8ID join blood
letting in Catbalogan
December 2, 2015
CAMP LUKBAN, Catbalogan
City – The 8th Infantry (Stormtroopers) Division, represented by
the Restructured Reenlistment Training (RRT) students of the Division
Training School (DTS), participated and provided support and
assistance to the Blood Letting Activity organized by the Catbalogan
City Health Office held at Pier 2, Catbalogan City on December 1,
The said activity is in
support to the World AIDS Day celebration of Catbalogan City dubbed as
"Zero HIV Transmission Through Safe Blood Donation: Be a Blood Donor"
was also participated by local government agencies of Catbalogan City,
Philippine National Police (PNP) Catbalogan City, ROTC Students of
Samar College and barangay residents of Catbalogan City. It was
facilitated by the City Health Office as organizers headed by Dr.
Gerarda C. Tizon, the City Health Officer.
Major General Jet B.
Velarmino, Commander 8ID, encouraged everyone to participate in
activities like this in order to strengthen the spirit of “Bayanihan”
which is the trademark of every Filipino.