13 former
rebels receive livelihood assistance

September 10, 2013
ALBUERA, Leyte – In line
with the Peace Month celebration, 13 former NPA rebels in Leyte
received livelihood assistance from the Office of Presidential Adviser
on the Peace Process (OPAPP) last Thursday, September 5 at Brgy. San
Pedro, municipality of Albuera, Leyte.
Each former rebel received
not less than P50,000 to start their own livelihood to support their
Gwendalynn Malate, focal
person, Leyte Comprehensive Local Integration program (Leyte-CLIP)
said that this awarding of livelihood and basic assistance to former
rebels was already the 5th since it started during the time of former
president Corazon Aquino. The former rebel-recipients came back to the
folds of the law before January of 2013 and passed into meticulous
verification of their papers, Malate explained. But some of these FRs
already received their immediate assistance before, she added.
Rev. Fr. Edwin C. Perito,
Civil Society Organization, member of Joint Validation and
Authentication Committee (JVAC) reminded the recipients that their
change should not only for external but from the heart and since they
already accepted the government they should also be close to the
church. Fr. Perito also gave an option for their livelihood that
coconut water can be sold to the archdiocese.
Col. Rafael C. Valencia,
Commander, 802nd Brigade, 8th Infantry Division of Philippine Army
said that the activity is a continuous program of OPAPP and the
provincial government of Leyte. He appealed to the FRs to encourage
their friends and relatives who are active rebels to lay down their
arms and continue their aspiration without using arms. Col. Valencia
believed that any problem of the country can be resolved in a peaceful
manner. The big-hearted brigade chief implored that the activity was a
proof to the public that the government is indeed serious in their
programs in bringing peace to the community.
Col. Valencia advised the
FRs to take care and to flourish the assistance that they got to have
a good life for their children.
A female former rebel (name
withheld) who represented the FRs affirmed to support the programs of
the PA. She said if given a chance to lead and convince their former
comrades, she will explain and show them the sincerity of the
government. “Magsibaba na kayo dahil hindi maiwasan na marami ang
lamok at minsan makakain minsan hindi,” she said.
It was learned that the
female former leader held various position in the CPP/NPA in Leyte.
She was in the group for 10 years, got married and raised kids in the
mountain. She then realized that her primary responsibility as a
mother was neglected so she decided to surrender. She is now serving
as a barangay secretary in their community.
The former red fighter
expressed her gratitude to the Philippine Army who gave another chance
to start a new life.
Leyte Vice-Governor Carlo
Loreto said that peace is very rare because of indifferences. The vice
governor wished that conflicts would be enough in words not to sort in
arm struggle. In a separate interview, Vice Gov. Loreto said that
peace can be achieved if everybody participates, cooperates and unite.
Lyra Dela Cerna sent the
message of gratitude of Mayor Ramon Dela Cerna to OPAPP and the
Philippine Army in making such activity to ensure peace in their
The program concluded with a
peace covenant signing with the OPAPP, Provincial Government of Leyte,
Municipal Government of Albuera, military, former rebels, Brgy. San
Pedro officials and the technical working group from different
communities under the area of responsibilities of the 19th IB headed
by LTC. Nedy C. Espulgar and 78th IB headed by Col. Adonis R. Bajao.