Kaunlaran Caravan
goes to Calbayog, Samar

Press Release
December 10, 2018
an effort to provide wide range of community development services to
communities where access to health care, financial literacy, and
social protection is limited, CARD Mutually Reinforcing Institutions
(CARD MRI) brought the Kaunlaran Caravan in Brgy. Capoocan, Calbayog
City, Samar on November 23, 2018.
The caravan offered free
medical and dental services, Social Security System (SSS) and
microinsurance orientation, and livelihood training.
The caravan is the fourth
leg since its kick off in 2017. The said Kaunlaran Caravans of CARD
MRI already benefitted more than 1500 residents nationwide.
Meanwhile, more than 50
microfinance clients of Center for Agriculture and Rural Development
(CARD), Inc. in Calbayog, Samar were trained to make tinapa (smoked
fish) during the livelihood program conducted by CARD-MRI
Development Institute on November 23, 2018.
Fishing is one of the main
sources of living in the province, which complements the training
conducted. Majority of the communities in the area are already
making tinapa but CMDI was able to introduce new ways and techniques
especially in packaging and marketing.
CMDI also informed the
attendees that Mga Likha ni Inay (MLNI) and CARD-Business
Development Service Foundation Inc. (CARD-BDSFI) are just few of the
institutions of CARD Mutually Reinforcing Institutions (CARD MRI)
that could help them in further improving their businesses.
CARD MRI is a group of 21
development-oriented organizations including CARD, Inc., CMDI, MLNI,
and CARD-BDSFI, that provides financial and community development
programs such as capacity building to socio-and-economically
challenged women and families in the marginalized sector. To date,
CARD MRI serves more than six million clients nationwide.