MCA-P and VF sign
agreement to combat Trafficking in Persons

2, 2012
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to combat Trafficking in Persons (TIP)
was signed and launched on January 31, 2012 at Leyte Park Hotel,
Tacloban City.
The MOA is between the
Millennium Challenge Account - Philippines (MCA-P) and Visayan Forum
Foundation, Inc. (VF). Ma. Victoria E. Añonuevo, Managing Director and
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of MCA-P and Ma Cecilia Flores-Oebanda,
President of VF were the representatives of each parties.
Añonuevo averred that
the rationale of the MOA is the answer to government’s call to fight
human trafficking per Republic Act No. 9208, known as the
Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003. The commitment of the MCA-P
to this partnership is to ensure that no officer, employee,
contractor, or worker will be involved in or tolerate human
trafficking in and around MCA-P project sites of the Samar Road
Meanwhile, Flores-Oebanda
emphasized that this partnership will have a lasting impact not only
on the communities covered by MCA-P Samar Road Project but also will
serves as a model for private sector innovation in the fight against
human trafficking.
Under the agreement,
the VF will facilitate learning, information-sharing and skills among
MCA-P staff and stakeholders; educate and ensure commitment of
bidders, suppliers, contractors, sub-contractors, and consultants in
the prevention of Trafficking in Person’s (TIP) cases in all MCA-P
project; and help bring about reforms in programs and services to
prevent TIP.
Among the initial plan
of the group is the conduct of joint planning, training of local
stakeholders in Eastern Samar and Samar and mobilize communities, one
way or the other, with the campaign against TIP.
At present, through
collaboration with the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH),
MCA-P is implementing the Secondary National Roads Development Project
(SNRDP) that will rehabilitate a 222-kilometer road network in Samar
and Eastern Samar. The first phase of the project is expected to
start at the end of the third quarter of 2012.