New road leading
to Calbayog diversion road completed
July 4, 2019
DPWH Samar First District Engineering Office has completed the
construction of a new road leading to the Calbayog diversion road.
The road connects Narcisa Hills Subdivision to barangay Rizal I and
taps into the diversion road.
The said road is
appropriated P50 million under the district’s Local Infrastructure
Program. It is a 1.36-kilometer-long concrete pavement with drainage
structure totalling 2,487.4 linear meters. The road width varies
from 4.5 meters to 6.1 meters, with some road sections having
shoulder lanes.
Prior to the
implementation of this road construction project, motorists and
commuters coming from barangay Rizal I used a narrower, dilapidated
road at Pido St. Extension which connects to the city proper via
Magsaysay Boulevard.
This new development
creates another access point to and from the city proper, allowing
greater mobility for the travelling public. It also provides
residents of barangay Rizal I with a new and better means of
transport, particularly its local farmers. The barangay is home to
at least 715 people (2015 Census).