Gandara Diversion Road,
now a national road

May 5, 2016
CALBAYOG CITY – Gandara Diversion Road, located in Gandara, Samar, is
a newly declared National Road from an unclassified road, under the
jurisdiction of the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) -Samar
First District Engineering Office (SFDEO) pursuant to Department Order
No. 74, dated 06 April 2016, issued by Honorable Secretary Rogelio L.
The diversion road has a total length of 1.40 kilometers including the
700-linear meter Gandara Bridge. Road and bridge construction was
undertaken phase by phase by both the Regional and District Offices
through the yearly Regular Infrastructure Fund which resulted to its
completion in the year 2011, under I&E Construction.
As per request, dated October 5, 2015 addressed to Ma. Catalina
Cabral, PH.D., CESO I, undersecretary for Planning and PPP Service of
the Head Office thru: Regional Director Rolando M. Asis. Subject:
Request for classifying the Gandara Diversion Road into Primary
National Road and Downgrading the part of Daang Maharlika
(K765+000-K766+000 which is within the Poblacion of Municipality of
Gandara, Samar) from Primary Road into a Secondary Road. Some reasons
cited in the said request are dilemma in heavy traffic due to loaded
cargo trucks, various vehicles which transport in Gandara Poblacion
and number of vehicular accidents often occur in this road.
Having been converted into a national road, Gandara Diversion Road
provides alternate route and access road with the provision of
permanent structures for the flow of traffic when approaching the
Municipality of Gandara, will serve as avenues for a hassle-free road
and safety assurance for the drivers, motorists, and pedestrians.