most displaced people in Zamboanga City have since moved on with
their lives, recovery is progressing slowly for about 17,000 of
them living in 12 transition sites. Here, two men prepare to dry
seaweed - a source of income - in Taluksangay transition site.
(By NC-ND / ICRC /R. Ang) |
Moving on in
November 30, 2015
MANILA – Zamboanga City, in Western Mindanao, is buzzing with life
again, two years after armed fighting disrupted many lives.
Around 120,000 people were displaced by clashes in Zamboanga in
September 2013. Thousands of structures, including many houses, were
damaged or destroyed, making life extremely difficult for the affected
Though most displaced people have since moved on with their lives,
recovery is progressing slowly for about 17,000 of them living in 12
transition sites. Although these sites offer slightly better
conditions than evacuation centers, access to clean water, sanitation,
and livelihood opportunities remains a concern.
"Civilians unfortunately bear the heaviest consequences of conflict,
and the situation in Zamboanga was no exception," said Marcel
Goyeneche, head of the ICRC office in Zamboanga. "Thousands of
displaced families had lost their homes and jobs. The slow pace of the
response and the recovery had us extend our operations several times
to a total of 26 months."
After providing assistance in the immediate aftermath of the siege,
the ICRC together with the Philippine Red Cross (PRC) extended their
support to speed up the recovery of the affected population. Below is
a glimpse of how these programs helped the displaced from January to
October 2015.
Ensuring clean water and proper sanitation
Due to water-supply issues generally affecting Zamboanga City, the
ICRC and the PRC trucked 36,000 liters of water daily to four
transition sites from February until August 2015. The ICRC still
supports the city government and the Zamboanga Water District in
providing water storage to displaced people in Masepla 1, 2, and 3 and
in Rio Hondo through the installation of six 10,000-liter stainless
steel tanks. Upon the request of city authorities, the ICRC also
installed a 10,000-liter bladder in Lupa-lupa.
In Taluksangay, the ICRC helped provide a longer-term solution by
building a permanent water supply system at the transition site to
serve both the displaced and resident populations. Water started
flowing in September, and eventually the project was handed over to
the community's water association, which was formed to operate and
maintain the project. More than 4,000 people, around 900 of whom are
displaced, from Purok 4 of Taluksangay now have regular access to
clean water.
"We used to struggle every day to find safe drinking water. But now
we've seen how the water supply here in Taluksangay normalized," said
Jurraiya Abdurajik, 37, who was displaced from Rio Hondo. "Our family
now feels protected from waterborne illnesses."
Four hand pumps will also be installed in the Masepla 3 transition
site, where around 7,700 displaced people will benefit upon the
project's completion in December. In addition, rainwater drainage will
improve the road access to Masepla 1.
To improve sanitation, the 102 latrines built in the Joaquin Enriquez
stadium and in the Rio Hondo site were regularly emptied until August.
Complementary to these projects, informative sessions on the
importance of hygiene were held, benefiting 13,300 displaced persons;
and around 1,500 hygiene kits were given to children in transitory
daycare centers.
Rebuilding livelihoods' and communities
With livelihoods disrupted by the conflict, helping displaced people
stand on their own feet was part of the ICRC's efforts. From January
to October 2015, cash-for-work activities not only generated income
for at least 820 of them but also benefited 14 community projects
including desilting of canals and improving drainage systems,
beautification and gardening, repairing chapels, mangrove planting,
and coastal clean-up.
Conditional cash grants, meanwhile, have also helped displaced
families to achieve a more sustainable form of livelihood. Some 840
families in seven transition sites received P10,000 grants each that
were used to restock sari-sari stores, build boats, buy fishing gear
and inputs for planting seaweed, procure sewing machines and
tricycles, among others.
"I used the cash incentives to start my hairdressing business. Now
life has become easier because my income can sustain my daily needs,"
said Borhan Vivio, 35, of the Kasanyangan transition site.
In Layag Layag, a 50-member cooperative benefited from a cash grant
and training to help them plant and commercialize seaweed. This
included the construction of a boat and a storage facility to support
the members of the cooperative. Two concrete solar stilt driers were
also built through cash-for-work thus providing a facility for the
community's use, and providing income for 120 seaweed farmers.
Improving health care and nutrition
Access to health care could also be difficult for those living in
transition sites. At the Masepla transition site, where a new health
station was built and handed over to the City Health Office (CHO) in
April 2015, displaced people no longer have to travel 2 kilometers to
the health centre in Barangay Mampang to avail of primary health care
In addition, to ensure their preparedness for emergencies and other
health issues, 40 displaced people from different sites underwent
Community-based First Aid Training, also in April, so they could serve
as their communities' focal points.
The ICRC also continues to support local authorities and
infrastructure in their nutrition and health programs for the
An example is the feeding program that started in 2014 but has been
turned over to the City Health Office as of June 2015 due to the
improvement in malnutrition rates. The ICRC provides supplies to the
CHO for both severely and moderately malnourished children in
transition sites and in barangays with a high number of malnourished
An estimated 661 children with moderate to severe malnourishment
benefited from this program from January to September 2015.
The Zamboanga City Medical Center has also received support from the
ICRC since 2014 in the form of essential medicines for the treatment
of displaced and other vulnerable people. This quarterly support will
continue in 2016.
Challenges remain
After more than two years, the ICRC will be phasing out its assistance
program to the displaced population in Zamboanga by January 2016, as
local authorities address the remaining needs.
"Although we are concluding our support to people displaced in 2013,
we will pursue a dialogue with authorities to find safe and dignified
solutions for the displaced," said Goyeneche. "Their move to permanent
shelters must also be addressed quite soon."
The ICRC remains close to the population through its office in
Zamboanga, and stands ready to assist in humanitarian emergencies
together with the PRC.
The ICRC, which has been visiting people detained in relation to the
internal armed conflicts, will carry on its work to ensure the
inmates' dignified treatment and that they maintain links with their
families. It will also continue promoting awareness of and respect for
international humanitarian law among weapon bearers.