Nhero Veraflor gives critique on the pictures according to their
photo composition. The pictures are taken by the Public
Information Officers from different District Engineering Offices
of Region VIII during their hands on activity on the topic
“Beyond Basic Photography” on June 9, 2016 on the different
sites of infrastructure projects of the DPWH -Samar 1st DEO at
Calbayog City. |
DPWH Region 8 PIOs
conduct workshop under communication development program
June 16, 2016
BILIRAN – “It is
heart-warming to know that the PIO’s of Region VIII do not stop to
equip themselves with the necessary skills to perform their tasks
under the Development Communication Program.”
This was emphasized by
Department Public Works and Highways (DPWH) – Samar 1st District
Engineering Office Assistant District Engineer, Loreto M. Cedro as he
delivers his welcome remarks to the Public Information Officers (PIO)
of DPWH-Region VIII during its seminar workshop under Communication
Development Program on June 9-10, 2016 held at Marju Krissel Hotel &
Restaurant, Brgy. San Policarpo, Calbayog City.
The seminar was hosted by
DPWH- Samar 1st District Engineering Office thru its PIO Designate,
Ma. Nenita Gomez and thru the initiative of Regional P.I.O, Ms.
Antonietta R. Lim.
Several PIOs from different
District Engineering Offices (DEOs) in the region participated the
event with the aim to acquire and develop skills under the
Communication Development Program.
Topics focused during the
seminar were the Newsletter Production and Beyond Basic Photography by
Mr. Nhero Veraflor as a Resource Speaker.
On the first day of the
seminar, lecture-discussion on Basic Photography was taught to the
participants concentrating on the different photo composition. It was
a very productive day for the PIOs wherein after the
lecture-discussion, they were able to visit different sites of
infrastructure projects of the DPWH -Samar 1st DEO as their subject
for the photoshoot.
From the on-going
construction of 2-storey school building for Senior High School to the
completed Diversion Road Project and Flood Control Projects, PIOs were
able to explore different ways to take pictures on infrastructure
projects of DWPH.
“I’m glad that there is this
kind of seminar conducted to DPWH-PIOs because this is really helpful
in making our reports.” said one of the participants.
The critiquing of pictures
was conducted on the second and last day of the seminar-workshop. This
activity gave much more learning to the participants as they were able
to pin point their needs of improvement in taking pictures. The rest
of the seminar was allotted on a lecture discussion about newsletter
production again by Mr. Veraflor as the resource speaker.
Lots of questions from
different DEOs were raised to Mr. Veraflor as many of these District
Engineering Offices receives negative assessments from the Regional
Office on their newsletters. Some of these were on the lay-outs, the
captions, pictures, etc. but it was all clarified by the resource
Having not enough time, DPWH
PIO’s agreed to continue the topic with hands-on activity in making
newsletter on their next Seminar Workshop which will be tentatively
held in the month of September, 2016.
The continuous conduct of
seminar workshop with DPWH-PIOs will improve the capacity of the
designated District PIOs on their duties and responsibilities and
enhance their commitment to the department’s goal to continuously
inform the public of its programs, policies and projects within their
respective area of jurisdictions.