The latest news in Eastern Visayas region


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Declaration of Ceasefire
Central Committee
Communist Party of the Philippines

December 7, 2010

We hereby declare to all commands and units of the New People's Army (NPA) and the people's militia a ceasefire order to be effective upon the reciprocal and concurrent ceasefire order from the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) to its military, police and paramilitary forces, within the period of 0001H of 16 December 2010 to 23:59H of 03 January 2011.

In conformity with the mutual ceasefire between the GRP and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP), all the commands and units of the NPA shall cease and desist from carrying out offensive operations against the armed units and personnel of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), Philippine National Police and paramilitary forces of the GRP.

While the mutual ceasefire is in effect, all commands and units of the NPA and the people's militia shall be in a defensive mode at both the strategic and tactical levels but shall remain vigilant against any encroachment on the territory of the people's democratic government, surveillance or offensive operations by the armed commands and units of the GRP. Active self-defense shall be undertaken only in the face of clear and imminent danger.

All hostile actions or movements of the enemy armed forces shall be monitored and reported upwards in accordance with the command structure of the New People's Army and the leadership structure of the Communist Party of the Philippines and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines in order to provide continuous, timely and accurate information to the NDFP Negotiating Panel regarding compliance with or violations of the mutual ceasefire.

Officers and members of the AFP and PNP who have no serious liability other than their membership in their armed units shall not be subjected to arrest and punitive actions. They may be allowed individually to enter the territory of the people's democratic government to make personal visits to relatives and friends.

This entire ceasefire order is issued on humanitarian grounds and as an act of good will in order to allow the commands, units and personnel of the contending armies of the GRP and the NDFP to observe the traditional holidays and enjoy the spirit of the yuletide season and the New Year.

We hope that our act of good will and the mutual ceasefire between the GRP and the NDFP will improve the atmosphere for peace negotiations and inspire the release of political prisoners, the full implementation of the Joint Agreement on Safety and Immunity Guarantees, the end of human rights violations in consonance with the Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law, the holding of preliminary talks between representatives of the GRP and NDFP Negotiating Panels in Oslo in January 2011 and the resumption of formal talks between the aforesaid Panels in Oslo in February 2011.

Central Committee
Military Commission
Communist Party of the Philippines

National Executive Committee
National Democratic Front of the Philippines