“Nicua’s consistent
inconsistencies perpetuate”
Stop the magnetite mining operation in Mac Arthur Leyte - EVEF

By Eastern Visayas
Ecumenical Forum (EVEF)
June 16, 2012
TACLOBAN CITY – “Save Lake Bito, Now Na” was intentionally posted by
the Nicua Mining Corporation (NMC) in their streamers just across the
barricade of the concerned constituents of Mac Arthur, Leyte who are
affected by the magnetite mining operation in their locality.
“It was, indeed, an inconsistent and irresponsible act of NMC and the
local officials of Mac Arthur, Leyte who joyously and festively
culminate their Tree Planting activity last June 11, 2012 by posting
all those streamers with ironical statements. While they superficially
express their concern to save Lake Bito through their streamers, we
have seen how they undermine the people’s legitimate demand to stop
the mining operation as it grievously affect the source of livelihood
of the people”, Rev. Irma Mepico-Balaba, of the Advocacy and Education
Committee of EVEF said as she had personally witnessed it last Monday.
She added, “we are calling the Local Government Unit of the
Municipality of Mac Arthur, Leyte as represented by the Municipal
Mayor to take a responsible action in addressing these problems faced
by his constituents by revoking the NMC’s permit to operate within the
whole municipality and to assist the people who are economically
displaced and dislocated due to the mining operation.”
EVEF condemn those officials and leaders of those concerned government
agencies and others like them, who connive with big mining businesses,
foreign and local, to cheat the people of what is justly for them.
To recall, it is not only the fisherfolks who depended their
livelihood on fishing at Lake Bito who are affected by the magnetite
mining operation but also the farmers who were displaced as the NMC
started to convert the agricultural land into a desert since it
started its operation.
With this, according to Balaba, “EVEF resolutely take our position for
the NICUA Mining Corporation to cease its operation. Correspondingly,
we are challenging the DENR and MGB to be intentional and transparent
in looking into the violations of NMC on the environmental compliance
and to effect cancellation of their Environmental Compliance
Certificate for them to stop the operation.”
concluded, “EVEF will always stand in support to the victims of the
foreign mining corporations who are greedily draining the natural
resources at the expense of the people’s livelihood and environmental
destruction. It is imperative of our Christian faith to be faithful in
our calling as stewards of God’s creation and to protect it from
whatever forces that will cause its destruction. STOP THE MAGNETITE