PAG-IBIG calls
delinquent borrowers to avail penalty condonation

8 manager Paulino Talacay (3rd from left) enlightens media
regarding the housing loan condonation, housing loan
restructuring and other programs offered by the agency. Others
in photo are (l-r) PIA-Biliran InfoCen manager Flor Jackson,
moderator, HDMF assistant department manager Alectys Bajarias
and HDMF marketing chief Leo Larraga.
28, 2012
TACLOBAN CITY – The PAG-IBIG, Inc Regional Office 8 is offering penalty condonation and
loan restructuring programs for their delinquent borrowers as mandated
in their Agency Circular No. 299. This was formally announced in the
regular “Harampang-Kapihan” on February 23 in the regional office of
Philippine Information Agency (PIA-8) Tacloban City, Leyte.
As lamented by Engr.
Paul Talacay, Regional Manager of PAG-IBIG 8, said programs seeks to
protect the interest of the members through practicable means to
settle their membership contribution arrears.
In response, the
agency is providing assistance to the members who are in arrears of at
least three (3) months. Talacay also emphasized, the objectives, among
others, are to provide assistance to the delinquent borrowers for the
preservation of their properties from foreclosure.
Penalty condonation
will run until June 30, beyond that members may still avail the loan
restructuring program. For those who may be interested to avail the
programs, they may inquire at the PAG-IBIG Regional Office 8 for the
corresponding documentary and procedural requirements.
Meanwhile, Talacay
also informed the Group Housing Loan Program (GHLP) is now at place
for the constituents and employees of local government units (LGUs) to
have access to affordable housing plan. This aims to sustain the
capabilities of LGUs to fast track the development and implementation
of housing projects in their respective localities. Qualified
applicant comprises of at least 30 members may avail the GHLP of