Sex Ed a wedge issue
27, 2010
PARENTS should be wary
of this DepEd plan to teach sex education to school children. I feel
they have to register their concern more vocally, because this move is
fraught with danger.
It’s funny that in
spite of the enormous logistics problems besetting the department, it
prefers to give more attention to this sex ed experiment. Priorities
are twisted.
Classrooms are
lacking, teachers are underpaid, the whole educational system is
peppered with holes, and yet, here we are, talking about sex ed whose
taunted benefits are seriously put in question.
I know many private
individuals and groups who on their own initiatives have helped
schools by supplying desks, repainting the buildings if not putting up
new buildings, giving scholarships to students and incentives to
teachers, etc., precisely because the DepEd cannot cope with the
There is no doubt that
this sex ed affair is ideologically driven. Hardly any consultation
with parents was made. It’s just shamelessly pushed by groups that
happen to have money and positions of influence. As such it has become
a wedge issue, very intrusive and divisive.
In spite of the many
good things said of it, we cannot deny the fact that this move is part
of a global effort to redefine and reengineer morality, culture and
society itself. The local supporters cannot claim total independence
from this worldwide network, since the whole idea originated from
Obviously, the DepEd
officials are saying that the sex ed they are offering would have
nothing to do with eliciting prurience. It would not be talking about
the sexual act, but about responsibility and health. Tell that to the
Marines! We’ve had enough of this meme, but such reasoning is
Sex is a most delicate
topic, and it cannot be dealt with only with scientific or social and
health purposes in mind. This is the main infirmity of the sex ed
programs so far formulated by different groups. They get stuck in that
Sex always has to be
situated in the general milieu of chastity and of true love that can
only come from God and follow a certain God-given natural law.
Chastity is the effort to integrate the constitutive bodily and
spiritual elements of sex. It’s not just a kind of open field where
anyone can contribute anything he likes.
My experience in
inculcating the virtue of chastity to the young has always required of
me nothing less than heroic prayers and sacrifice and endless
monitoring of developments.
A youth’s mind and
heart are delicate, unstable, easily affected by all sorts of things.
As much as possible someone has to be there whenever they need help,
clarification, reassurance, etc.
In this task, it would
be better to be pro-active, able to read minds and predicaments, and
not to wait for them to come and tell. They have to be given the whole
picture of sexuality and chastity, not the slanted and distorted ones
often presented by some ideologies that have different agendas.
In the UN formula
which is what our local sex ed program follows, this ideological
approach is quite clear. There are references, for example, of
different forms of families, what we may call alternative forms that
are not keeping with our nature.
This approach has
gathered greater notoriety since no less than the current US president
is strongly supporting it, reflecting a very liberal frame of mind.
During the Father’s Day celebration, while he rightly praised the role
of fathers in the family, he also said that families can have two
fathers, instead of a father and a mother.
This is the kind of
development we in our country should try to avoid, by nipping in the
bud whatever initiatives can lead to it. I have no doubt that the
present sex ed program touted by the DepEd has this pedigree and
possibility. We should be very discerning and prudent.
The problems that the
sex ed is supposed to solve are usual problems in any given society.
Yes, we need to do something about them, even something drastic. We
have to empower the families to fulfill their responsibility to teach
chastity and the nature, meaning and purpose of human sexuality.
We also have to clean
up our society – the media, the entertainment world, etc. We have to
put in place a more responsive social network aimed at helping
everyone in this area.
But definitely, the
sex ed proposal is out of the question. It is a wedge that can allow
many more harmful elements to enter our society.