NMP continues to
offer basic safety training for boat captain and marine diesel
mechanic and basic safety training for motorboat operators, handlers
and fishermen with typhoon preparedness

By National Maritime
June 30, 2015
National Maritime Polytechnic (NMP), a government maritime training
and research agency located at Brgy. Cabalawan, this City, continues
to offer the three-day Basic Safety Training (BST) intended to
motorboat operators, handlers and fishermen and the one-day Basic
Safety Training (BST) for boat captains and marine diesel mechanics.
These courses are regularly
offered at the NMP Training Complex every semester. BST for boat
captains and marine diesel mechanics costs P300.00 only while BST for
motorboat operators, handlers and fishermen could be covered by a
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between NMP and the concerned local
government unit (LGU) and/or non-government organization (NGO).
Existing MOA with the LGU
and/or NGO stipulates that it is their duty and responsibility to
identify and invite participants to the training in coordination with
NMP. They should also provide the financial and administrative support
such as provision of snacks and meals of participants and shoulders
50% of the cost of dormitory fees if billeted in NMP. Further, they
also submit the necessary qualifying documents of the participants
such as medical certificates.
NMP, as the training
provider, designs the training course tailored to the training needs
of the participants in consultation with relevant external entities.
It also provides the venue for training and support staff to assist in
the duration of the activity; and funding for supplies, training
materials for hand-outs of participants.
This course may include
topics on Personal Survival Techniques (PST), Rules of the Road, Fire
Prevention and Fire Fighting (FPFF), Elementary First Aid (EFA),
Marine Pollution Prevention and Environmental Protection, STD/HIV/AIDS
Prevention in the Maritime Sector (SHAPIMS), Prevention of Alcohol and
Drug Abuse in the Maritime Sector (PADAMS), Marine Safety Regulations
and Typhoon Preparedness. However, as previously mentioned, the
modules/topics in this training vary depending on the knowledge, skill
and attitude (KSA) needed by the participants.
In December 2014, NMP
conducted this training to 19 fishermen beneficiaries of Burublig Para
Ha Tanauan (BPHT), a non-profit non-governmental organization with
charitable, service, participatory and empowering orientation, funded
by private individuals, in aid to the communities of Tanauan, Leyte
after the onslaught of the super-typhoon Yolanda.
In the interim, NMP is
establishing linkage with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations (FAO) for a possible Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) in
the conduct of this training to at most 1,000 fishermen in Eastern
Visayas who were victims of the devastation of super-typhoon Yolanda
in 2013.
Meanwhile, NMP is now
offering three MARINA-accredited STCW courses, namely, Operational Use
of Electronic Chart Display and Information System (OUECDIS), Ship
Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security
Duties (SSAT and SDSD), and Consolidated Marine Pollution (MARPOL)
73/78 Annexes I-VI.
It also continues to offer
its Faculty Development Courses (IMO Model Course 6.09 Training Course
for Instructors; IMO Model Course 6.10 Training Course for Simulator
Instructors and Assessors; and IMO Model Course 3.12 Assessment,
Examination and Certification of Seafarers), and other upgrading
courses for marine officers and ratings such as Marine Electrical
System (MES), Marine Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MRAC),
Maritime Law for Ship’s Officers (MAR LAW), STD/HIV/AIDS Prevention in
the Maritime Sector (SHAPIMS), and Gender Sensitivity Training for
Seafarers (GSTS). The training schedule for these courses is now
available at NMP.
For more inquiries and
reservation, you may reach the Registrar at the following contact
numbers: 09771269675/09298417490. You may also e-mail us at info@nmp.gov.ph
or nmp.info@yahoo.com. Or, visit our Training Complex in Brgy.
Cabalawan, Tacloban City.