DOT initiates
consultation on Tourism Development Area I, Leyte-Samar Interface

March 16, 2011
The Department of Tourism through its Regional Director, Ms. Karina
Rosa Tiopes, Mr. Antonio Cinco and staff initiated a one day
consultation with the tourism focal persons of Catbalogan City and the
Municipalities of Talalora and Daram.
The forum held at
Flaming Hat on March 12, 2011 was intended to look into the identified
tourism loops and make an analysis as to its strengths and weaknesses,
preparatory to the drafting of a concrete and doable tourism action
plan for the next three years in the respective areas.
The LGUs concerned
were advised to seriously focus and commit themselves in developing
one tourism product that will be considered a legacy for all the
Tourism Development
Area (TDA) I includes all municipalities of the 1st District of Leyte
and the 2nd District of Samar. The clustering or identification of
Strategic Destination Areas was based on the creation of the Central
Philippines Tourism Super Regions in 2008 by former PGMA.
Dir. Tiopes envisions
that the identified Strategic Destination Areas (SDAs) will have
direct international access with seamless interconnectivity and world
class tourist facilities and products that would meet the demands of
tomorrow’s tourists. It will consider sustainable development of
tourism products, environmental protection, adequate infrastructure,
national management of destinations, capacity building, investment
promotions, effective marketing and improved business environment as
vital components or strategies towards the attainment of the said
With the Tourism and
Investment Code already in effect in Catbalogan, an active Tourism
Council and a Technical working Group contributing in giving tourism
industry a push, a Tourism Value Chain Analysis was conducted by Mr.
Antonio Cinco. The value chain is an analysis tool for strategic
planning. It identified a sequence of business activity of every
sector in making a product.
“Thus, all other
sectors need to be mobilized effectively because if an operator
performs or does not perform in accordance with what has been planned,
the entire market is affected. A chain is as strong as the weakest
link”, explains Mr. Cinco as he stressed the importance of
coordination of all sectors in the community.
The three LGUs were
made to demonstrate the respective loops in terms of tourism sites
identified, modes of transportation, travel time and activities that
can be offered to tourists.
Raul Reyes, the
designated Tourism Officer of
shared new concepts in marketing Catbalogan as a tourist destination.
He mentioned about the city seascapes with overlapping islands that
are comparable to that of the Carribean. Furthermore, the city
identified 7 populated islands under Catbalogan jurisdiction, 27
unnamed islands and 7 with coral reefs that need developing. Tourism
interests in Catbalogan include religious, historical, cultural and
adventure sites.
On the other hand,
Talalora has adventure and village tours as tourism activities while
Daram will capitalize on the sun, sea and sand features as a potential
island destination.
The consultation
pointed out various challenges such as the inavailability of a
concrete monitoring or database as to the arrivals of tourists in the
area which is made as the basis for funding assistance from the DOT.
There was an observation raised as to the lack of enthusiasm of hotel
and restaurant owners in attending seminars to upgrade their skills
and get involved in tourism planning. The immediate organizing of the
Hotel and Restaurant Association of the Philippines (HRAP), Catbalogan
Branch was suggested to foster collaboration and cooperation among
accommodation providers. An immediate establishment of a Tourism
Assistance Center where visitors can converge should also be
prioritized. It was suggested that the center be situated near the bus
terminal or the port area where it is visible, accessible and
Before the day ended,
Dir. Tiopes required the LGUs to submit three priority sites for
development, identify operators and enablers (value chain mapping) and
discover the opportunities and constraints, timelines and responsible
agencies as outputs of the consultation.
“We should not forget
to involve the community. In the end, it will be the people who can
make tourism happen. Let’s identify our respective roles in the
tourism industry. I’m calling on the legislators present to come up
with ordinances that would promote tourism in your area. Let’s work
together in achieving peace and project the image that Samar is not a
risky place and a visit to Samar is worth it” were Tiopes’s final
message of encouragement to the participants.
The active
participation of the three LGUs headed by Hon. Stephany U. Tan of
Catbalogan, Mayor Lou Astorga of Daram and the representative from
Talalora was very well appreciated.