these
projects to become stranded," he added. "From 2014 to 2016 alone,
stranded costs were conservatively equivalent to P3 billion (US$60
million), all to be shouldered by Mindanao consumers," concluded